Bounty Hunter’s Day Job

The job market was shit as usual. Worse, my ship was stationed at Lonabar’s garage. The repairs after the crash amounted to ten thousand credits. A year ago after I bagged Ganvor Hulst I could have paid that without missing a beat. Unfortunately, a failed marriage, saving my little brother from the Kavvir gang and then finally a trip to Vessigio, the greatest casino planet in the galaxy had left me without much of the fortune I had made from Hulst’s bounty. So here I was, stuck on Tosil, doing odd jobs to barely scrape by and manage to pay Lonabar’s hiked up rates. If there were any other mechanics capable of working on my engines than I wouldn’t have been in this mess. Unfortunately having experimental Velistar engines means that only people like Lonabar can fix them, and unfortunately, he’s the only one on Tosil with the skills I need.

It wasn’t all bad. Working a hovertaxi wasn’t the worst job ever. Once I spent a summer teaching high school kids about the history of the Trennar-Vindian War. Thinking about their uninterested, half dead eyes still makes me shudder. Picking up people all over Tosil was interesting, kept me active and had me meet plenty of interesting people. The girls I came across were some of the highlights of my job experience.

The girl was blonde with two purple streaks in her hair. Like one out of every ten of my customers, she didn’t have enough credits to pay for her ride so we went with the usual arrangement. I preferred credits since I really wanted to get my ship repaired and return to hunting dirtbags and scum, but this time I really didn’t mind going with an unspoken agreement about how she would cover the rest of her fair.
I didn’t mind because I somehow had more fun having sex with girls like this because something about it just jived well with me… and them. Something about having sex in the taxi or just any sort of vehicle seems to make girls go wild in my experience.

“You’re alright then?” I asked as I settled in front of her in the back seat. The blonde smiled at me and then leaned forward with a cute little look on her face. She had eyes like green stars and lips that quivered slightly. If she was nervous, her eyes didn’t show it as she leaned forward and planted her lips against my own. I kissed her back and then started to rub her neck with my right hand while my left hand ran over her bare shoulder. My fingers bounced along the strap of her bra and continued traveling along her bare arm until I reached the sleave area of her sweater. By then my lips were gorging themselves on the sweet exposed flesh of her neck as I pressed my body forward against her own.

When she sucked on my cock it was great. Some of these younger gals do it so much these days that it feels like they’re an machine with one drive, one goal. My head rested against the right door’s arm rest as she moved her hair to the side so it stopped getting in the way of her lips as she did her best to continue taking more and more of my prick.
She pulled back and gave me a sloppy smile before she bumped my cock against the side of her cute cheek while her fingers continued to pump the top half of my cock. The warm pleasure growing through my blood boosted my breathing rate. “I wouldn’t expect a driver to be this well equipped.”

“I’m not like other drivers.” I replied back curtly. Part of me wanted to explain that my normal job included stamping an armored boot onto the necks of criminals and murders. Course, most girls don’t really enjoy hearing about that so I kept my lips shut. The cute blonde simply smiled back at me and then kissed down along my length before her fingers started caressing my balls.

“Once I get this nice and slick, you better prove your words.” Her lewd told me I didn’t have to doubt her skills at being able to get me nice and wet. Quickly she opened up her cute pink lips. It was a bit of a struggle for her to open her mouth wide enough to take my cock into her mouth again, but soon enough she managed to hook her lips just beyond the edge of my crown. After that she got my cock back into her mouth and started going to work again. Soon enough all the worries of my bills and the job melted away. The only thing going on was the warm pleasure. When she started to deep throat my cock it felt like my body was a bucket slowly overwhelming with hot sensations that were spilling over the lip of the container.

After she managed to take nearly all of my cock back into her throat, the blonde girl pulled back, choking along my cock. ‘Sluck… gurlup…’ noises came from her horny lips. She suppressed a short cough when she was finally able to remove the tip of my cock from her mouth.
“I don’t know how but it got bigger.” She said before she licked and kissed along my cock. Her cute ass moved and swayed in tandem with the rest of her body. As her mouth sucked and nibbled along the edge of my crown and then back along my shaft, her breasts seemed to stretch out her silver sparkly top. I couldn’t tell earlier if she was wearing a bra but now, being at a much more intimate range, I could see each sway of her breast inside of the tight garment as she continued pleasing my cock to pay off the fare.

I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold back against her incredible skills much longer. The pleasure was becoming too much and I quickly put my hand on her shoulder and gently pulled her back. Her teeth just barely scraped the taut flesh before she popped off my cock with a wet ‘splurk’ Eyes that originally looked so sweet and innocent looked at me with expectantly and with growing hunger. I inched forward on the back seat and pressed my lips to her neck, cheek and eventually her lips while my well-worn fingers gripped and squeezed along her nice full breasts.

