Night on The Town, Part 3 [MF] [Oral] [Lite Exh] [Third Person]

(Part 2 can be found [here](


Kate opened the bathroom door, revealing an elderly woman, her frown pulling the wrinkles on her face taut. The hallway was empty besides her, and beyond that the soft, jazzy music of the restaurant played undisrupted. If anyone had heard her orgasmic shout, they hadn’t reported it.

“The other bathrooms are full,” the woman said, shaking a fist, “presumably being used for their *intended* purpose. I’ve half a mind to tell management about you. I thought this was a *respectable* establishment.”

Kate and Mark filed out of the bathroom, giving the irate woman a wide berth. She shuffled into the bathroom muttering under her breath, and slammed the door with as much force as she was able.

The couple exchanged a glance, trying to bottle down their laughter. Mark straightened his tie and lead the way back to their table. He looked around the restaurant as surreptitiously as he could, but nobody seemed to realize he was there. Every table was in their own little world. They were all separate planets, orbiting each other but not quite touching. There was a sort of quiet beauty to that, he thought. In way, each couple were the most important people in the world. Nothing else mattered. He looked at his wife, took her hand. That was exactly the way he felt tonight.

Their dinner was waiting patiently for them when they arrived back at their small corner table. Some tiny, delicate bird served with an assortment of vegetables he’d never had on a bed of risotto. As much as he’d balked at the price, he couldn’t deny that it was delicious. But all the same he hesitated to take another bite. He wanted to savor the sweet taste of his wife on his tongue for as long as he could.

Kate laced her fingers together and rested her chin on her knuckles. She couldn’t keep the smile off of her face, wide and goofy. There was a glow that seemed to light her skin from within. “I must say, that was pretty incredible. Forget being even for the ride over, I might owe you for that. I still can hardly believe we did that.”

Mark smiled in return. “I think that old lady feels the same way.”

She laughed, wind chimes in the spring. “I wonder if she’ll actually tattle on us.”

“Nah,” Mark said. “Snitches get stitches.”

Another peal of laughter burst from her lips. “Really? You pick that up during your many stints in prison?”

Mark shrugged. “Hard knock life, baby. You don’t where I’m from.”

Kate refilled her wine glass and swirled it absentmindedly. “I know exactly where you’re from. The worst thing you ever did in college was some petty theft.”

“The good old days,” Mark said, leaning back in his chair and staring off into the distance. “Before the crushing weight of responsibility squeezed the fun out of me.”

Sipping her mind, Kate said, “Do you miss it?”

Returning his gaze to his wife, he grinned. “Nah. I was an asshole. I much prefer who I am with you.”

“Glad to hear it,” Kate replied.

Mark made a show of rubbing his chin. “Though there are some things I wouldn’t mind doing again. Not dumb shit like stealing from Wal-Mart at three in the morning or cracking my skull open doing a keg stand over concrete…” Without realizing it, Mark rubbed the small scar that interrupted the hairline on the side of his head.

“…But that threesome was nice,” Kate finished with a smirk. “That what you were gonna say?”

Mark spread his palms in a ‘what can you do’ gesture. “You know me too well.”

“Damn straight I do,” Kate said, taking another sip. “But I don’t disagree. It was nice, from what I can remember.”

“Too bad your sorority sister went and got herself a job in London,” Mark said.

“You know, I’m still kind of shocked Beth went for it. Hell, I’m shocked I went for it,” Kate said. “I didn’t trust you then as much as I trust you now. Probably wouldn’t have happened if we weren’t shit faced. Was that your plan all along?”

Mark put his hands up. “Woah, hey, I wasn’t even the one who suggested it, remember? That was all you!”

A reminiscent smile played out across her face. “Oh, yeah. I’d forgotten about that.”

Mark picked up the wine bottle and emptied the remains into his glass. “I was just as drunk as you were, but even sober a guy’s not gonna say no to that!”

Holding up her glass to cheers, she muttered, “Alright, alright, fair enough.”

After Mark took a drink, he said, “Did you ever have another…experience with a girl?”

“Oh, yeah,” Kate replied, nonchalant. “Plenty.”

Mark tilted his head. “Really? Can’t believe I never asked before.”

“I don’t know why you’re surprised,” Kate said, leaning forward. “Cali girl, away from home, playing on the volleyball team…I had plenty of opportunities. Why not experiment?”

