Have you ever fucked a stranger? [M]y story

Someone on Ask Reddit After Dark asked this question recently, and a light bulb went on in my head. So I wrote it up. Then it occurred to me it might be appreciated on GWS. Herewith is the reply I posted (link is at https://www.reddit.com/r/AskRedditAfterDark/comments/76or7q/have_you_ever_fucked_a_stranger/)

OK, I have got an answer to this very exact question!

Years ago (like 1998 or so) I was IMing very late in the evening with some chick on AOL — I know, I’m old! (was like 26 at the time) — and we discovered that, holy shit, not only were we NOT in different parts of the country, hundreds of miles from each other, we were practically in the same neighborhood. I mean, we were like three blocks away.

She was a divorced mom, a little older than I, and her kids were gone with their dad. The conversation had been pretty intense and intimate up to that point, and we had swapped a few photos (nothing racy though), and then she asked/typed, “Have you ever fucked a stranger?”

Had a big lump in my throat. The answer, truthfully, was no, and I told her.

“Do you want to?”


Without waiting for an answer, she gave me her address, said she’d leave the back door unlocked, and would be upstairs waiting for me.

Holy shit, it was getting real. I was nervous as hell — not at the idea she could slit my neck or something psycho, but just because, Holy Hell, this is big-leap stuff. I hardly knew her — I mean, I knew what she looked like, and we had IMed for hours on several occasions, so she wasn’t entirely a stranger, and we had exchanged many intimacies in our conversations and knew quite a bit about each other … but still, she was still someone I had never actually met.

Anyway, it was about 2:30 am, and I slipped out of my apartment, walked the several blocks, and stood in front of her town house for a long time, wondering if I could or should go through with it. I can’t exaggerate how nervous I was.

The whole area was dark and quiet, eerily so. I slipped around to her back door door, gently turned the handle … and it gave.

Holy fuck.

I slipped inside, almost like a cat burglar. I was trying to be as quiet as possible — don’t know why, since it’s not like her kids or anyone else was there.

I got to the top of the stairs, and the door to her bedroom was ajar. I slipped in. In the dark, with a bit of moonlight coming through the window, I saw her in bed with just a sheet covering her. She barely moaned a “Hi” and I could tell she was working her cunt in anticipation of me, though she really had no idea if I were actually going to show up or not.

I was raging hard in about two seconds as I approached the bed and shed my clothes quickly. She was slowly writhing in there and kicked the sheet off to expose her nakedness to me. She looked really good, tbh, and BEYOND BELIEF sexy.

I told her to get on her knees, and she did, sticking her ass up in the air for me. I lined up behind her on the bed, and the first time I touched her was to place my hands on her hips, her ass, and to guide my cock deep inside her. I slipped in easily because she was so wet … but oh my, was her pussy something else … so tight, so hot, so .. so … damn.

So we fucked. Did we fuck. And eventually I came DEEP inside her and HARD (we’d discussed these things before, she was on the pill, claimed to be clean … I know, I know, I’m an idiot).

Hot damn. That was when I fucked a stranger.

We fucked a lot after that, often crazy scenarios — she’s a bit crazy — but she was never a stranger again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/76ridh/have_you_ever_fucked_a_stranger_my_story


  1. I had a very similar experience some years ago, except that the last IM I got from the woman before heading out the door and driving two miles to the house where she was leaving her door open and I was to find her naked in bed waiting for me, was a statement that she was having trouble paying her bills and would I be so kind as to also bring a couple hundred dollars for her. Oh, I thought, she’s a hooker. Honestly, at that point, I was so worked up and intrigued by all the things she said I could do to her, that I decided to go anyway. After I got to her neighborhood, which was basically a crack haven, I got cold feet and went home.

  2. I used to get laid all the time with AOL! It was a Gen X’ers version of Tinder…lol

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