No bra protected her flesh from my skilled fingers. I nipped on her ear and then grabbed a firm grip on her nipple through the tight material. “Uwaahh..” She moaned out slowly as I continued to tweak and pull on the soft pink flesh rubbing against her restrictive top. Quickly I started pulling up on the front of her top and revealed her golden pink flesh. There was a slight bounce as her breasts came free of the small support that her top afforded her bare breasts.

I squeezed her breasts together, letting my thumbs rub and tease their nipples while my other fingers applied more pressure all over her sensitive flesh. “Be gentle with me. I’m don’t usually do this so quickly.” A definite lie, but I didn’t care and simply continued mooshing her full breasts together while my thumbs ran along the light pink areas of her areola. The arousal in her body quickly grew and in only a matter of moments her nipples were stiff and pushing up against my thumbs each time they moved over her hardened nubs of flesh.

Even as she gave out more moans, her body continued to warm up. I moved her legs and then pushed her onto the soft but well-worn cushions. My hands quickly returned to her breasts. I savagely attacked her skin and shoved my tongue down her throat. As she moaned back against me her hands moved all over my body. She gripped my cock with one hand and smeared my flesh against her short pants. Both my precum and her saliva marked the article of clothing and then she quickly set to work removing her shorts and her panties.

I didn’t even bother letting her remove her panties. When I felt her hands sliding down her shorts, I quickly got to work moving into position to drive my cock inside of her. I gripped her throat, not too hard but enough that it made her entire body shiver. At her already wet panties I pulled the material to the side and started wedging my big thick cock back and forth against her openings. The edge of my flesh occasionally caught on the outer lips of her pussy before I finally started to push my tip inside of her cunt.

“Careful. It’s … large.” The girl moaned out before she cried sharply as the first few inches of my cock fell forward, spreading her lips wide and forcing more of her sexual juices to spread forth from inside her body. I rolled my hips back and then pushed more of my cock inside of her. In that moment I didn’t care about her name or anything else, I just cared about getting more of that hot pleasure as my cock drove into her slick tight walls.

“Fuck… please go easy.”

“Hard to, your walls are pulling me in. They’re fucking tight as a Basalik’s mouth.” I growled out before grabbing a firm grip on her luscious tits as I continued to plant my cock deep inside of her. The blonde’s body smacked against the side of the door as I started to really slam my body against hers.

“Oh my god!” she moaned out when I started pushing all of my cock inside of her cunny. The way her pussy massaged all of my cock was great. Fucking a girl beats heading out to pick up the next tramp or drunk every day of the week and her pussy was perfectly tight around my cock. Soon it felt like during each thrust my cock was widening out her pussy to make it easier for her body to accept my girth with subsequent thrusts. But her moans never stopped and she started kissing my neck and lips while my hands mashed on her tits.

“Fuck… howaahh… I’m… gonna cum… cumawah… keep fucking me… yes… yessawaahh..” The girl cried out as her hand splayed out and her fingers scratched against the back of the front seat as she started to shudder and twitch. It didn’t take her long to start cuming after that. I was used to it, these young girls don’t know what they’re bargaining for when they fuck a real man. Still, when her pussy started to convulse and her eyes started to roll in her head her pussy squished and mauled my cock like an out of control train. Her legs bounced off the seat, the front seat and occasionally by body before she locked them around my back as I continued porking her hard. I couldn’t have pulled out my cock if I had wanted to.

“Nrawaaaahhh… fuck… cum.. .fuck… cum nuwaaahhh..” She struggled to even make words as her mind was pieced back together after her orgasm. With her tight fierty walls tightening around me it didn’t take much to make me cum as well. My seed spilled out nice and deep inside of her pussy. For a few moments, I just hung out there, my body damp and sweaty and practically seared to her own naked flesh.

“You should get cleaned up. Fare is all paid for.” I said before I finally managed to pull my cock from her tight fleshy embrace. She mewled like a cat as my cock finally pulled out of her tight canal. I went back to my seat and returned to the drop off point where she had admitted to not being able to pay for her tab. Once we got there she was dressed up. If she was lucky she didn’t have to go far or else I figured my cum would start leaking. But after she left she was no longer my problem. Looking onto my screen I saw that another couple of jobs was on my alert page. The page made me think of when I’d be on my ship looking at a new list of criminals who needed to be captured or sent off on their final trip to space. Slowly sighing I made sure there was no incoming traffic before I pulled away from the curb and headed out for my next pickup.

‘Only one hundred and twenty more pickup jobs to go.’
