A long story about an outdoor orgasm, solo [F] but with some [MF] action in the buildup.


The only kind of porn I like – the only kind I actually use – is written erotica. Short stories like on this website, erotic novels, I find then all much more arousing than actual images. I like to let my own imagination do the work, to picture the scenes without cheesy acting or wondering how many orgasms the girl has faked that day, or whether she really wants to be there.

I’ve just started a creative writing course and I figured, hey, why not have a go at writing some sexy stories. The story I’m about to tell is true, so it doesn’t really fulfil the ‘creative’ part of the brief. But it will help me practise my storytelling skills and maybe turn a few people on – who knows. I made this account to ask an anonymous question about sex, and it seems the perfect place to post it.

I should say before I get going, these is no actual sex in this story, except the solo kind. Maybe if this goes well, and people like it, I’ll write about some times when I’ve been with a guy. But this particular story is about a solo sexual adventure. (Actually it turns out there is a little bit of sex, I wasn’t planning to include any, but I ended up describing some of my sexual past in more detail than I planned!)

I guess I should tell you a little about myself, all the better to help your imagination (for those of you who like to picture the story in your head). I’m 22, British, and just starting my 4th year as an undergraduate at a well known university in the UK. Physically, I’m a little over average height, around 5’11”. Like a lot of women, there are parts of my body I like, and parts which I’m not so happy with. I’m quite curvy, my bum and thighs are bigger than I’d like. My tummy is flat but not really toned. I cycle and run a lot but I can’t be bothered with the gym.

My best feature, my biggest genetic gift in a physical sense, are my breasts, which I love. They’re a good size and very perky, with a lovely shape. My boyfriend from school once described them as ‘magazine quality tits’, which given his devoted study of any magazine with naked breasts in it, was one of his better compliments.

I have natural ginger hair, and usually freckles, especially in the summer. It varies in length but it’s usually around mid-back. I’m lazy about shaving, and in the winter when nobody will see, I often have hairy legs and armpits. But at the time of this story, which takes place in the summer, I am smooth. (Except my pubes – I never shave those. Sometimes I give them a trim.)

My sex life has been quite tame, at least compared to sone of my fellow students. In the 5 years since I lost my virginity, I’ve had sex with four men, including my current boyfriend. That may be about average, but two of those were really just extended one night stands, and there have been long periods of celibacy in between.

At school I had a boyfriend right through the fifth and sixth form. We progressed gradually from holding hands, to kissing, to touching and eventually took each other’s virginity. In our last year at school we would sneak down to the unused girls’ changing rooms in the sports pavilion, and have sex on the hard benches or up against the wall. On very rare occasions I’d go round to his house on Saturday afternoons, when his parents were out shopping, and we’d have sex in his single bed. We swore we’d be together forever, but the summer before university we split up, the pressure of a long distance relationship proving too much for our young love. Such is life.

Since coming to university I’ve had very little sex. It’s not from lack of opportunity – guys do show interest from time to time :-) – but mostly I’ve opted not to jump into bed. That maybe sounds like I’m a prude, or I don’t like sex, but neither of those are true. I really enjoy sex and I actually think my sex drive is a bit higher than average. I masturbate every day, and I do fantasise about guys doing stuff to me. But what I don’t enjoy is casual sex. I’m just not into one night stands. I’ve had two kinda extended one night stands, once in my first year at uni and once in my second. Both times were after a drunken night out, where I kissed a guy and ended up with me taking him back to my room. They were both nice guys and I enjoyed the actual sex, and both times we went on a few more dates and had a bit more sex. But it only lasted a few days each time before it became clear we had nothing in common apart from wanting to see each other naked. They were both fun, it’s just not something I’d want to make a habit of.

Just to complete this potted history of my sex life, I’d better mention one more sexual encounter. I do kiss guys sometimes when I go out with friends. I think I’ve snogged ten or twelve guys over the course of three years. My friend once told me it was unfair of me to lead them on and let them kiss me, but not take it further, but I don’t agree. The guy gets a snog and to feel some nice boobs, and has something nice to think about next time he has a wank – and so do I! A couple of times I’ve let them put their hand inside my bra when we were kissing, provided we were somewhere nobody could see. And once, I let a guy go a lot further – it’s sexy so I’ll tell you about it.

I was out with friends on a Friday night, and I’d been chatting to this nice looking guy. We had a few drinks and we danced, and kissed on the dance floor. Then a few more drinks, and we kissed some more in a dark corner. He was a good kisser, and I was already thinking we might end up having sex, when he started to slide his hand up my skirt.

