Priestess – The Hotel [MFM] [voyeurism] [polyamory]

*Here’s another sneak peek at *Priestess*, the conclusion of [The Visitor’s Wedding](!*

*[The opening section is here.](*

*This bit takes place after the wedding, during which, at her husband’s urging, Danielle told Tony the Trooper, “My husband’s fantasy is to watch me make love to another man. It’s not a fantasy we’ve ever been able to live out, but we’d both like that man to be you.” So here they’re on the way to make Robby’s fantasy a reality.*

*And I need your help finishing the story — so there’s a poll at the very end — I’ll link to it in the comments. Please let me know what direction you think I should take with this threesome.*

***Adult readers only!***

**The Priestess, Pt. II: The Hotel**

As they walked the two blocks to the hotel, Robby lent Danielle his jacket. Peering at Tony, he said, “Your car okay?”

“Sure,” Tony said with a smile. “It’s locked up back where the wedding was. Who’d steal a cop car parked in front of a firehouse?”

“Good point.”

Danielle held out her elbows and the two men slipped their arms through.

“How you feeling, baby?” Robby asked.

“Scared shitless.”

Robby gave a huff. “Me too.”

“That makes three of us,” Tony added after a moment.

Danielle thought about what Lea had said — about trust. And about what you want. She stopped walking. “So do you want to know what I’m scared of?”

They both nodded, their eyes on her.

“I’m scared that this will blow up. I’m scared that tomorrow, one or both of y’all is going to feel angry or hurt or both, and then all the fun won’t be worth it. I’m scared that this will take our family, Robby, and mess it up. I’m scared I’m going to drop my dress, Tony, and you’re gonna run screaming out of the room.” She glanced to either side. Both men were staring at her, mouths set. “I’m scared, Robby, honey, that watching me with Tony won’t be as fun for you as the fantasy.”

“Yeah,” Robby grunted. “All of that. But I can see in our friend Tony’s eyes, Dany-baby, that he ain’t gonna be running out of the room.”

Tony, face pale, shook his head. “Fuck no. Danielle. Ma’am.”

Robby gave a staccato laugh. “Anyways, Dany, whatever happens, I won’t let it get in the way of you and me and Robby, Junior. Okay?”

She nodded and gave him the best smile she could manage, then turned to Tony. “So, officer, what are you scared of?”

“You have a kid?”

The breeze kicked up, getting under Robby’s jacket and the hem of her dress. “Uh-huh.”

“I’ve always… Um… I don’t want to cause…” He looked away. “I’m just… scared.”

“You have a thing for older women when you were a boy?” Robby asked, which wasn’t something that had occurred to Danielle.

Tony nodded. Looking miserable.

Danielle took a deep breath. “Well, gentlemen, if being married to a vet has taught me anything, it’s that courage ain’t about not being scared, it’s about what you do with it.”

Robby nodded grimly; Tony joined him.

“So, Tony,” said Danielle, feeling her throat fill with something thick and cool, “I’d like to kiss you. Right now. And then maybe we can see how we all feel about where we want to go from there.”

Robby gave a quick gasp, then nodded once, sharply.

“Okay,” mouthed Tony, turning fully to her.

She slid her arms around him, and after a moment’s hesitation, felt him pull her to him. Leaning in, she pressed her lips to his.

It had been over a decade since she had last kissed anyone but Robby — Byron, who, while he was magical with his hands, had been sort of lazy when it came to using his mouth.

Robby was a fabulous kisser — teeth, lips, and tongue all teasing her into a state of full excitement. Breathing love into her and sucking it out.

At first, Tony just let his full lips rest against hers. But then they softened and opened, and his tongue… His tongue slid along her lips, which parted to let him in.

There had been a experiment their science teacher had shown them junior year, just after she and Robby started going out, where there were two tanks of colored water side by side, one side yellow and the other side blue, with some kind of gate between the two. And when the teacher slowly opened the gate, they watched as the yellow swirled into the blue and the blue swirled into the yellow, until the whole tank turned green.

Danielle couldn’t remember what the point of the experiment was supposed to be, though it was truly pretty, but even at the time, she’d thought, Wow. That’s just like kissing. There’s these two liquid creatures and when you take the wall away between them, they suddenly mix.

She’d discover just a few months later that sex is even more like that.

Where she had felt cold just moments before, now Danielle was exploding with heat. Heat that spilled into Tony and back out of him in to her.

There was a groan from behind her, and for a moment Danielle couldn’t think what it might be, and whether she should care. Then she remembered Robby and broke the kiss.

She found herself blinking into Tony’s dark, burning eyes. She’d wrapped her arms around his neck and her right leg was looped around his ass, pulling him close to her. He’d slid one hand under the jacket and over her left breast, while his other hand was tangled in her hair.

They blinked at each other, and then turned to Robby.

He had his dark sex frown on, the one that told Danielle she was about to get fucked cross-eyed. His hand was in his pocket, and he was clearly playing with himself.

“Well, Robby?” she asked.

“I think, if Tony agrees, that we should take this somewhere more private, before we all get arrested.” He shook himself and smiled, removing his hand from his pocket. “What you think, Tony?”

“Fuck yes.” Tony gave a fluttery laugh. “I think that not breaking decency laws is an excellent idea.”

Unwrapping herself from her new friend, Danielle said, “I think that sounds lovely. Truly lovely. Will you escort me, gentlemen?” Then she linked her arms with theirs again, and they all walked, a bit unsteadily, the last half-block to the hotel.


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