I’m pretty sure my [M] cousin [F] wants to have sex with me…..

^It ^was ^suggested ^that ^I ^post ^this ^here, ^so ^here ^goes…

I’m just gonna come right out and say it: my cousin is hot. Like, really super freaking hot. Is that a weird thing to say? Probably, but come on… we all have a hot cousin, don’t we? We shouldn’t be attracted to them because they’re our blood relatives, but we can’t help it. I can’t be the only one with that cousin. Right? And it’s not like we actually want to do anything sexual with them, we just find them attractive. Or at least, that’s *usually* the case. That’s how it was for me up until recently, anyway.

I’m here for advice, because this is a serious problem for me right now, and I don’t know who else to talk to. As you read, you’ll see why. But first you’ll need a little backstory first, so I can get proper advice…..

I always found my cousin Jill hot. Ever since I was old enough to think such things. She’s petite, yet curvy in all of the right places (big boobs, big butt). She’s short, she’s fit, she has beautiful brown hair and hazel eyes, perfectly full lips, a gorgeous smile… Really just one of the hottest women I’ve ever known. And I know that’s weird to feel that way about a blood relative, but I can’t help it. We don’t control who we’re attracted to.

Jill is 14 years older than me (I’m 25, she’s 39), so growing up, I was never really close with her. She was always more of an aunt-like figure for most of my childhood. But once I hit 21, and we could go out to bars together, we got a lot closer, to the point where I call her one of my best friends, and I she does the same. She lives about 400 miles away from me, so I don’t see her very often. But we talk via text message all the time, and on the phone occasionally. So we’re always in touch, even though I only see her like three or four times a year, when she visits.

When she does visit, we have a ton of (platonic) fun together. Going to the movies, hanging out at the local swim club, going out to eat, and so much more. We really enjoy each other’s company. And like I said, even though I’ve always found her extremely attractive, there was never a time that I actually considered doing anything sexual with her. Especially since she’s married with a kid.

Ok, so I think that’s sufficient backstory. Now onto the story, and the problem at hand. And it is a lengthy story, because — like I said — I need proper advice. So I need to give you as much information as possible.

About three months ago (end of June), Jill visited us (her family), for a week. We did the usual together: went out to eat, went to the movies, hung out at home and watched TV, went to the zoo… typical stuff. One day, around halfway through her visit, we went to the local swim club. We do this every time she visits in the summer, but this time was a bit different. This is where everything started to change.

My sister and her daughters (my nieces) came with us. We get to the swim club, and they’re extremely anxious to get into the pool. So I get in the pool with them and we play around for a few minutes, then they went off and did their own thing. So I’m chilling by myself in the pool, just people-watching, minding my business, when I see Jill in the near distance taking off her clothes, revealing her outrageous body in her bikini. Now, as happens when one sees a smokin’ hot girl undress, I get hard. And I mean *rock hard*. So now I’m somewhat uncomfortable, trying to get rid of this thing. And to be clear, this isn’t exactly uncommon. Jill gives me boners all the time. But I can usually find a way to hide them or get rid of them. But for some reason, this one just wouldn’t go away. Fortunately for me, it was hidden underwater. Or so I thought…

I’m now facing away from Jill, distracted by something or other in another direction, when she jumps in beside me. It kind of startles me, and I turn toward her. She’s underwater, a mere two feet away from me, and just…hanging there. Realizing this, I start to turn away from her. But then I think, “Oh, she can’t see underwater anyway,” and I just stay where I am. She pops up, looking right in my direction, and much to my perturbation, she’s wearing my niece’s goggles.

Now, not to sound like an obnoxious narcissist, but I’m on the larger side down there. Not freakishly big, but well above average. So there was no doubt in my mind that she saw my rock hard erection. But of course, as she’s a classy woman, she didn’t comment on it. And as the day went on, I forgot about it entirely.

Fast forward to when we’re leaving to go home. We’re all drying off on the pool deck, and… ^^you ^^know ^^how ^^wet ^^clothes ^^cling ^^to ^^your ^^skin? …I 100% catch Jill sneaking not one, not two, but *three* peaks at my bulge. And I’m very much a show-er, so it’s a pretty clear outline in a wet bathing suit.