I wanted to let him, I was very turned on, but not in public. So I said ‘not here’, and led him by the hand out of the union and into the college library, next door to where we’re drinking. The library is open 24/7 but on a Friday night it’s always empty. We went up to the back of the top floor, way behind rows and rows of books where nobody ever goes even when it’s busy. I was high on a perfect mix of alcohol and arousal and I was prepared to have sex with him, maybe even right there in the library. We went to a far, back corner and started kissing again, my bum resting against the edge of a table. He slid his hand back up my skirt and started touching me through my knickers as we kissed, then tried to hook his fingers underneath them. I told him to wait a second, and took my knickers off, then sat on the edge of the table, my skirt hitched way up around my waist. If he’d wanted to have sex with me at that point I would have let him – I had a condom in my bag – but he just kissed me again and started stroking my clit with his fingers. It felt so amazing, sitting there in the library, this guy’s tongue flicking against mine as we kissed, and his fingers sliding against me. I fumbled at the front of his trousers and eventually got his erection out through his zip, and held it, feeling it warm and hard in my hand. I was close to orgasm, and I told him ‘I’m going to come,’ but he just kept going until I came, sliding my hand over his cock and burying my face in his neck to stifle the moans.

After I’d got my breath back, I asked him what he wanted me to do. He’s standing there with his erect cock sticking out through his flies and I’m thinking I obviously owe him an orgasm. I was expecting him to ask for a blowjob or handjob, or maybe even sex, and I’d have happily done any of those. But he surprised me by saying ‘can I see your tits?’. And I’m like, umm, ok – why not. So I pull my top off and undo my bra, and sit there naked apart from my skirt while he looks at me, and says ‘can I cum on them?’, which is something my school boyfriend used to like doing. I don’t mind it, so I say yes – and I ask if he wants me to ‘use my mouth’ to help (funny how shy I can get about actually using the words for stuff), but he says no, and just starts stroking himself while he stares at my tits. I’ve never really just watched a guy have a wank like that and it was interesting and quite sexy – having just come myself it wasn’t too frustrating – and I enjoyed watching the way his hand moved over his cock and listening to his breathing get faster and more ragged, until he moaned and spurted cum all over my chest. It felt quite nice hitting me, warm and slippery, and his hands felt nice as he lent forward to kiss me and rubbed it over my boobs.

We kissed a little more then I put my clothes back on and he did his trousers back up, and we walked back to the union. He said thanks and kissed me, then walked away. I’ve seen him a few times since then, walking around town or in the college, and he smiles and says ‘hi’, but nothing more. Makes me wonder how many other girls he’s ejaculated onto, and whether he realises he missed the opportunity to come back to my room for sex.

That was over a year ago. Now, I actually have a boyfriend. He’s a guy I’ve been friends with ever since the first year, and we finally got together right at the end of last term. We were frustratingly apart for most of the summer but we’re back at uni now and I’m making up for lost time on the sex front! It’s lovely, and maybe I’ll write about some of the sexy things we’ve been doing, but this story isn’t about him.

This is the story of something I did the summer after my second year at uni – about 14 months ago now. I spent the last two weeks of that summer on a camping holiday with a group of friends. We had two cars – my old banger and a camper van which my friend had bought – and we drove them up to Scotland to go camping and hiking for a couple of weeks. I was taking a photography course at the time – I like taking these creative-type courses to offset my very nerdy engineering degree – so I had my camera with me in the hope of getting some landscape shots in time for the next class.

A week into the trip and we’re camping way up in the north of Scotland. A heatwave has been bathing us all week in beautiful sunshine, and this is the hottest day yet. Too hot to hike far, we do a small hike in the morning then come back to the tents in the middle of the afternoon to cool off.

The others open some wine, but I don’t feel like drinking yet, and I need to get some photos for my class. So I pack my camera and tripod into my car and tell the others I’m off to take some photos.

I drive along looking for a good place. I’m half thinking about sex as I drive – I haven’t had actual sex in months, which is normal for me, but less normal is the fact I haven’t had an orgasm for nearly a week. I’ve been sharing my tent with my friend, and though we are happy undressing in front of each other, I definitely can’t masturbate with her lying next to me! So I have a little bit of sexual energy and frustration built up as I drive along.

I drive along a long rough track to a deserted beach, and carrying my camera and tripod I walk along the shore, climbing over rocks, looking for the perfect shot. I walk nearly a mile before I find a rocky outcrop facing the sea, with the sun shining orange on the hills behind. I set up the camera and take a few shots. The scene is nice and I’m happy with the results, and I wonder whether I might also be able to take the ‘portrait’ photo assignment.

