[MF] Becoming my Landlord’s Pet.

*This will hopefully be a continuing series of submissions as the arrangement I will be writing about is still ongoing.*

Chapter One

I first noticed the cage in the break room of my landlords office the day I renewed my lease. I had been in my apartment for 2 years at this point, but the building (a three story house built in the 20’s) had recently been purchased by the woman who owned the building directly next door.

Michelle was an attorney, her office was on the first floor of the neighboring building which she already owned. An attractive, middle aged mother of two whom I had previously exchanged pleasantries with simply because we would pass one another in the rear parking lot.

I received a phone call from her on the first of the month, it went to voicemail as I was at work, in which she informed me that she had purchased my building and that she wanted to get in contact with me to go over the new lease, and answer any questions I may have had. Typical stuff!

The next morning when I walked next door, I found it mildly interesting that I had lived 12 feet away but never knew what any of it looked like. I buzzed the first floor law office and entered. The office was chock full of papers, folders and filing cabinets. I never knew if she had partners or coworkers, as a lot of people came and went in the limited time I had to notice the going-ons next door. I sat in front of her desk while she spoke on the phone, biding my time by scanning the walls of her office, children’s paintings, photos, newspaper clippings, fax machines and various piles of lord knows what. She wrote out on a legal pad to help myself to a beverage in the room behind her.

I wasn’t thirsty, but I was very nosey. That’s when I saw the dog cage and figured she must bring her dog to work with her on occasion. My curiosity got the best of me as I then noticed, of all the photos in her office, none contained a dog. My kink radar was going off, but I thought it was just me being horny and curious and letting my fantasies take hold of the reality. It was simply a dog cage.

Once she finished her phone call, she rolled her eyes and bemoaned upon whatever the call consisted of, or pertained to. She asked a few questions and benign rent related inquiries as I asked her about her job, if she had any partners or coworkers, etc. I was there for maybe twenty minutes when the question spilled forth from my horny mouth.

“I saw the dog cage, what kind of dog do you have?”

Without even a glance my way as she entered in whatever information she needed for the new lease, simply stated she didn’t have a dog. Now my curiosity was truly piqued. She was by herself in this office without any fellow lawyers, not even an assistant. Wouldn’t anybody in her position explain why there was a cage on premise?

We finished up, I shook her hand and took a business card so I had direct contact to her cell phone in case of any emergency a tenant might have and walked back to my apartment.

That night, my arousal again led me back to that cage, perversion abounded in my brain and I contemplated ways to bring it up again. But after a few minutes, the fog of horniness cleared and I again thought: It was simply a dog cage.

Fast forward a month, and this is where things get going.

I was out of town from the 30th to the 2nd, and as such I planned on giving Michelle my rent check before I slipped out of state. It wasn’t until I got to the bar the night I left, saw the check in my wallet, and realized I forgot to drop off my rent. I wanted to be courteous and responsible. I texted Michelle that I was out of town and explained what happened, and (because I am who I am) tossed out another pup-play related lure.

“Hey Michelle, It’s Riley. I’m out of town until the 2nd and forgot to drop off rent before I left this morning. I will drop it off for you the moment I’m back in town. If this lands me in the dog house I understand! Haha”

Almost ashamed at how pushy this made me seem towards a simple dog cage observed in her back office, I put my phone away and went back to my night, but was interrupted by a vibration moments later.

“Thank you for the notice. You won’t be in my dog house for being a day late, but if you’re two days late that’s what the dog *cage* is for. I’ll see you on the second, or maybe the third.”

Now the alarms were buzzing…

“Ohhh, now it makes sense. In that case I’ll have to hand in rent late every month!” I thought about sending that text for twenty minutes, was it over the top? Creepy? Weird? I edited the sentence multiple times, and finally decided there was little risk to sending this, it’s not like this was my co-worker or classmate. So I hit send and awaited a reply eagerly and anxiously, but it never came. It was simply a dog cage.

I arrived home mid afternoon on the 2nd, and noticed Michelle’s car wasn’t in the lot, so regardless of my horny and perverse intentions, handing in my rent seemed implausible. The next morning I awoke to a text message at 8:17: “No rent yesterday. Guess you are serious about being in my dog house…I mean dog cage!”

“I’ll be right over! I didn’t see you at the office yesterday, and didn’t want to leave it in the mailbox!” at this point I was quite literally shaking in arousal, and rushed to shower and brush my teeth all while marveling at how overblown I was making this whole fiasco. I was surely going to feel incredibly ashamed and silly if I was back at my apartment in three minutes. In the last fleeting seconds before I headed out of my front door, I took a few deep breathes and prepared myself for an experience that was nothing more than simply giving my landlord my month’s rent.

I rang the bell, was buzzed in, and walked almost sheepishly to her desk where Michelle was on the phone. Being forward with your fetishes is much easier over text or on the internet. But now I was face to face with the same woman whom I made kink-fueled advances towards. My nerves were rattled the longer she spent talking on the phone, worried that the only reason why she didn’t just take the rent and send me on my way was because she was going to yell at me for being an unprofessional creep.

She reached her hand out to take the envelope containing my payment, and spun ninety degrees in her chair, pivoting towards me. Once I handed her the envelope, she mouthed the words “thank you!”, and not wanting to interrupt her phone call I simply nodded my head in acknowledgement. For a half second I thought that was it. I cursed my luck that she was on the phone and rolled my eyes at how my fantasies had made something out of nothing. It was simply a dog cage.

But just as I was about to turn on my heels and make my way back to the front door, she pushed her chair away from the desk and motioned me to follow her. This was it. This was finally it.

As soon as I turned the corner into the back room, I practically bumped into the dog cage. Moved into the center of the room, gate open, and now outfitted with a thick dog bed. She continued to speak to whomever she was on the phone with about “motions” and “court orders” and a bunch of jargon I wouldn’t have processed properly even if I were able to comprehend it. I looked at the cage, then back to Michelle, and back to the cage. It was simply a dog cage.

She mouthed her commands again “Take your clothes off”, and maybe it was because she didn’t actually speak to me, or because her facial cues were the same as if she were asking me if my sink had been dripping, but there wasn’t much of a “dominant” feel to the situation like I would have otherwise expected and preferred. I felt like a patient in a doctor’s office being told by the nurse to put on a shawl.

Needless to say, I promptly stripped and folded every piece of clothing neatly. She turned her back on the phone, wandered into another room and returned in time to take my fabrics. After making it clear she wanted me to crawl into the cage she made off with my clothing as I situated myself on the padded dog bed.

Michelle returned a few minutes later as I shook from arousal. Her phone call ended, she glanced at me through the bars as I struggled to come up with anything appropriate to say. The cage door swung shut and the lock she closed around the bars rattled off the steel, ensuring my captivity.

This was not simply a dog cage.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/761hma/mf_becoming_my_landlords_pet


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