[FM] Great Way to Wake Up

More stories of Kate have been requested. So here we go.

After the previous adventure where Kate and I began our “relationship ” we spent as much time in bed with eachother as we did with the rest of our friends. Occasionally these two activities collided.

This particular night, we had ended up back in my dorm.

Through a combination of great luck on my part and blatant stupidity on the part of my roommate, I had ended up with a great room.

The way the dorm was constructed meant that the rooms at the end of each hall were about 4 feet wider than the others, an all male dorm in the oldest building on campus meant the RAs gave no fucks, and my roommate being kicked out for possession of a metric fuckton of weed meant I had a huge room with two beds all to myself. Needless to say, anyone who had a roommate or still lived had home spent A LOT of time in my room. Usually we would end up pushing the beds together in the center of the floor so everyone would fit.

The movie we had all been watching ended, and people started gathering their fallen, drunk,sleeping , or just horny. This left only myself, Mikey, Kate, and a couple that was simultaneously the most bubblegum sweet sickening and the most disturbingly kinky we had ever met.

We all took up position on the beds, after using a few leather belts to lash the rolling bedframes together so I wouldn’t end up on the floor between the beds. This will be important later.

When I awoke in the morning, before opening my eyes, I could already tell something wasn’t right. I was sitting up.
Trying to stretch, I found that my right arm was raised and would not follow my commands. My left felt heavy and pinned. I slowly opened my eyes to verify my suspicion.

The beds had been Separated, and I was now sitting on my bed, pushed against the wall to support my back. My right arm was wrapped in a belt tightly secured to the bedframe. My left arm was wrapped in parallel with Mikes,who was similarly secured to the frame.

The door opened slowly and Kate sauntered in, sitting down opposite us clad only in matching black lace undergarments. She slowly advanced to settle over top of me, straddling my rapidly growing jean covered erection. Her bra moved slowly down her arms, discarded into mikes lap. She kissed me deeply, pressing her breasts into my chest.

My arm seemed to move of its own accord, before I remembered that i was still tied to Mikey. He ran his hand over her hip and back, giving me the same oppurtunity, without control of speed or course.

TBC on break at work

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/78v7f8/fm_great_way_to_wake_up


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