Now I’m completely turned on. Fortunately, I have my backpack that I can just hold in front of me to hide my erection. But I was ridiculously turned on by the fact that Jill was looking at my cock. I mean, in my mind I knew it must have just been morbid curiosity on her part — I check her out all the time, and I’m sure she notices — but even still, just knowing she was curious got me all sorts of turned on.

I pretty much immediately jerked off when we got home. I had to. The thought of her in her bikini, the idea of her looking at my dick, hell even just watching her ass in those shorts as we walked to the parking lot… all of it was just too much. And that’s when I realized I was way too into my cousin. That was the first time I’d ever used her as my…um…subject matter for masturbating. But I just brushed it aside. “It was her fault for looking at my crotch,” was my mindset.

On the second-to-last day of her visit, she and I decided to go for a run in the park in the morning. Now you know what happens when girls with big boobies run. Yup, I was back in bonertown. And this time I had to run with it. She wasn’t looking at me, though, so that was good. She was too focused on the run. I fell back a couple of yards to see if I could regroup and get rid of this thing, but then I saw her ass jiggling in her shorts, and that just made it worse. So I just ran to catch up with her, but before I could, she turned around and started running backward. “You alright?” she said. And as she did, her eyes darted right down to my erection. She immediately turned back around and just kept running. Embarrassed as all hell, I just stayed a few feet behind her for the remainder of the run.

Throughout the evening, I caught her looking down at my crotch a few times. I’m not sure how much she saw in just regular gym shorts, but she definitely kept peaking. (I’m sure some of you are probably going to say it’s just wishful thinking, but it was unmistakable. Just as when you women can clearly tell when we’re checking you out, us guys can clearly tell when *you’re* checking *us* out.)

At a certain point, I headed upstairs to bed because I had to be up early for work the next morning. While I was on my way up the stairs, Jill followed me and yelled “Wait!” I stopped at the top of the steps and she came up and said something to the effect of “I’m not gonna see you before I leave tomorrow. You’ll be gone way too early.” She hugged me, we said our goodbyes, and I swear to you, she pressed her breasts up against me much more firmly than usual. I mean, she has big boobs to begin with, so they always squish up against whoever she’s hugging. But this time, it felt like she was intentionally pushing them out and against me as we hugged. Because of this, I started to get hard. So I pulled away immediately and said goodnight, and turned toward my room as quickly as possible. And as I walked away, she smacked my butt. “Night,” she said. I turned my head around with a confused smile, and she had a smirk on her face unlike I’d ever seen her give. Needless to say, before I went to sleep, I jerked off to these thoughts. This was no longer a one-time thing, and was becoming a problem.

The next morning, I woke up at 5:00am, and — as I do every morning — got up and went to the bathroom in just boxers. And of course…because why wouldn’t this happen…Jill comes out of the guest bedroom as I’m walking back to my bedroom. Yes, she’s family, and she’s seen my in my underwear plenty of times throughout my life. But this time was different. This time I was overly aware of the fact she knew I was a grown man now, and of the fact that she was incredibly interested in what I was packing. It was an entirely different situation than it had been in the past. And to make matters worse, she was in nothing but a t-shirt and (although I couldn’t see them, what I presume to be) panties.

She stopped in her tracks, apologized, and said something along the lines of “Well since I get to see you one more time before I go home, bye”, and held out her arms for a hug. I was extremely hesitant, but I couldn’t deny her. So we hugged, and while she didn’t press her boobs up against me extra hard this time, there was quite a bit of atypical skin-on-skin contact, and my thin boxers left me to feel quite a bit more than usual, and I was hard almost instantly, before I could react. And when I tried to pull away, she was still hugging me, and made it difficult. It was too late. I was at almost full chub before we broke apart. My thin boxers left little to the imagination, and as I made to duck away into my room, I saw her eyes dart down to my boner.

And that was that. That was the last time I’d seen her before she left. And if that’s where the story ended, this post would be about me asking if I was crazy, or if you thought Jill was actually into me. But — much to your chagrin — that’s not where the story ends.

About two weeks later, I got a text from Jill saying, “Hey stud ?”. Right off the bat, this was strange to me. First off, she never calls me ‘stud’. She usually calls me ‘sweetie’ or, as a joke, we call each other ‘dawg’. But never ‘stud’. Then add to that the winking emoji. She does use emojis as much as the next person, but never the winking one with me. Usually just a smiling one or a laughing one. I started to overthink it, so I just brushed it off and texted her back, saying “Hey, what’s up?”

