Not sure how [m]any but one [F]…

Honestly am not sure why I am posting here. Maybe it is to vent or rant but this week has a big mistake.

Let me start off by saying my husband I started this idea of wifesharing / hotwifing only several months ago. Oddly, it wasn’t something I was even interested in. Even after reading articles, looking at pictures/captions and talking to our married friends about it, it still seemed odd. Of course, my husband convinced me…

Started off with thong bikinis at the pool, ever growing amounts of skin tight leggings for the gym, shorter and shorter dresses. It finally came down to actually have three events that really changed the perception. For those who do not know event #1 – I actually chickened out of. Event #2 was a success during our vacation recently and event #3 I admit I committed on my own and shared little details with my husband. Any who, you aren’t here to read summary of the events. You’re here to read “The Mistake”.

Fast forward to October 5th, 2017 where I flew out to meet some ex-college friends for a girl’s night out. Typical bar hoping and clubbing. The weather was still mildly nice where a jacket wasn’t necessary. A few shots of any alcoholic beverage will warm up the soul. My husband encouraged me to be naught, flirty, sexy and above all – have fun! Typically I have him arrange “events” for me minus event #3. I felt confident and safe and FYI – I do have quite naughty desires for my hotwifing experience. I decided to wear a short dress, white with blue strips that went right to the bottom of my butt cheeks (probably my shortest dress). Again, my husband encouraged “why not no undies” – just be careful where you sit. Being a bit adventurous feeling I decided too. Note, I did wear my wedding ring set out. The night is a typical – bars and clubs filled with men trying to dance and chat. After a few rounds I was lively, confident and loose. Maybe a little too friendly and loose…

Well… from what I can truly remember, reviewing stories from friends and piecing together a long night of “fun” A LOT, A LOT of men danced with me and apparently my private parts were clear on display. Thank goodness for certain dark errors in these places. Kudos to me – I didn’t kiss or give anyone oral which is fantastic! But… according to my closet friend (who is also considering this lifestyle) I was fingered quite a ton. Which honestly, I figured would happen especially being drunk and short dress. Also I was told my tits popped out one time. How she knows, though, I don’t know but I suppose she saw. I do remember her breaking up some of the dancing throughout the night. How she was coherent to do so, I don’t know. The biggest surprise … apparently, and I do mean APPARENTLY – I was having sex with several different gentlemen through the night. To the honest, I’m not surprised if its true. My dress was easy access and I was loose from the drinks. From what I know it wasn’t on the dance floor or anything but apparently I was… in other locations. I say apparently because I don’t remember and my friends don’t have all the stories lined up together. What I do know is… I did have cum inside me the next morning. Parts of my thighs had were different coated with something and my butt unfortunately felt quite opened.

The worst part is… I have the get tested and I hope I did not attract any STIs. I’ve talked to a few individuals and I am quite worried. I am worried I may lose my marriage.

To be continued…



  1. If you husband encouraged you and it went wrong, it is a shared responsibility. Best of luck for your test.

  2. Just be honest. Even if you’re scared to be honest he’s your husband and you should tell him. If he leaves you after being the one who initiated this then that’s kind of fucked.

    What was your arrangement?

  3. Good luck with the testing. I hope it goes well. There are some common STIs not included on standard screenings so be sure to discuss that with your medical professional.

    As for losing your marriage….idk what kind of rules your husband and you may or may not have set….but if he was pushing for it, and it didn’t break any major boundaries, I highly doubt this will have a negative impact! This sounds like exactly the kind of story he would want to hear about.

    If you are feeling particularly distraught and don’t feel like you can talk to your SO though I would encourage you to talk about that with your health care professional as well. And if you’re looking for a judgment free third party to vent to, feel free to shoot me a message. You’ll get through this! You are worth it. :)

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