Mark shrugged. “Can’t fault that logic.”

“What about you?” Kate asked.

“What about me?” Mark returned.

She rolled her eyes. “Have you ever been with a guy?”

Drumming the table with his fingers, Mark studied the paintings on the wall. “Once.”

Kate sat upright in surprise. “Really? Here I thought mine was a given, but I’m surprised you never talked about that before.”

At that moment, a buzz emitted from Mark’s pants. “Ah, crap, I thought I put it on silent. Sorry.” He fished his phone out of his pocket, but stopped when he saw the screen. “Huh.”

“Who is it?” Kate asked, twirling a fork through her linguini.

“Speaking of college, it’s Jason. Haven’t talked to him in a bit,” Mark answered.

“No kidding?” Kate asked. Then she smirked. “Was it Jason? Was he the lucky man?”

Mark looked up from his vibrating phone, his brow knit. “What? No, of course not. He’s the straightest guy I know.”

Kate took a bite of pasta. “Ha. Yeah, sure. Well, are you gonna answer it?”

Mark returned his gaze to the incoming call lighting up his screen. “I mean, I’m curious why he’s calling, but it’s our anni—”

“Go ahead,” Kate said, gesturing with her fork. “We’re reminiscing as it is. Besides, who better to talk to on our anniversary?”

“Guess you’re right about that,” Mark said as he swiped his thumb across his phone and held it up to his ear. “Jason! Long time no see, man. How have you been?”

Kate continued eating as Mark talked. The food here really was spectacular, well worth the price by her estimation. But that’s not why she would remember this place. Her eyes drifted over to the hallway that lead to the bathroom. She could still feel the satisfied, drifting contentment of post-orgasm pleasure.

“No way, really?” Mark said into the phone. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m actually out with Kate right now. At dinner. It’s our fifth anniversary. No man, don’t sweat it, I don’t remember other people’s anniversaries. We were actually just talking about the good old days, so it’s funny you called.”

Putting her heels together, Kate pushed her feet out of her pumps. Wriggling her newly liberated toes, she extended her leg underneath the table, concealed by the thick white tablecloth. She took another bite and rested her foot on her husband’s knee. He looked at her, his eyebrows raised in silent question, but she returned with a quizzical expression of her own, as though unsure what he would puzzled about.

“Right, yeah, Kate said that it was appropriate for you of all people to call,” Mark continued. Kate slowly extended her leg, sending her foot down his thigh and into his crotch. His eyes made it clear that he didn’t appreciate the distraction while he was on the phone, but Kate maintained her veneer of befuddled innocence. She began to rub her foot on his dick, pleased by the quick response it brought.

“Ah…what? Sorry, say that again?” Mark said, already feeling his cock stiffening under the stimulation. Kate brought her eyebrows together in feigned concern for his sudden difficulty talking, while continuing to play with his dick through his pants. She thought about the red streaks she had left along his shaft, and couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

“Wh-why wouldn’t you have called before getting a ticket?” Mark asked, gamely trying to ignore his wife’s mischief. “No, ye…yeah, that does sound like you. Honestly, we’re almost finished with dinner. How about I call you back when we’re done? Great. Bye.” Mark dropped his phone, leaning back in his chair and slowly exhaling. “That was just mean.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kate said, twirling another bundle of linguini around her fork and continuing to tease him under the table. “So what did Jason want?”

Mark sighed. “He’s in the area. His plane landed a couple hours ago. Wanted to see us.”

“What?” Kate’s foot dropped from Mark’s chair in surprise.

Mark adjusted his pants. “Mhm. Typical Jason. Took a couple days off from his clinic and bought a ticket here on a whim.”
“Does he know anyone else in the area?” Kate said, her pasta-laden fork forgotten.

“Not that I know of,” Mark replied, drumming his fingers on the tablecloth and looking at the now silent phone.
“Well then we have to see him!” Kate decided.

Mark looked around them. “Table’ll be a little tight for three.”

“After here, you dope,” Kate said with a laugh. “Dive bars and lite beers, remember? It’ll be just like college.”

Running a hand through his hair, he said, “Heh, I’m sure he’d appreciate that.”

“If only Chelsea lived nearby. Then we really could recreate the night we met,” Kate said, a wistful look in her eyes.
Mark hefted his wine glass. “Wouldn’t that be awkward?”

