Indulging desire [MF] [Mild Domination]

I wanted to fuck him since i first saw him. Of course him being a co-worker made that both better and worse. Over time we began to flirt a little, testing the waters. It started as it always does with innuendos and sexual suggestions that were half played off.

This led to us talking more, and learning that we were surprisingly sexually compatible, him enjoying domination, and me getting off on being dominated. We started getting more explicit, but both of us backed off knowing we didn’t want to risk our jobs. However we started getting more personal at work, always finding ways to touch anyway we could, while seeming as innocent as we could.

This all changed one day where both of us were pissed off at some stuff going on at work. He had asked me to do something and i had snapped back that i wouldn’t. He immediately stepped towards me and in a low voice told me that i better do as he fucking said, and that he hadn’t asked for my opinion on the matter.

He was being serious, but i fucking melted. I felt my face flush and nipples harden, and an amazing throbbing in between my legs. He noticed me gasp and looked at me questioningly until he clicked that he had fed into a fetish of mine, and just reignited everything i wanted from him. Surprise flashed across his face, then understanding, then amusement.

He smiled and leaned close before whispering in my ear’ do you like demands little miss?’ i dropped my head and bit my lip. He stepped behind me and ever so gently grabbed both of my wrist in one hand and whispered ‘do you like having decisions taken away from you?’ I felt my legs start to give and gently bucked my hips back towards him. He immediately dropped my wrists stepped back and told me not to be so inappropriate at work.

I stumbled away confused and so aroused I didn’t know what to do. I could feel how slick and wet I was in my panties but tried to regain control so as not to give him the satisfaction. I spent the rest of the day thinking about it, wondering if there was any way i had misread the situation, as he didn’t speak to me for the rest of the day.

Later that night i received a message from him asking me to bring him a tv series i had that he had been wanting to watch. Wondering if this could be a continuation of that day i freshened up and headed over, making sure that i was wearing at least semi attractive underwear. I had considered wearing a skirt but thought that might be too suggestive so i settled on shorts.

When i arrived i asked him if he wanted company watching it. He said I could stay if i wished. We sat down to watch with my senses on high alert while he seemed relaxed and calm and made no move. Eventually I told him i was going to make some food, again confused and mildly aroused by him.

I was looking through his cupboard when i heard him come up behind me and i froze. He gently ran his hands down my arms and slowly moved them behind my back as he had done at work. He brushed my hair out the way so he could speak into my ear ‘did you like it when i did that today? I hesitated, not wanting to make him stop as he had earlier. In a firmer voice he tightened his grip and said ‘don’t ignore me, does this arouse you?’

I felt my panties flood and my breathing catch with the uncertainty and his directness. I gently nodded my head and when he pulled tighter again, stretching my shirt across my hardened nipples I gave in and moaned a yes. ‘good girl’. he purred quietly, releasing some of the tension on my wrists.

He began running his hand down my hair, my back and around my sides. My breath came harder and faster as i tried to press myself against him. His hands rose higher and higher and soon he was brushing just the undersides of my boobs, driving me crazy with his teasing.

Smirking at how obviously aroused i was, he gave in a little. stretching my top tight across my chest again, he lazily began to circle around my nipple with his finger lightly. I was beginning to tremble with desire and there is no way he couldn’t hear my small moans, and my laboured breathing.

In one quick motion he pinched my nipple hard and pulled me back against him as i moaned and bucked against him, feeling like i was exploding with pleasure. Just as quickly he released me and put some air between us before doing the same routine with my other nipple. At this stage my own wetness began to escape my panties and run down my leg which he must have noticed. He slowly ran his hand down my body, coming to rest on my ass. I immediately started pushing my ass back against me, to which he responded with a firm slap on my ass. I yelped, shocked but enjoying the sting.

‘Stay still’ he said. he crept his hand up the inside of my thigh and gently started running his hand over my lips through my pants and shorts. I unconsciously started rocking my hips against his hand, riding it. He indulged me and slid a finger around the side of my panties and shorts and started running it up and down my slit, spreading my wetness up and over my clit.

It was at this stage that I really began to moan, started to grind harder and faster. As i started grinding harder, he lightened his touch, and I quickly realised i was going to have to stand still for him. As he continued stroking my wet pussy up and down, i tried to angle myself so that his finger would slide into me and sate my throbbing wet pussy. However this earned me another spank which i loved, no dice though. He was going to do this his way like it or not.

I didn’t expect this to get this long! Please let me know if you are enjoying this and whether I should continue the story, because i’m really enjoying writing it. Time to go relieve myself i think!
