[F] [Group] [Exh/Voy] Tonight, Class, We’re Covering the Basics

Oh Tinder. You generational-changing, reality blurring, mind altering little shit of an app, you. If it’s good for one thing though, you can guarantee it’ll land you with some memorable stories!

Thankfully, I’ve only spend a month of my time swiping faces left and right. It was March of this year and I was fresh out of a two year long relationship. Sexual deviant acts aside I bumped into a friend of a friend from university. A university we had attended four time zones away. Small world, hey? Naturally we decided to hang out and catch up. We quickly connected the dots and we realized that he and my ex had gone to the same high school together. A high school that was halfway around the world. Super small world, hey? The catch, however, was that due to their culture and relationship, I became immediately off limits. He wouldn’t even consider letting a hug linger for too long. Ahh well, we were both at funny points in our lives and we enjoyed each other’s company.

Soon enough he introduced me to his closest friends. They were from Ireland, Pakistan, Nigeria, and he was from the UAE. To simplify things I’ll be using the country’s initial to refer to each gentleman from now on :) (R in lieu of I because you shouldn’t be worrying about first person pronouns while reading smut. Sure I can be a sadist but c’mon).

The group of us hit it off pretty quickly. The first thing N asked me was, “would you let Hilary Clinton eat you out?”
“Uhh, obviously, if only for the street cred” I replied. They were a bunch of fun guys and their energy was exciting to be around.

We’d usually hang out, smoke weed, have a few beers, share stories, the usual. But one night I felt the tension in the air the second I walked into R’s apartment. Red-blooded testosterone. My favorite.

P starts going on about how annoying R has been. P accuses R of going on and on about how he had been bragging about his phenomenal cunnilingus skills. The two of them start up again while U groans in the background. N chimes in with a hefty proposition, “what we need is an unbiased third party female to put this claim to the test.” All eyes fall on me.

Naturally, my panties are already soaked at the idea. I fumble playing hard to get and horribly try to mask my eagerness to hold a participation trophy. “For science!” I eventually proclaim, using the scientific method to justify my sluttiness (this is going to be a recurring theme in my stories, stay tuned).

Now, at the time, I was casually seeing someone I’d met on Reddit. He lived a few hours away and at that point I was already feeling things start to fizzle. Again, justifying my decision, I march into R’s bedroom and slip my tights off.

To his credit, he was enthusiastic! Unfortunately, he was very teeth heavy and he stuck to one technique that I’m sure was his “go to” for most of his partners. Now the balancing game of the male ego is incredibly volatile. So of course, I pretended to cum and reported back to the group as him being “a solid 7”. Don’t tell him but he was probably a 5 at best. I did make sure to help him change that though :) because what happened after I put my tights back on was easily the most fun part of the night.

With R’s face still gleaming with juices and beaming with pride I sat down in the cozy corner of their big couch and smelled the testosterone build. Scent is an incredibly powerful arousal mechanism for me, and the smell of that room made my nostrils flare. Every man in that room was hard as a rock from hearing me moan and just bursting with questions about what had happened and how they could all learn something new.

Now, if you’re like me and you love a dynamic power relationship, you’re going to enjoy the next part.

It became quickly apparent that although these men had plenty of experience, they lacked some fundamentals. Apart from R, the rest of them had skewed sexual education due to their cultural backgrounds. Now this for me was fun on so many levels. Being in the power position, being in a musky-sweet smelling room, having men hang on my every word, and of course, their ethnic backgrounds (mmm dark skin *drool*) just spun my head almost off my shoulders. My flushed cheeks were a dead giveaway as to the state of my composure. So of course, in the name of science, I asked R for a towel, slid my tights back off, and laid back into the crook of the couch.

We covered the basics: how and why you should enjoy giving oral as much as receiving, female anatomy (and a bit of male anatomy!), simple techniques (with R as a prop/willing participant), and of course, custom homework. After my third round of “anymore questions?” No more hands were raised. “Now, would anyone like to touch?” N was the first to jump at the offer. He washed his hands before I guided them to the right spots, letting him between my legs to feel my g-spot, cervix, and clit before letting him try out a few newly acquired techniques. By the end I was grinding my pussy into his hand and moaning like a greedy whore. I quickly apologized for the necessity of what was about to happen. I hastily said “okay I’m going to show you guys what a real orgasm looks like, watch my body, and take notes if you’d like.” I can only think of a handful of moments where I’ve felt sexier. Ugh! I can still picture their eyes as they’d adjust their throbbing erections, straining against their pants for what must have been over an hour at that point.

Although I wholeheartedly regret not escalating it to a full blown gangbang, I was thrilled with the whole experience. After cumming twice I excused myself to clean up and gain composure. But not before N had one last request; “could you do me one more favour and shake that ass before running away to the bathroom?” I gave him the most gif worthy “too tight” struggle with extra jiggle.

If you’re curious they all completed their homework with flying colours. They’re now pussy loving maniacs eager to share their stories and techniques. And I’m just sitting back, cracking my knuckles with a pussy swelling with pride ☺️

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/73rmql/f_group_exhvoy_tonight_class_were_covering_the


  1. another hot and educational gw story! well done, a service to all sex loving humans

  2. You should take this story, and a few of your others over to r/stupidslutsclub

    They will absolutely LOVE you!

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