Kate mirrored his move and the pair drank. “At this point I don’t see why. They only dated for a few months. Like all of Jason’s women. That’s exactly why I warned her not to go out with him. I told her that he was a serial dater, and would only break her heart sooner rather than later. She never listened to me, though. Good thing, I guess, or she wouldn’t have dragged me to the frat party where we met.”

“I never knew you thought that low of my best friend!” Mark said with a rueful smile.

Kate shrugged. “You say low, I say accurate. You know just as well as I do that it was the truth. He’s still a bachelor, right?”
Mark shifted in his seat. “Most of the time, yeah.”

“Exactly!” Kate said. She paused for a moment, staring at her reflection in her wine glass. “But if I’m being honest, I think I was just jealous of Chelsea. If she hadn’t gone out with Jason I probably would’ve tried.

“Ha!” Mark exclaimed. “Good thing I scooped you up first. You ever tell him that?”

Kate crossed her arms with a smirk. “Alright, A: I scooped you up. And, B: Of course not!”

“Well maybe you can when we see him later,” Mark said, helping himself to another bite of fowl.

“Absolutely not.” Kate picked up the wine bottle, squinting at the opaque glass and giving it a shake to ensure Mark had truly emptied it. She set it back down with a disappointed sigh. “But are you really cool with seeing him after we leave? It’s our anniversary, after all.”

Mark nodded. “We’ve got time, still. Jackie said she didn’t have anywhere else to be.”

“Well I don’t want to take advantage of the girl,” Kate said.

“Are you sure?” Mark asked, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“Hilarious,” Kate deadpanned. “But I’m serious. If you’re alright going out after this, I’m alright catching up with Jason. But we can’t be out too late, for Jackie’s sake.”

“Of course,” her husband said. “I’ve heard of a place outside of town, should fit the bill. One or two drinks, max.”


The Dusty Bottle was everything that *Chez Trois* was not. There was no valet awaiting them, and in place of Rolls Royces and Lamborghinis the gravel parking lot was filled with Harleys and pickup trucks. Instead of evoking urbane Parisian aesthetic, the Bottle was a log cabin that had gotten drunk and fallen down a flight of stairs.

Neon lights hung in the windows, pretzeled into the names of big beer companies. Weatherbeaten posters adorned the door, heralding a daily happy hour—ladies drink free—as well as live performances by ostensibly local musicians neither of them had ever heard of. As they approached the door, the “music” of one such band could be heard: an older man doing his damndest to cover recent country hits.

The entranceway was guarded by a cluster of patrons who had stepped out to smoke; wading through their noxious cloud was the first rite of passage. The second was a bouncer that sat on a stool just inside the door. He had the beefy arms of someone accustomed to throwing people around, but the lazy gut of a man who only undertook such exertion when he was absolutely forced to. He gave the couple a bored once-over and waved them in, content he didn’t need to pretend to scrutinize any chalked IDs.
In the corner a gargoyle kept watch over the bar: a beat up jukebox that looked like it hadn’t functioned since the days its music library was relevant. The sound of the band was punctuated with the clacking of pool balls from the adjoining room. The bar itself was long and plain, but every seat was filled. The wall behind the bar was lined with dozens of liquor bottles, though Mark had suspicions that a fair amount of them contained mostly water. There was no kitchen, but taped against the wall was a printed out paper declaring that hot pockets could be purchased individually. The bar had very few taps for beer, but they were all well-used.
Similarly well-used was the bartender: a woman at least in her late fifties, stout and wrinkled. Her stone-faced expression and thousand yard stare spoke to a lifetime of working at the Bottle, secure in the knowledge that life held no more surprises for her. She tossed a rag over her shoulder and looked up at the newly-entered couple, but she made no move to offer them anything. The regulars here were barnacles; customer service was not a required trait.

Mark breathed in deep, sampling the bouquet of sweat, old wood, stale beer and other less identifiable odors. “It’s awful,” he said. “It’s like coming home.”

“What?” Kate cried over the music.

Mark shook his head. “Nothing! Let’s get a drink!”

The woman behind the bar filled up two glasses with the least enthusiasm a human could muster, and Mark left money on the bar, squeezing in to accept the glasses between two men who didn’t deign to accommodate him.

The couple made their way to the pool room, where it was at least possible to converse. A group of men already had two of the three tables occupied. They stared at the couple as they entered.