[This](https://imgur.com/a/ld1BY) was our conversation.

At this point, I was 95% sure I wasn’t crazy in thinking that she was into me. I mean, all of the signs were there. The only reason I wasn’t at 100% was because she was my cousin. She was Jill. How could she be into me? Should I go visit her? I could take a Friday off and go there for a long weekend. Do I want to do that? Is this getting dangerous?

I sat on that for about a week, and then got [another text](https://imgur.com/a/dp3dI)

She *really* wanted me to visit. How could I turn her down? I mean, I *really* wanted to visit her, too. Besides, there’s no excuse I could come up with that would make sense. So began planning. I took off on a Friday a few weeks out and told her. She said she couldn’t wait, and neither could I.

The Monday before my visit, [she texted me](https://i.imgur.com/aRDqwKH.png)

Whole house to ourselves? What was that supposed to mean? It was true, her husband and son weren’t going to be there. But why is that something to celebrate? Was she going to make a move? Does she want the house to herself so we can have sex and not worry about getting caught? These were all of the thoughts going through my head. And guess what… they were all for nothing.


Our weekend together was pretty standard. We did the usual things we do when we hang out. She even has a pool in her backyard, so we spent a lot of time in that. In fact, nothing out of the ordinary happened at all. That is, until Sunday morning before I was leaving.

I woke up and put on a sleeveless shirt and shorts, and went out to eat breakfast. As I was eating, Jill commented on my arms, saying it was clear that I work out. I thanked her, and thought that was the end of it. But nope. I’m convinced she only said that so she could say the next part…

“Do you work out your glutes?” she asked.

“Probably not as much as I should,” I responded.

“Yeah, you should always work your glutes. Work them every day. The glutes are like the engine of the body. A good amount of your power comes from your glutes.”

I told her I didn’t know that. She continued by asking to feel my butt. I was completely taken aback, and I showed it.

“What?!” I said, laughing.

“Come on, I’ll help you get an idea of what you need to work on. Do you wanna feel mine first?”

No joke, I spit out my coffee. She laughed.

“It’s fine, just come on,” she said, standing up and turning around. I sat there, staring at her ass, which was barely twelve inches from my face. “Touch it!”

I poked her butt with my index finger.

“Oh, it’s very firm,” I said. It was.

“No, *feel* it,” she said, grabbing my wrist and placing my hand on her butt.

At this point, I think was harder than I’d ever been before in my life. I gave her butt cheek a squeeze. It was firm, yet juicy. It was — as every other inch of her — absolutely perfect. So perfect, I thought I might cum in my pants. I let go.

“Wow, yeah…” I said, trying to seem impressed by it rather than ridiculously horny.

She told me to stand up. Fuck. I couldn’t stand up. I was rock solid.

“No, it’s fine,” I said. She was somewhat persistent for a second, but then I think she got the idea as to why I didn’t want to stand, because she suddenly said “Ok, fine” and walked away.

As soon as my boner went away, I hopped in the shower and jerked off like no other. And that was the only weird thing that happened all visit. But again, this story is not over.

The next day, [she texted me](https://i.imgur.com/0Y9lrE5.png)

In hindsight, it was weird of me to compliment her ass. But whatever, I was horny and my penis was doing the thinking. And it’s not like it went bad or anything. She thanked me, and winked at me again.

So are you convinced yet that my cousin wants to have sex with me? No? Then let me finish this story off for you.

Just last week, Jill visited us again, this time for four days. Now, in the time since I told her she had a nice ass, there hadn’t been anything strange or out of the ordinary. Our texts were just normal stuff. But during her stay last week, that wasn’t the case. Not at all.

Right off the bat, when she first hugged me, she did that thing where she presses her boobs up against me extra hard. And this time, she held on for a really long time. I tried to break off the hug (because I was getting hard), but she wouldn’t let me. She squeezed me tight and wouldn’t let me go. Internally, I’m freaking out. She’s going to feel my boner! But you know what? I decided to just let it happen. She was into me, and she wanted to feel my cock. So I let her. And she did. When she broke off the hug, she gave me that sexy smirk she had given me last time she visited, and just changed the subject.

At this point, I’m 98% sure she wants me.

That night, as I’m walking back from the kitchen to the living room, she’s walking the opposite way. As she walks by me, she does this little tickle on my lower stomach. Not quite my pubic area, but close enough.

