The new home 1/2 [MF]

I wrote this story for a lady friend of mine, to describe her first visit to my new home. Hence the fairly lengthy description. The erotic bit starts about a third of the way down:

I’m really looking forward to you coming to my house for the first time. Let me tell you how I envision it.

When you first make it up to Utah, I will have barely moved in, just finally closed on the home. I’m excited about it and I’m excited for you to be there, but unfortunately the house is still fairly barren. As soon as you pull up, you will instantly think the house is wonderful. Huge trees cast shade across the lawn . The tall, red brick home looking down on you, giant windows like inviting eyes. This really is a comforting, charming place.

Despite its charm, this house certainly has its problems. As you walk down the driveway to meet me in the back, you almost fall it is so rough. Bricks and cobblestones sticking up at odd angles, crooked teeth. You look down and notice the cardboard blocking the basement windows. The paint falling off the window frames. All of this you expected, but you start to see this is no fairytale home.

You meet me around back and instantly see how excited I am. Excited to have the home, excited to show it to you, and just excited that you are here. It’s contagious and you feel almost flushed yourself. After a moments embrace I push you into the home. You need to see it, and see it now.

I usher you into the kitchen, well lit and cozy. Not quite as large as either of us would like, but all mine, and plenty to work with. the hardwood floors squeak brightly as we move into the bedrooms at a near gallop. more bright daylight, more excitement, nothing is perfect, but everything is perfect. A quick peak into the bathroom (the sink is fine god damnit, you will manage) and then into the living room, the real beauty and heart of this home. Through the pleasant dining room, the home opens up and is aglow. Floor to ceiling windows with white linen curtains blowing softly in the breeze. You look around taken in by the rush of the place, and take a look at the fireplace. You finally notice the plush rug and pillows laid out in front of it. In a house devoid of all furniture, for some reason there is this.

Quickly, you turn to look at me. I grin, and suddenly am pressed up against you. With a startled laugh you feel my hands pull you in close as my lips press to yours. My hands begin to move over your body, seemingly everywhere at once as we begin to make out, hard. my tongue presses against yours. When was the last time we were together? too long. It’s overwhelming. In an instant your clothes are on the floor. You stand naked as my hands continue to move. touching bare skin now, always moving, always somewhere new. Occasionally, they between your legs and your breathe halts. But only briefly. I quickly pick you up as you give a sharp cry followed by a giggle. Then you are down on the rug, soft, as I kiss your ear. your neck, your collar. You let out a soft moan.

Now I continue moving down, lightly licking and kissing down to your breasts. My tongue moves softy around, spiraling in as my hand moves lightly up your thigh. Light flicks of your nipple seem less and less significant as my hand creeps up your leg. higher. slowly higher. an eternity passes until I finally reach the top; now your whole breast in my mouth, my teeth biting lightly’ I quickly movemy hand across you, grazing your clit as I move to the other leg. I was so close it was almost painful. I repeat myself, moving slowly up you other leg, moving my fingers left to right as they rise. My mouth on your other breast now. Less gentle, more forceful as I bite down.

Your breath quickens and you cant take it any more, My hand is nearly at the top and I move my face across your belly. Everything freezes for a moment. You stop breathing. A lifetime seems to pass. Now, my wet tongue presses flatly along your slit and you moan. A long slow moan as my tongue presses up one side of you and down the other. Up one side of you slit lightly grazing your clit, then back down the other side. Up one side, down the other. I plunge my tongue into you as you writhe. Now I take long slow laps with my whole tounge along the lenngth of you. Presses firmly on your clit now when I reach the top. Another long slow lap. Another. Another. Another and now I pause at the top. Licking up and down on your clit as it swells. I lick your clit slowly, up and down, up and down, and around. Your breath quickens as I continue to lick.

Now at last, You feel my thick warm finger rub your sopping wet box. I keep slowly licking you and slip the finger in. you gasp lightly. ever so slightly I pick up the pace as your hips start to press up. my face putting more pressure on you as my tongue continues to work. My finger slips in and out. More and more. I press and lick. My finger massaging just enough inside of you. the sensation grows, it grows and grows and your breathe gets faster and faster. I keep licking as you arch up into me. Over and over as it builds to a cresting wave, and suddenly you feel another finger slip inside. The wave breaks and crashes over you. Wave after wave as you cry out in ecstasy. My fingers deep inside, filling you as you cum hard against me. YOu cry out and gasp for air and know nothing but your own orgasm.

As the waves subside, and my hands begin to lightly graze your naked body, causing shivers to run through you, you smile. I smile and kiss you.

After a few moments, as you start to come to your senses, I help you up. You want to lay there forever on that soft carpet in ecstasy, but I won thave it. I am eager and energized to show you the rest of the house. Show you what comes next…