I set the camera low on the tripod, facing out to sea, and stand on the rocks with the sky behind me. I use an app on my phone, connected to the camera, to see the shot and take the photos. They look ok, with me standing on the rock, making an almost black silhouette against the dark blue sky, but it’s not a very original portrait.

Looking at the photos, I have an idea. A nude silhouette would be artistic and still quite decent, with no detail visible except the shape of my body. I look along the coastline – I haven’t seen another soul for hours, there is nobody for miles around. And where I’m walking isn’t even a path. I decide to go for it. I quickly undress, taking off everything except my shoes, and stand naked on the rock.

I experiment with positions. Standing with my back to the camera makes a lovely silhouette of my hourglass shape against the sky – in fact I’m really pleased with how nice my shape looks, better than I had expected. Turning to face the camera makes almost the same photo, the silhouette is too dark to see that I am topless. I think about my photo class, about the guys in the class seeing the photo and not knowing I’m naked, and I feel a little rush of arousal.

I turn sideways, angling myself carefully so the camera can see the curve of my breasts, and take a few more shots. These ones make it very clear I’m naked – you can see the shape of my tits clearly against the sky, with my hard nipple sticking out. Although I know I’ll probably never show these to anyone, I still think about the guys looking at them, seeing my tits and nipples. I think about their cocks getting hard as they look, maybe sitting in the class trying to hide their erections as I show them my photos.

I’m turning myself on, taking more photos and thinking about them being seen. I build the fantasy in my head – I know I’d never show these deliberately but I imagine leaving my memory card behind in the class, and one of the guys looking at the photos to see who owns it. Alone in his room, he puts it in his laptop and finds the naked photos of me…

I move the camera so it’s pointing at a patch of grass, in the sun, and I sit naked, my back against a rock, and take the photo. Not in silhouette now, I stand up and pose, taking photos, front to the camera and then back, bending over.

I sit again and spread my legs, centrefold style, and take the photo, checking the results on my phone. I imagine my classmate coming to these photos and pulling his cock out of his pants, fully erect, stroking himself as he looks at me.

I slide my fingers between my legs. I’m soaking wet, and I wonder if the wetness shows up in the photos. It’s difficult to see on the small phone screen, in the bright sun. I use my fingers to spread my lips and take more photos, thinking about him looking for the wetness, maybe zooming in.

One hand still holding my phone, I start to stroke my clit, feeling it firm and round under my fingers, I slide over it downwards and back up, bringing wetness from my vagina to make it more slippery.

I use two fingers to stroke, feeling the waves of pleasure every time they pass over my clit. I take another photo, still thinking about the guy, but now I imagine him standing over me, his erect cock sticking out, watching me touch myself.

My pleasure builds quickly, the tension in and around my clit getting close to release, and I make myself stop, move my hand away, I don’t want this pleasure to be over yet.

I look down at my body, my chest is flushed and glistening with sweat, my nipples hard as little bullets. I use the same hand, wet from my pussy, to stroke them, my heart racing, as I come back slowly from the edge of orgasm. I take more photos.

I imagine the guy kneeling between my legs, cum seeping from the end of his cock as he moves it towards my pussy. I move my hand back to my clit and start stroking again as I imagine him pushing himself inside me.

I try to rub slowly and prolong the pleasure but it feels too good. The tension in my clit builds up and up, simultaneously almost unbearable and overwhelmingly pleasurable as I reach the very edge of orgasm, arching my hips up and thrusting towards the imaginary penis, I scream in pleasure as I go over the peak and tumble into orgasm. It feels like all the built up pleasure is suddenly released, pumping itself out and around my body in pulsing contractions. With no need to keep quiet, I cry out with each contraction, and the orgasm goes on and on, the whole week of tension letting go in one extra long blissful climax.

When it finally passes I lie there, completely relaxed, naked in the outdoors looking up at the sky, and though I am not religious I say a tiny prayer of thanks to god for giving me a body which can experience so much pleasure.

I pack up the camera and delete all the photos except the very decent hourglass-figure silhouette-from-behind one. The fantasy was hot, but in reality I wasn’t going to take the risk of anyone ever seeing me sitting by the sea, posing like a porn star. Until I wrote this story, that was my little secret.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/72zg7k/a_long_story_about_an_outdoor_orgasm_solo_f_but


  1. So very very hot, even better by my own fantasies for wanting to be with a red head.
    Would love to read more of your stories be them with guys or just your self exploration, thank you for posting.
    Make it even better and post that hourglass photo ?

  2. So, so hot. I especially enjoyed the part where you fantasized about a guy finding your photos – because I was fantasizing about being that guy, stroking my cock while I admired your body.

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