“You two get lost?” one asked, nodding to their fancy attire. Jeans and flannel were the order of the day, which contrasted sharply against Mark’s fitted suit and Kate’s slinky black dress.

Mark shook his head. “Nah. Believe it or not, we’re exactly where we want to be.”

Though she wouldn’t have been caught dead in a dive like this back home, Kate had been to many such watering holes in college. She’d seen bar fights started for less, fights that had involved Mark on more than one occasion. Her grip on her beer tightened. She didn’t want her anniversary to end with a trip to the ER. Had coming here been a bad idea?

The man shrugged and returned to his game, taking a cue from one of his companions and focusing on his next shot. Kate released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

Mark pulled his phone out of his pocket, his thumbs flying across the screen. “I’ll text Jason the address. He’ll get a kick out of this place.”

“Wanna play a game while we wait?” Kate asked, leaning against the unused pool table.

“Sure, why the hell not,” Mark said, returning his phone to his pocket and searching within. After a moment he said, “Ah, lemme go see if I have some quarters in the car.” He set his beer down, kissed her on the cheek, and hustled out.

Thankfully the other men in the room continued to ignore her, shooting and talking amongst themselves. She glanced around the room and spied the bathroom door. She thought of Mark eating her out inside whatever unkempt mess awaited beyond that door and shuddered. The idea of having sex in public places was clearly a massive turn on for her, but that had its limits. She wasn’t sure that she could even get drunk enough to consider fucking in a disgusting dive bathroom.

But luckily that wasn’t what they were here for. As much as she wanted to feel Mark inside her with a gnawing, growing desperation, that could ultimately wait an hour or two. She brought the beer to her lips. It was cold—but that was where any possible compliments ended.

She remembered the first time she’d had a similar beer. It had been Rush Week. The swill, naturally served from a keg into a plastic cup, was a far cry from the expensive wines her snobbish parents imbibed. She couldn’t understand how anybody could ever drink something so foul. By her senior year, it’d become a staple part of her weekend diet. It was never something she enjoyed, truly—tolerated would have been a better word—and now that she could afford better she drank better. All the same, she wasn’t repulsed by golden liquid (in a chilled glass now, a step up!). It was distilled college, the taste more nostalgia than anything else.

Coins jangling in his hand, Mark returned to the room. He put them in a stack on the edge of the table, and fit four of them into the slots below. “You’re going down.”

“I hope so,” Kate said. “Once wasn’t enough.”

Mark pushed the quarters into the table with a satisfying *chunk!* and the balls were released from inside the table, rolling into a line below the edge, ready to be played. “Heh. So, how about we make a wager? Make things interesting?”

“Yeah? Like what?” Kate grabbed two cues from their stand against the wall where they’d vigilantly guarded a faded poster of some woman in beer-logo bikini. She tossed one to her husband, who snatched it out of the air. She plucked a cube of blue chalk off the table and began dusting the tip of her cue.

“Nothing crazy. How about the loser takes a shot?” Mark explained, taking the chalk from her.

Kate pulled the triangular rack from its resting place hanging from a rusty nail and dropped it on the felt. “Oh, that’s it? Leave it to you to come up with something tame and boring.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Mark asked as he plunked the billiard balls into the rack. “I’m not boring!”

“No, you’re not,” Kate responded. “‘Boring’ is the wrong word. How about ‘safe’?”

After making sure the balls were arranged correctly, he looked up at his wife. “Fine, then. What would you suggest?”

Kate picked up the cue ball and placed it right on the dot, making sure to bend over and give her husband ample view of her cleavage. “How about the loser has to run naked through the bar?”

“Are you kidding?” Mark said, looking around the establishment. “There is no way I’m letting you run naked through this place.”

Placing her cue between her fingers, Kate lined up her shot. “So confident you’ll win, hmm? Been awhile since we last played. I’m sure you’re rusty.” She eyed the stack of quarters Mark had taken from their car. “Fine, have it your way. We got enough quarters for a couple games here, at least. Just don’t forget to give me the keys when you’re too drunk to drive.”

Mark pulled the rack up. “In your dreams.”


Mark winced as he knocked the shot back, placing it on the edge of the pool table next to two other empty glasses. “Best three outta five,” he said, shaking his head.

