Musings in a Store [MF] [cheat]

“Another day, another eight hours of peddling wares to the masses,” Natalie thought to herself with a sigh. Working full time in a specialty store gives a person a lot of time to think, especially during a weekday when everyone’s working. “Well, what else can I do to keep busy?” she asked herself. “I cleaned the shelves, dusted everywhere…” Leaning against one of the hutches, her mind starts to wander….

It’s night time and she’s asleep in bed. Her husband is working late tonight, so she’s sleep alone. Beside the bed her cell phone starts to ring with her default tone. As she blinks sleepily to stare at the phone that sings “I’m yours”, she wonders who’s calling at… the clock reads 2:47 AM? She reaches and feels for the phone clumsily. She finally gets it and mumbles into it, “m mm… hello?” A sarcastic yet familiar male voice answers, “Hello Dahling. Did I wake you?” She sits up in surprise, very much awake now. “Mitch? Hey, what’s up?” Natalie stifles a yawn as he replies with a non-committal answer. She smiles as she asks, “So, why are you awake at this ungodly hour?” Mitch answers her, and the smirk in his voice is uncanny. “Insomnia. Plus, I thought you’d be up.” “Well, I -am- now,” she laughed. “Well then , can I come up?” he replied. At that, she jerked in surprise. He was outside? She then remembered that he lived a block or two away from her apartment. “Uh, sure” she mumbles as she gets up and turns on the bedside lamp.”Okay, be right there,” he says. Natalie is puzzled by her reactions: “Butterflies in stomach? A little flushed? Why am I nervous?” she pondered, putting her fuzzy star and moon robe on. Sure, she would flirt with him when they used to work together, but she loves her husband. Granted, lately he’s been a little cold to her in the bedroom, but still…

A knock on the door makes her hurry some to answer it. Mitch smiles when she opens up, quipping, “Nice hair.” She winces, letting him in as she reaches to feel out the bedhead damage. “Well, you did wake me up…” she grumbles half-heartily. Natalie moves past him to lead the way to her bedroom, which he follows. It’s not so unusual, since she entertains friends in here all the time watching movies or playing board games all the time. She sits cross-legged on her side of the bed and invites him to sit as well. He sits across from her; his eyes faintly flicker behind his glasses to the side of her and back up to her face. Feeling a slight breeze, Natalie realized that one of the shoulders to her robe slipped down; exposing her bare shoulder and part of her nightgown. She offers him a self-deprecating smile and continues her conversation. “Well, welcome. Sorry about the mess; I wasn’t expecting company.” One of her hands lay in her lap, while the other gestures vaguely at the bedroom. Clothes are in loose piles…books are scattered on various shelves and dressers. As she continues, he reaches over to take her hand that’s in her half-folded lap. “I would have picked up, but…um..” she looks back to him as he lifts her hand to his mouth. Pushing his lips onto her knuckles in a soft yet somehow provocative kiss, he looks at her over them. “All that teasing, and I never thought you were so shy. Seriously, Natalie” he replied with a wicked look in his eye, “What did you think I came over for?” A blush burned her cheeks as she blinked, “Um, to talk?” He laughed, scooting closer to her while tugging her forward to him by her hand. “Now you’re being coy? Tsk, Tsk…” he leaned into her to whisper in her left ear. “You know why I’m here. The same reason you seem to be so visibly flustered.” Natalie sucked in a breath as she felt her face warm more. “Oh really?” she replied. He kept whispering, as his other hand slid the other part of her robe off the other shoulder. “Don’t’ tell me you never thought about it. Besides, how long has it been since James’ touched you like this?”

She shook her head as she bit her lip. Tears threatened to fall as she remained silent. Mitch’s face became a bit more serious, and his voice commanding: “How long?” She swallowed the lump in her throat and choked out the answer, “F..ffive months.” She closed her eyes and fought not to cry. His fingers slowly rubbed the back of her hand as his other hand stroked the strap that was now exposed. “ i can see how lonely you are. Even when you smile, to me you look like you’re dying inside,” He whispered, lowering his mouth to kiss her neck softly. She shivered, opening her eyes as she slowly brought her free hand to touch his hair. “Natalie…” he raised his head to catch her lips with his. Her eyes widened, then slip shut as her hands gripped his hand and hair. Their kiss, so innocent at first, soon deepened into action. Something frantic inside them broke, as he pushed her to lie back onto the bed and climbed over her. Natalie broke the kiss with a soft “Aah..” as she panted, looking up at him. Their movements caused her robe to slip and reveal her nightgown under it. Mitch took his time to run his gaze over her; she squirmed slightly from the intensity in it. As he began to untie her robe….

A customers for the shop walks in and startles Natalie from her vivid daydream. Blushing slightly, she beams a smile. “Welcome to our store! What can I help you find today?” Back to work, I guess…
