[FM] Overheard newlywed sex.

Sorry I haven’t posted for a while. I’ve actually been in a relationship for the past few months so I’ve been having sex instead of writing about it! But I figured I’d drop by to tell you about what happened on Saturday, because it was hot.

As usual, I was singing at a wedding on Saturday evening. The venue was a big town hall up in the midlands – they’d been married in the nearby church and were using the hall for reception, dinner and dancing. I was booked to play the piano from 4pm, as they got ready for dinner, then to sing with the band for after dinner dancing. I arrived about 3pm, just after they came out of the church.

I had driven from London so I was wearing casual clothes. I met the best man when I arrived, and he showed me around, where the piano was and where we would be playing, and also showed me the changing rooms behind the stage where I could get changed into my dress.

The changing rooms had benches, and also a set of cubicles along the side, the kind which have curtains for doors and flimsy wooden partitions for walls, which stop a few inches above the floor, just like the ones you get in fitting rooms in shops. There was nobody there, but it looks like some people had used it to store bags and coats and stuff.

I went into the first cubicle and closed the curtain across, then pulled my t-shirt off over my head and started taking off my jeans. My dress for the evening was a simple blue one, there were no hooks in the cubicle so I hung it on a hanger over the curtain rail, meaning it stuck out a little on both sides of the curtain.

I was standing in my underwear wondering whether to change my bra, or whether the current one would do, when I heard the door to the changing room swing open and two sets of footsteps come running in. ‘In here,’ said a girl’s voice as they walked past the cubicle where I was standing and into the one next to me. I heard the swish as they pulled the curtain across, and looking down I saw two pairs of feet through the gap under the wall. White, high heels, with ribbon laces – and shiny black shoes… It was the bride and groom, I guessed, and seconds later she proved me right, saying ‘I want to fuck my husband.’

The partition between us wobbled and I could tell from the position of her feet, her heels right next to the gap, that she’s standing with her back against the wall. I can hear kissing, fumbling with clothes, and a zip. ‘Fuck me, fuck your wife,’ she says again. He seems to be the silent type, but it sounds like he’s doing what he’s told. Her feet disappear from under the partition and then I hear gasps and a sharp intake of breath, and the partition starts to wobble in a telltale rhythm, accompanied by regular moans. From the closeness of her voice I guess she’s bending over, her hands on the wall as he fucks her from behind.

Her moans get longer, giving a little ‘ahh, ahh, ahh,’ with every thrust. Then she says, between moans, ‘you need to undo the clip first. By my neck.’ There are some more fumbling sounds and the thrusting stops for a minute. Then ‘that’s it – now just push it off my shoulders. Mmm yes, squeeze your wife’s tits…’. The thrusting starts again and this time I can hear him too, giving little grunts with each thrust.

The sex goes on for a few minutes, and I listen, feeling myself get turned on, my hand drifting quietly down between my legs.

It sounds like they’re both getting close to finishing when she says ‘don’t cum. I want to suck my husbands cock’. Her heels reappear under the wall, her dress bunched on top of them as she squats down. I hear him moan, and small wet sounds, and I slide my hand over my own pants as I picture them together, just inches away, his cock in her mouth.

His moans get more urgent, then stop briefly as she says ‘tell me when. I want it on my tits’. He gives a few longer moans and then grunts ‘now, now’, followed by ‘ohh god uhh uhh uhh,’ accompanied by a gentle ‘mmmm’ from her.

There are a couple of seconds of silence then a swish of material as she stands up. I can see his feet and hers together below the wall – they’re standing very close. ‘Careful,’ she says ‘don’t get it on your jacket.’ There is another swish of clothes and the sound of something being dropped – I guess he’s dropped his jacket on the ground, and then they’re standing close together again and they’re so close to me I can hear the kissing, hear their lips as they meet and part.

And then through the kissing, her breathing starts to quicken. She gives short soft moans, kissing between them, then builds up to sharper, more urgent gasps of pleasure.

I can still see both their sets of feet, they’re still standing very close, and I picture them standing there, her breasts covered in cum, his hand between her legs as he kisses her.

She starts to breath harder, her moans interspersed with ‘yes, please, yes’, the tension building in her voice. The partition wobbles slightly as her moans reach a peak, a tortured ‘ah ah ahhhhh,’ which finally gives way to a series of ‘oh god ohh oh oh oh mmm mmmmm’ sounds as she comes.

They kiss some more and she starts to giggle. ‘I love you Mrs Smith,’ he says (using the real name) – pretty much the first words he’s said since they came in. ‘God I love you so much,’ she replies.

There is some fumbling with clothes. ‘I’ve got some tissues,’ he says.

‘No,’ she replies, ‘leave it there. I want to feel you sticky on my tits all day.’

‘So naughty,’ he says, mixed up with more giggling, more kissing, as they get their clothes back on and walk out, past the front of my cubicle and out of the changing room.

Alone now, I masturbate quickly and quietly, then dress in my blue dress and go out to sing.

At the end of the evening, hours later, when I have sung for the dancing and everyone has had a great time, the bride comes over to me to say thank you. She’s blonde, very pretty, shy and kind and full of happiness – her new husband is behind her, handsome in his suit, and as she hugs me and says how much she loved the music, I felt her breasts pressed against mine and thought to myself ‘you might look innocent, but I know those tits are still covered in your husband’s cum!!’.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/747dug/fm_overheard_newlywed_sex


  1. Sounds like one hell of a wedding, surprised they had the stamina with how exhausting a wedding day is!

  2. You’ve got to love a naughty sexy bride! Thats a lucky groom to have such a hungry woman

  3. I love how detailed you get describing this naughty yet wholesome encounter! Being a voyeur is fun :)

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