[FFM] Flirting to fucking in Room 403 (Part 1)

My husband and I make the trip every year to come home for the holidays, it is always a very hectic time of year. You have to make sure to do your rounds and see everyone or all hell breaks out.

So after a week of constant family, we needed a break from it all. Finally, on the last night we were in town, we got away for a night to ourselves.

We dressed nicely with me in a halter top and a skirt with slits up each thigh, and him dressed in a button down and slacks.

Once ready we headed out. We chose a small bar that had just about every beer you could want on tap. We opted to sit at the bar, you never know who you will get to meet or flirt with.

I was on my second beer when I felt someone behind me. Before I had a chance to look I was encircled in a tight hug. It was Ally, my best friend from high school.

“Oh my God. I didn’t know you guys were in town. How are you?”

“We’re good, just having a night out without the family. How are you?”

Ally sits herself down on the stool next to me and orders herself a drink. “Oh, I’ve been good. I am so happy to see you, I’ve missed you so much.”

I have known Ally for a very long time, and we have done many things with each other. You know exploring your sexuality and all.

“I’ve missed you too, I know we talk online, but it’s not the same. You got any plans tonight?”

She had came with a guy, but she had no plans on leaving with him. She explained that he had gotten pissed when she said she was going to come over and talk to me, so she had told him to fuck off.

I invited her to join us for the evening. “We plan on hitting up a few bars tonight, hop around ya know.”

She doesn’t even have to think about it. She agrees to join us for the night. She leans across me, “Hey hubby, looks like you get to be the 3rd wheel tonight.”

My husband knows about my past with Ally, so he answers back, “Careful Ally, I do bite.”

Ally is quick with her response, “You wouldn’t be any fun if you didn’t, and besides I’m not afraid of you. I like biting.” She leans in closer placing her hand on my thigh, that was bare due to the high slits, “You can bite me anytime you want.”

My husband leans in as well, placing his hand on my other thigh. He uses the slit in my skirt to slip his fingers underneath and trace lightly up and down my inner thigh. “What if I want to right now?”

Ally grins and whispers, “Do it.”

“By the end of the night I will have you both sucking on my cock.” After saying this he winks at Ally, and straightens back onto his stool.

Momentarily both Ally and I are left speechless. Not that I disagreed with the idea.

Now Ally’s hand had started to trail up and down my inner thigh. While their fingers roamed across my thighs they continued to talk, but all of my attention was focused on what was going on under the bar.

I realize they are asking me what I would like to do after leaving this bar, and I am about to answer when I feel Ally’s fingertips brush over the thin fabric of my panties. My breath hitches, “I’m ok with whatever you guys want to do.”

My husband quirks an eyebrow at me, then grins. “So it’s what we want.” His hand slides up and joins hers brushing across my pussy. His grin gets bigger feeling her hand. “I can feel now what we want.”

Ally suggests we go to the new pool hall across town. While she is talking about the new bar my husband’s hand slips under my panties. “Pool could be fun. I’m ok with that. How about you?” He looks at me as he slides a finger inside of me.

I grip the edge of the bar and try to control my breathing. Just as I am about to get it under control I feel Ally’s hand slip under my panties too. She uses one of her fingers to circle my clit.

I bite down on my bottom lip, trying to suppress the moan trying to escape my lips. My voice is breathy when I finally answer, “Pool is fine with me. I’m ready when you are.”

My husband leans in giving me a quick kiss before slipping his finger out of me. “I’ll cover the tab and meet you guys outside.”

Ally slides her hand out from under my panties and announced she needed to use the restroom, and asks me to go with her.

I agree, but first I lean into my husband kissing him then a sensual bite on his bottom lip. While teasing him with my mouth I move my hand to his crotch and stroke the hard outline of his cock through his pants. “I’ll see you outside love.”

I stand joining Ally as my husband says, ” You girls are driving me crazy. You sure you want to go bar hopping tonight?”

“Oh come on a game of pool will be fun.” Ally strokes her hand across his cock as well before leading me off towards the bathroom.

While in the bathroom we talk about our night. I tell her rather than going back to my parents we will most likely find a room in town tonight. We are still talking about it as we walk outside.

Ally grins, ” Oh a sleepover, that will be fun.”

“I don’t plan on sleeping.” I hear my husband say from behind us as his hand smacks my ass then does the same to Ally.

Ally rubs her stinging ass and asks, ” Oh Yeah? Well what is it you plan on doing?”

My husband ushers us into his Jeep, but before closing the door he says, “The both of you.” He closes the door not giving time for a response.

The drive across town doesn’t take long, and soon enough we are walking into the new bar. We pick a pool table while my husband goes to the bar to order us some drinks and pay for an hour on the table. He comes back just as I’ve finished racking the balls.