Again, later that night, as I walk past her, she smacks my butt and says, “Oh my, you *have* been working your glutes!” I just laughed and said yeah. In my mind, I’m thinking, is this happening? Am I going to have sex with Jill this week?

The next night, she had her rehearsal dinner. She wore a *very* sexy dress, and she asked me to zip it up for her. Nothing too sexual there, as she probably just couldn’t do it herself. But what made it sexual was when she got back, and asked me to *un*zip the dress for her. I mean, maybe it wasn’t sexual, but it definitely felt like it was. It was the closest I’d ever been to undressing Jill. Revealing her smooth, fit back as I pulled the zipper down. It certainly turned *me* on. I don’t know about her. I was extremely tempted to follow her into the guest bedroom and offer to finish undressing her. There was a huge part of me that was convinced that’s what she wanted me to do. But I didn’t.

The next day, she was gone all day for the wedding. So I didn’t spend time with her at all until at night when she got back. And *this* is where 98% got bumped up to 99.9%.

She came home drunk. Not wasted, but more than just buzzed. And when Jill is drunk, she’s very flirty. The first thing she did when she got in the door was hug me, knocking me back onto the couch, her on top of me. She started cracking up, apologizing. She stood up and took her shoes off. This killed me, because I find girls in nice dresses with no shoes to be irresistibly sexy. It was a very dangerous moment. I was ridiculously tempted to make a move. But again, I didn’t.

She went upstairs and got dressed. When she came back down, she was wearing a t-shirt with (clearly) no bra, and flannel pajama pants with (what looked like) no underwear. So everything was jiggling like crazy. It was heaven, yet a nightmare at the same time. I was so confused. And I was hard.

And just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, Jill tottered her way over to me and plopped herself onto my lap.

My lap.

Mind you, I’m wearing sweatpants. She’s wearing flannel pants with no underwear. She’s feeling every bit of this boner on her ass. And I’m feeling every bit of her big, firm, juicy ass on my dick. And I’m about to explode right then and there. So I pushed her off me, apologized, and ran to the bathroom.

I wasn’t subtle about it at all. She knew what it was about. She giggled as I ran away.

In the bathroom, I took deep breaths, and tried not to cum in my pants, but it was too late. I was at the point of no return. I pulled my pants down as fast as I could and grabbed the nearest towel, and came into it.

I was in the bathroom for a good five minutes before I came out to find her in my seat, on her phone.

“You okay?” she asked.

“Yup, I’m fine,” I said. “I think I’m gonna go to bed.”

She didn’t say anything but “okay” in a disheartened kind of way. I felt bad, but I couldn’t be in the same room as her. It was bad enough that I had to see her the next day.

I lied in bed for over an hour, wide awake. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had just transpired, and how bad I felt. So I decided to [text her](https://imgur.com/a/DO8No)

The next morning, it was kind of awkward. Not tense or anything, but we didn’t say a whole lot to each other. We said our goodbyes and that was it.

She left yesterday morning, and I haven’t spoken to her at all since.

So tell me….. Am I crazy for thinking my cousin wants to fuck me? I know it’s wrong, but if I’m being honest, were she not married with a kid, I would’ve made my move long ago. But she is married with a kid. And there’s this intense sexual tension between us, and I don’t see that going away. What do I do? I so badly want the answer to be “Just go for it”, but I know that’s not the case. Because she’s married. So how do I proceed? Should we just keep our distance for a while? Should I direct address it and tell her it’s inappropriate? There’s still a small part of me that isn’t entirely sure she actually wants me. I don’t want to address it and have her deny it completely, making it beyond awkward between us for … well … forever.

Please help me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/74y9s7/im_pretty_sure_my_m_cousin_f_wants_to_have_sex


  1. I just read your original post. I would say there’s a lot of risk but there’s no doubt she’d be as discrete as possible about it. If I were in your position would I follow through? Absolutely. Is it the right thing to do? Absolutely not. Is it a once in a lifetime chance? Absolutely. Is it worth the risk? You’ve gotta answer that for yourself…but I’d probably go for it to be honest.

  2. She wants to fuck you, not even a question. Would I?…yes. Is it wrong?…..yes. You need to decide what you want and if its worth the risk.

