[MFF] My friend with benefits, and her friend from work

I started working as a teaching assistant in my early 20s, and at the time, Megan was one of my students, aged 18. Flirtation between me and the girls was pretty much inevitable, though I tried to resist temptation… I still gave in more than once.

Megan and I hooked up briefly back then, after spin the bottle at a party, and I kind of avoided her after that because I didn’t want my bosses to find out I was crossing the student/tutor boundary.

She added me on Facebook after she graduated: we kept in touch, but we met again for drinks pretty recently, toward the end of last year. She’d also graduated from being a cute eighteen year old to a very attractive, classy 26 year-old, if I’m adding it up right… maths isn’t my subject. Blonde hair to her shoulders, lightly tanned, tall and toned, with a gloss about her that she didn’t have back in the day. After a few drinks, we started talking about the time we hooked up in her room on campus, and when we said goodbye, we had a slow, deep kiss. She texted me five minutes after I left, telling me she was wet.

Next time we had drinks, we ended up at her apartment. That was much better than the student hook-up, too. She had no problem admitting that she’d been single and getting a lot of experience since college, and I had no problem with that, because she really knew what she was doing in bed.

We kept up the occasional, casual meetings and casual sex, not sleeping together every time but just when we both felt like it. She was working as a teacher now, ironically – younger kids though, so there was no temptation for her with the students – and she started to mention her colleague Louise. They’d only met recently but had a lot in common, as single women the same age, and they started going for wine in the evenings. Louise would like me, she said; she should invite me out with them.

There’s one final bit of backstory before the real story begins here. Megan and I were totally open about seeing other people – it was honest and casual – and I was on a date with a different girl when she texted me saying she was back at Louise’s place, and she’d just kissed her. Turned on and frustrated – talk about fear of missing out – I was thinking about the two of them when my date came back from the bathroom. I kissed her right away.

‘Louise’s tits are amazing’, Megan texted me, half an hour later.

Then: ‘We should all get together.’

Then: ‘I’m sure she’d be on for a threesome’

I was horny as fuck, and made sure my date came back home with me that night. She never knew about the texts, but in a way, she got the benefit.

So, finally, the following week, it happened: the three of us out for drinks. Louise was (she still is) brunette, a little curvier than Megan. Not at all plump, but more hips and boobs than Megan’s more athletic, small-busted figure. A pretty face, and a dress that showed a fair amount of cleavage. It was all looking good, except that we started arguing right away.

I can’t even remember what it was about now, but within ten minutes Louise and I had fallen out. Something about jobs, whether school was harder to teach than college. Maybe we were just testing each other. Anyway, Megan was left in the awkward situation of sitting between us, trying to cool it down and calm the disagreement. She decided to go to the bathroom and then the bar, and as girls do, she decided Louise was coming too.

When they got back, Megan sat on one side of me and Louise on the other, so now I was in the middle.

‘I’m sure you’re a great guy really,’ Louise offered, nudging me. ‘Megan has good taste.’

Whatever Megan had said, it worked. We started again, and immediately the clashing energy between me and Louise warmed up into chemistry. Soon she had her arm stretched around my shoulders. Her fingers touched Megan, who leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear.

‘Here we go. It’s happening.’

That prelude took longer than I expected. I’ll edit and add more later.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/77zw1b/mff_my_friend_with_benefits_and_her_friend_from

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