” You girls can be on a team, but I want to break.” My husband has always been great at pool, so it doesn’t take long before he has sunk more than half his balls.

Realizing that we are going to lose, Ally and I come up with a plan to distract him on his next shot. So as he is lining up his next shot me and Ally lift our shirts and flash him. He scratches.

“Hey now, that wasn’t fair. You know I can’t shoot when beautiful breasts are exposed to me.”

We both grin at him. “All’s fair in love and war, I do believe it is my shot good Sir.” I walk around the table and take aim at my next shot. Just as I pull back to shoot I feel a hard smack on my ass. My husband has a way of cupping his fingers so that when he smacks he curls his fingers to not only gets the ass but also my pussy. I love when he does this, so it is no small wonder that I not only miss the shot, but also I miss the ball.

” And you talk of not being fair,” I rub my smarting ass.

“You started it,” he winks at me then lines up his next shot. Since he was talking to me he didn’t notice that Ally had moved up behind him. Just as he is about to strike the ball her hand moves to the front of his pants and gropes his dick. He groans as he watches the ball go wide knocking in one of ours.

“You’re the best player on our team,” I tease.

“Looks like you girls needed a helping hand.” At the mention of hand he slaps Ally’s ass just as he had mine. She lets out a little yelp missing her shot too.

After several games, with a lot of sexual distraction, we all discide that we were tired of playing pool. We found a circular booth in the corner of the bar. I had my husband sit in the middle this time as we all slid into the booth.

It didn’t take long before both Ally and my hands find my husband’s thighs under the table. While we chatted and sipped on our drinks, our hands inched upwards taking turns rubbing his cock through his pants under the table.

After a while I moved my hand upwards and unzip my husband’s pants the whole time Ally is still stroking him through the now taunt fabric. As my hand slides into his zipper he looks at me and says, “I’m ready to get out of here and get that room I heard you girls talking about.”

I slide my hand into the opening of his boxers and wrap my fingers around his throbbing cock. “Don’t you want to play another game of pool?” I ask innocently as my hand strokes up and down his shaft.

” Yeah I think I would like another round of drinks too.” I feel Ally’s hand through the fabric playing with the head of his penis.

He groans and flexes his hips under our hands, “If I don’t get to fuck you soon I am going to go crazy. I don’t want to play anymore pool, but if we must we can have another round of drinks.”

“Staying here is fine with me.” My hand keeps its slow pace sliding up and down his shaft.

Once that was settled my husband caught the attention of a waitress and ordered us another round of drinks. While he is speaking to the waitress I feel Ally’s hand join mine in my husband’s pants.

There wasn’t much room to move our hands so we shared his cock. I let Ally rub along the base of his cock, while my fingers traced around the head. I used the slick precum coming out of him as my fingers stroked him.

The waitress came back a bit later with our drinks, and the whole time we talked with her our hands continued to play with his cock under the table.

After the waitress wondered away, a few of my husband’s buddies from his past came over to say hello. While he talks with them I feel his hand slide under my skirt and panties. He slides his fingers up and down my pussy a few times coating them with my wetness then slips inside of me. My hand tightens around his cock at the sudden intrusion.

His fingers slide as deep inside of my pussy as they can without being totally obvious of what his hands are doing under the table.

I look across to Ally and notice that my husband has his other hand buried between her legs as well. I watch as Ally grips the edge of the table with her free hand as her hips rock ever so slightly, fucking my husband’s hand.

During my husband’s whole conversation, with his friends which lasted a good 15 to 20 minutes, his fingers stroke in and out of us. Our hands continue to leasurely stroke his cock. Even with our subtle movements I am sure his friends knew something was going on under the table. Soon they excused themselves to go play a game of pool.

After they leave our table, my husband slides his fingers out at the same time rubbing them across my clit. He does the same with Ally.

Picking up his drink finishing it quickly, “Let’s go.”

Neither Ally or I protested, we were so hot and horny we were ready to get out of there. We slide our hands out of my husband’s pants letting him adjust and zip up his slacks.

My husband pays our tab, and we hurriedly make our way to the Jeep. Ally sits up front with me in the passenger seat so that my husband can watch us make out on the ride to the hotel. Ally and I kiss and bite on each other’s lips and neck until we are both panting. He uses one of his hands to explore both of our breasts while he drives.

((I was going to post as one story, but it has gotten rather long. So I broke it up into two parts. I am still working on part 2, but hope to have it finished soon.))

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/72lmom/ffm_flirting_to_fucking_in_room_403_part_1


  1. Very hot read. I love all the flirting / flashing / teasing. I bet everyone was very turned on.

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