  3. Maybe you should talk to her about it. It doesn’t seem like you would have sex with her though even if she said let’s do it because you not pulling the trigger already shows it as more than just a taboo of her being your cousin but also her being married with a son. And it sounds like you don’t want to ruin anything. Its also do you value her as a friend more or would you rather have sex, and see what that future entails.

  4. You would risk her marriage, hurting her kid and breaking up your future in the family (if it got out..and it will) for a few moments of pleasure?
    One word: DON’T
    You’ll regret it for the rest of your life even if no one found out. You have to live with yourself you know.
    Your cousin is a tease and needs to be taught a lesson. Find a way to do that without compromising your integrity. Make her pay a price for teasing you mercilessly. But don’t, don’t ever get in her pants.
    And, if you go against my advise – dummy – don’t leave a text trail or any trail of any kind.
    Some people have a babbling countenance and are dumb enough to show what they have sense enough not to tell.
    Go find a girlfriend.

  5. “She’s petite, yet curvy in all of the right places (big boobs, big butt).”
    Thanks for clarifying. Thought you might have been talking about foot curves or something

  6. You should be Jon Snow and she should be Daenerys for Halloween. This shit’s way better than GoT Season 7.

    But in all seriousness, she absolutely wants to have sex. I agree that the move should’ve made the move before, but my moral compass is glad you are hitting the breaks because of her marriage and her kid. Do you have any sense what their marriage is like? Do you think her husband treats her well? Will there be any family consequences? What if someone in the family found out? No judgments (I hate when people do that on here), but these are the types of questions you should contemplate. Hope this works out, and obviously, if you do the deed, please write about it. You’re great at it.

  7. I’ll be the first on here to tell you not to go for it. You’ve had fun checking her out, cumming to her looks, touching her ass and all but I don’t think you should take it too far.

    I don’t know if she’s your first cousin, second cousin or just a distant relative that you call a cousin but regardless she’s married and mother to another family member of yours. Having sex with her and getting intimate with her might just complicate a lot of things within your family and that’s something I know I wouldn’t want to be a part of. There’s nothing wrong with having fun so I would just keep going with it the way it has been but not go any further and crossed the wrong line.

  8. Honestly I don’t think it’s that weird to have a crush on a relative. Most people just brush it off. And I agree, /r/incest would be a good place to go.

  9. TL; DR but don’t fuck your married cousin.

    I understand being sexually attracted to someone, but jesus fucking christ, it’s your cousin. You probably know her husband quite well, and you know her kid, who is also a relative. If you ruin her family, you are literally ruining your own family.

    Go crazy watching porn, but don’t fuck your cousin. Don’t fuck your cousin.

  10. It isn’t even wrong. First cousin marriage is legal in most states and very common in the world as a whole.

  11. She’s definitely interested, go for it, bring protection, don’t make it awkward afterwards, post what happens here.

  12. There’s a lot of women out there that you have yet to meet, that will fit the same mold of your cousin, WITHOUT the inherent risks. Gotta shift your attention towards that. Maybe start asking Jill for advice about other girls, throw her off the scent.

    If you decide to go for it, as soon as you cum, you’ll come to your senses.

  13. Can you spell “fuck it”?

    She definitely wants a piece of you

    She doesn’t seem to mind fucking her cousin

    Question is do you mind fucking -your- cousin

  14. Fucking a cousin? Sure, just use a rubber and have fun.

    Fucking a married woman who has kids? Nah, bro.

  15. I don’t know about anyone else… but we need to clarify her hotness by seeing pictures. Lots and lots of pictures.

    But yes. Go fuck her man! And report back soon!

  16. You’re over thinking this situation… If any other woman sent you these kinds of signals, I assume you would immediately make a move… So, just go for it… Just hope you didn’t miss your chance that night on the couch :-/

  17. Dude, you posted in the wrong sub for moral advice.

    The ppl here are predisposed to want you to do it and hopefully hear about it (including me lol), but it sounds like you guys have a really great relationship that would inevitably not stay the same. It’ll start out fun but eventually she’ll turn into a girlfriend who says girlfriend things (i.e., complaining, having needs from you, needing to spend time with you) it’ll be a totally different relationship. You get to see the fun part of her, while her husband gets some of the maybe not so fun parts of her. And there’s that chance that she’ll come clean one day or other ppl will find out, and if it were me, I’d hate to have my family know that about me.

