The “lesbian” who wanted the D [FM]

This is the male half of this account, /u/2maturesluts. Yes, men can be sluts, too.

About a year after we met in 1995, my then girlfiend, now wife, moved to the west coast, as far as I knew then, for good.

There were no smart phones and Tinder-like apps in 1996, hell, there were no dating web sites. This was the age of 28k dialup connections, when downloading one photo took some real patience.

But there were things called “bulletin boards,” and I signed up for one that was sexually related, Southern Nights. I posted an ad there with some photos, not expecting anything to come from it. And for a while, nothing did.

Then one day I got a reply from a woman who wanted to talk about her “situation.” We exchanged phone numbers, land lines, to give you an idea of how different things were.

When we spoke, she explained to me that she was a lesbian, who sometimes had the urge to fuck a man. I questioned this, suggesting maybe she was bisexual, not lesbian. But she said, no, she was involved in a long term lesbian relationship, and just desired the D every now and then. But it would have to be totally discrete, on her terms.

I only ever knew her by what she said was her first name, Franklin. Needless to say, she had my interest.

We set up a time to meet, and she gave me directions to her apartment. When I asked if she didn’t maybe want to meet for a drink or something first, she said, “no, I’ve seen your photos, you’ll be fine. If you meet me and are not interested, I’ll understand.”

So I showed up at the appointed time at her apartment. She invited me in, offered me a beer, and asked if I’d like to smoke a joint. While we did, she explained a bit more, as best she could, about her desire for an occasional cock to ride. I boldly (and stupidly) suggested maybe a strapon might work for her and her partner, but she said, no, her partner saw that as some kind of compromise to their lesbian relationship. She did not think that kind of man-based penetration should be needed.

Left with nothing more to stupidly argue, I shut up and continued smoking the joint.

When we finished the joint, she straddled me on the couch and began rubbing my cock through my pants. As I quickly got hard, she said, “feels like you’re still interested” in a questioning tone.

I was, but to be honest, she was not the first (or second) woman I’d try to pick up in a bar. Not unattractive at all, say a 7/10, but her aggression, desire, and passion pushed her up a notch or two on that scale, in the moment.

I replied, “definitely interested,” and she suggested we move to the bedroom. Once there, I asked her exactly what she wanted. She told me to just lie on my back so she could ride me.

And, boy howdy, ride me she did!!! She fucked me as hard as I’ve ever been fucked, pounding her pussy onto my cock, hard, until she had a huge orgasm. And then, after a very brief pause, she did it again!

She rolled off me to catch her breath, and said “I feel bad that you didn’t come.” I told her that was not unusual for me in a first encounter, and that I truly got off on making a woman come. She smiled at that, and said “we will definitely have to do this again.”

Maybe two weeks later, my phone rings at about 11:30 at night, and it’s her. “Hey, you busy right now?” I could tell she was a bit inebriated. I said no, not busy, and she asked if I could come over. I told her I needed to take a quick shower and could be there in about 45 minutes.

When I got there, it was the same deal … a beer, a joint, a talk. She said she’d been out drinking that night, had also done some cocaine, and wasn’t even sure she’d be able to come … but wanted to try. She wanted the D!

We adjourned to her bedroom, and I began by going down on her. After several minutes, she got very wet, and told me, “wow, you’re pretty damn good at that.”

Let me tell you, guys, there is no greater compliment than to have a lesbian tell you that you are “pretty damn good” at cunnilingus!!! I will take that to my grave!

She surprised me by repositioning herself to give me a blow job. After about 20 seconds, she stopped, looked up at me, and said, “you know I’m only sucking you to get you hard.”

I told her, “well, let me think about football statistics and math problems, so you’ll keep sucking me longer.” But the math problems did not work, I was soon rock hard.

She put her hand on my chest and pushed me onto my back. She straddled me and slammed her pussy down on my cock, and began riding me even harder than our first time.

I began to reciprocate her rhythym, fucking her even harder. We were pounding each other so hard, it was just shy of painful.

After about ten minutes, she yelled, “oh, God, you ARE going to make me come!!!” And she came so hard, her pussy squeezed my cock right out of her. She then laid on top of me, catching her breath, and panted, “wow, that was just what I needed, and didn’t think I could get.”

She again said she felt bad that I didn’t have an orgasm, and I told her, “next time, maybe I will completely use you for an orgasm like you just did to me.”

I saw a glint in her eye that said she might actually enjoy being used that way.

But shortly thereafter, my girlfriend, now wife, moved back to town. And the next time Franklin called, it went to voicemail, and I never called back.

Have not heard from her since, but I do have fond memories of my “lesbian encounter.”



  1. Curious, you and your wife were broken up for a period?

    Also glad to see another guy who has trouble coming and just enjoys witnessing the female orgasm.

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