toying with me because he knows he can [FM]

So, a couple notes to start. I haven’t been writing much recently, not much sex to write about when you’re trying to live as a reasonably functional adult after college. But I had a fun little night last night and thought maybe it’s worth sharing, plus I need some advice. More on that later.

I’ve written about this guy before. He’s from my hometown, which I now live close to but he’s moved away from. I guess there may be a chance of a visit in a few months. We went to high school together but were nothing more than friends, until a party at his house last year led to me half naked in his closet then us meeting for more the following night. I’ll link that story [here] (

A few weeks ago, it was my birthday. As per usual it was filled with the usual well-meaning gestures from vague friends on Facebook and trying to figure out which assorted semi-distant relative is texting me because I don’t have a lot of their numbers saved in my phone. But also eating leftover cake for breakfast because it’s okay if it’s your birthday, right? But among all those pleasantries, *he* messaged me. The guy I can’t think about or talk to without remembering the night we fogged all the windows up in his car. He was nice, asking if I had a good day, and mentioned that he was sorry to have missed seeing me over the summer – schedules never matched up for us. He asked if we could skype sometime. I said sure, not really expecting much to come of it because everyone likes to say they’ll keep in touch. But then a few nights ago he did ask to talk. Next thing I knew his picture popped up on my phone, I slid the receive button to the side and there he was.

The last time I had seen him and heard him talk was when I was looking up at him while his hands buried themselves in my hair, guiding me. Pulling my hair back so he could watch me suck him. But it was honestly great to talk to him, even though I had to check myself a little bit. It’s hard to explain, but I’m not sure I’ve completely grown out of the brutal social awkwardness I had back before college. in person, even today my awkwardness and shyness usually combine to create an image of my being sexually unexperienced. Which means nobody really suspects that I have a naughty inner nature. Past boyfriends have touched on it, saying how surprised they were the first time we slept together – how quickly I go wild for them. I’m getting distracted, but what I really want to impart here is I kind of love it. I love how everyone assumes I’m innocent. Sure, with the awkwardness (and the lopsided bangs) and the gangly body I needed to grow into, I might have been late to the game of sexual exploration. But I’m a fast learner, and I’d say I’ve made up for lost time.

So, we’re talking – unfortunately my roommate was sleeping and the scattered communal rooms in my building were taken so there I was, sitting in-between floors in the stairway, talking to him. He’s lying on his bed, alone in his room and I’m a more than a few hours away in crappy apartment building. But we’re talking. Catching up. Chatting about the summer and work and I’m trying not to hold his gaze for too long because the last time I looked into his eyes was when I had him in my mouth. And he’s being sweet, it’s clear he’s genuinely interested in how I’ve been. But honestly, we’re both a little distracted and we both know why. Eventually he brings up the first time we kissed (at the aforementioned party) and of course I have to laugh at the way he had to take the reins on that one because as per usual I was awkward and shy. But incredibly he liked it. Or I guess amused may be the better adjective there.

We drift off that topic (thank god), and he asks about roommates and classes and weekend plans. Occasionally, a person walks by and I get up because the stairs are narrow and my legs are long. He gets a little quieter, and I ask what he’s thinking about. He admits he can’t stop thinking about that night in his car. And let’s be clear here it’s been months, almost a full year. He probably shouldn’t be as distracted by it as he clearly is. But truthfully, I’ve thought about it too. The way he felt in my mouth. The way his fingers felt inside of me. The way I soaked his hand when I came. He starts to ask some questions about it, wondering what I liked specifically, but there are people around and I’m trying to stay subtle. Mostly just saying I enjoyed myself, which is clearly too vague for him. He can be as honest as he wants – there’s nobody there to hear him.

So eventually he comes up with a new game, the idea of which he describes to me – every time a person passes by, he’s going to say something or ask a question about that night. I’m thinking hey there aren’t too many people around, it’s a Sunday night, I can pull this off. But then people start walking by, and each time they do he gets just a little more *interesting*. The first time its “You have a great ass” which gets a smirk from me. I tell him I liked the way he grabbed it to pull me against him when we kissed. Then it’s “I liked sucking on your tits” which makes me hyper aware of how much I want his mouth on me again. Then “I loved when you had your mouth around my cock” which makes me lick my lips – I can’t help it. He groans a little, I barely hear it as I listen to the retreating footsteps of the girl that just walked by. I’m flustered, and he can absolutely tell. I’m blushing and stammering and repeating myself, because he just keeps toying with me. And it’s driving me insane.

Then finally he asks, “Are you wet?” Now let’s be clear – if he had been there in person he would’ve known for sure – I’m soaked. I’m getting so turned on that I’m almost scared people walking by can smell my pussy through my leggings. At least they’re black. As the most recent person walks by, and his most recent question lingers between us, all I can do is bite my lip and nod. He knows what I mean. I slide back down the wall to sitting as he returns with “…because I’m rock hard”. And I swear my mouth genuinely waters with how badly I want to taste him. He grins, probably because at this point it’s clear that I want him. I try and stammer something about how I’m jealous he has the privacy to do something about it, but I’m honestly so distracted. I’m so horny but at the same time I’m hesitant to do anything because this stairway is clearly much more crowded than I had originally thought. “My phone is about to die” I realize as the screen freezes and goes black for a second. He says it’s fine, we can hang up. I guess he’s happy to leave me desperate and wet for him. Plus, now that I’m thinking about it, he probably wanted both his hands free.

So, here’s where you come in, readers. He left me at a pretty inopportune time last night. Of course, a girl can take care of herself, and she did. Multiple times. (Roommates surprisingly don’t assume much when you stay in the shower for much longer than usual). But honestly, I’m craving a little bit of payback, something that will make him just as horny and desperate as I was last night. Any ideas?


1 comment

  1. Well, he said he liked your tits. So next time you skype him, show a bit clevage, for a short amount of time and also rub your tits/just queeze em saying you want him to play with it. Be subtle and do this a few times. He’ll get hard af and desperate. Trust me.

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