    I had a chance with a second cousin and I didn’t do anything for those reasons bc I was like, “I’m never going to end up with her and when I eventually want to have a serious relationship with someone else, we’ll stop being friends and she’ll potentially hate me or my partner.

    So yeah, think about future-you, not now-you, but if you do, let us all know and stop being lame and at least show us a blurred – face photo lol.

  18. You should show her the whole story and then fuck her, discreetly lol. Get her to invite you over for the weekend again. Next time you get a boner in front of her don’t try to hide it.

  19. I don’t blame you for being tempted. My advice: take this energy and redirect it towards a casual fuckbuddy so that you have an outlet. And think of the worst case scenario. Your niece/nephew, her kid, having to know that their uncle had a sexual relationship with their mom, breaking up their parent’s marriage. Like if the marriage is not working as a deterrent, think of the kid having to go through therapy for years bc of this. Just my 2 cents.

  20. Just give her a little looksie, let her make the move. She likes the attension. Maybe rub it on her ass “accidentally” a few times here and there. See what happens.

  21. Sounds like she just enjoyed teasing you. It probably makes her feel desirable that you get so excited by her attention. I don’t think she intended for it to actually lead to sex. You may have ruined it by pushing her so hard.

  22. You make her feel sexy. Know that she still turns men on makes her feel good about herself and she is attracted to the man reacting to her.

  23. Don’t be an idiot. She’s fucking with you and enjoying the attention. If you make a move, you can kiss your friendship with her goodbye. Even if she has interest and gives in, she will later hold it against you and cut off contact. Don’t think short term. She’s your cousin for life. Just play along and flirt back but keep your dick in your pants. .

  24. Ok, Here’s my thoughts on the matter:

    Is she a blood relative? If she’s a cousin by marriage, there’s no shared genetics there and the taboo is less. You mentioned shes married, that gets iffy. I mean, sure those of us who’ve slept with married women will tell you that its hot in its own way, but you’re courting risk, especially in the family area (scandal and housebreaking? You’ll be out of a will or two).

    If you two can keep it on the down low (No extra physical contact, no pictures with identifying aspects [face, birthmarks, tattoos, etc.], and no “knowing looks” while people are around), you CAN get away with this.

    Just do it. But don’t be stupid. Contraceptives to the maximum, discretion on where and how, etc.

    Also, if you do it and don’t report back, I wont forgive you.

    Edit: I read your other post. She went high ground, and that’s perfectly fine, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if it festered around in her head a little bit and her flirtiness intensified. Equally she could be awkward for the next while until this passes. If either she decides to go for it OR shit stays weird for a while, just make sure she knows that shes still your favorite person, and if its sexalicious fun or just plain weird, you own it and respect her choices.

  25. A friend told me to make logical, intuitive decisions.

    And now I’m telling you the same.

    Also, what decision do you think you’d regret making the most?

  26. 25 and you still jizz your pants like a teen going through puberty… nice!

  27. I just have no idea how to follow this without commenting, but following nevertheless.

  28. > I always found my cousin Jill hot

    Don’t say more… I thought that cousins having sex if they wan’t was some kind of fantasy, I wish I had on of those.

  29. More people regret missed opportunities than bad decisions. If
    you’re in to it and so is she, go for it. It is definitely possible to maintain a solid friendship after, just make sure you both can.

  30. What you should do is have her “accidentally” walk in on you with a girl (or guy your choice) if she offers to join go for and if she runs off embarrassed end of story

  31. Here’s the way I see it. Some people see sex and love as different, independent things. People can do one without the other, some can’t. She may be one of those people who sees them as separate, maybe you are too and maybe her husband isn’t.
    Instead of looking at each other to have the other person answer all the questions you both have, stop and figure out where you stand. Is it your job to watch out for her marriage? Do you have a problem being part of something her husband might have a problem with? What does it mean to cheat? If this were to happen would you be ok with putting it in a box and leaving it there for the rest of your life? Is this just another fun activity between friends?
    Stop asking her questions and tell her what you want. She’s an adult and can think through her situation on her own.
    For what it’s worth I think she has wanted to do things with you for quite a while. If this were someone else and you pursued her as aggressively as if she were single, sex would have already happened.

  32. Fake. Look at the text timestamps… clearly from a fake text generator. All the same time, signal and battery?? Hmmm

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