Kate didn’t bother to hide the smug look on her face. “You don’t have the money, pal.”

Mark took a drink of his second beer to wash the taste of cheap liquor from his mouth. “Forgot how much of a shark you were.”
“I tried to warn you,” Kate said with a shrug.

“Marcus Jensen, getting his ass handed to him at pool! Things haven’t changed a bit!” a voice cried out. The couple turned to see Jason walking across the bar towards them, all smiles.

Kate, closer, leaned her stick against the table and gave the newcomer a warm hug. “You know, him, he never learns!”

Jason returned the hug, exchanging kisses on the cheek before pulling back to get a better look at her. “Katherine! It’s been too long! You look beautiful!”

She gave a mock courtesy. “You’re looking good yourself. That tan just permanent now?”

Mark moved in and gave his old friend a hug as well. “She’s not kidding. That Cali sun is doing wonders for you. It’s like you’re aging in reverse.”

His mediterranean heritage had gifted his skin an olive complexion, but it was certainly a few shades darker now. His black hair was cut professionally short, and his piercing dark eyes were framed by creases at the corners from years of mirth.

Accentuating them now, Jason laughed. “Alright, alright, laying it on thick. But thank you. I guess the climate’s treating me pretty well, though it’s not where I thought I’d end up.”

“How could it be? You never thought about the future at all!” Mark said with a chuckle.

Jason put his palms up. “Mea Culpa. Too many things to enjoy in the present to spend time worrying about the future, ya know?”
“Well tonight we’re spending time remembering the past,” Kate said.

Looking around the room, Jason nodded. “Yeah, I can tell. This place is a total dump. It’s perfect.” He nodded at the pool table. “Looks like you guys just finished up a game. I got some change. You got another one in you, Kate? Mark looks like he could use a break from the ass whoopin’.” He pulled off his jacket and tossed it on an empty stool, revealing a navy blue button down clearly tailored to his lithe frame, along with a gray skinny tie and an expensive looking watch. Suddenly the couple weren’t the only overdressed people at the bar.

“Sure, but as you can see we’re playing for shots. What’s your preference?” Kate asked with a wink.

Jason shrugged. “Whatever you’re favorite is. It’ll make it easier for you when you lose.”

Kate finished her beer. “Then I’ll back with that and a round for the three of us.”

Mark slugged his friend’s shoulder as Kate sauntered away. “Gotta say, man, I was surprised when you called me. But I’m glad you’ve come. I’ve missed you, buddy. We both have. How’ve ya been?”

Jason clapped Mark on the shoulder. “Gotten used to the warmth, for one thing! Between switching to the vet school in the Caribbean and opening a practice in California, I’ve grown accustomed to a certain temperature. It’s freezing here!”

Mark laughed. “You get used to it. People’s pets treating you ok?”

“Better than their owners, for the most part,” Jason replied. “But you know me, I can’t complain. How’s the accounting firm?”
Rubbing the back of his head, Mark gave a self-deprecating chuckle. “It’s not a dream job, I’ll tell you that much, but it pays the bills. Just got a promotion, actually, so we’re also celebrating that tonight on top of our anniversary.”

“That’s great news, my man!” Jason said. “And yeah, congrats for lasting five years. Better than most of our friends, huh?”

Mark leaned back against the table. “Sure, I guess. Not that it’s a competition. Isn’t easy all the time, either. But she makes it worth it. Not to mention my little princess.”

“If you guys didn’t post a truly obnoxious amount of pictures of Amber on facebook I’m not sure I would’ve believed Kate’d had a child,” Jason chuckled.

“What do you mean?” Mark asked.

Jason nodded to the returning Kate, platter in hand with their beer and a full shot glass. “What do you mean ‘what do you mean’? She looks incredible, especially for having a kid! But beyond that, she was always one of the most genuine girls either of us’d had the pleasure to meet. Can’t lie to you, man, there’re times I’m a little jealous of you!”

Mark blinked in surprise, unsure if he’d misheard over the music still clanging away. “You? Jealous of me? Never thought I’d hear that from you of all people.”

Shrugging, Jason turned back to his friend. “Don’t make the mistake of thinking everybody else’s lives are more glamorous than yours, man. It’s no small thing to have somebody you love share your bed at night.”

Mark backed away in mock horror. “Who are you and what have you done to my friend?”

“What’s going on?” Kate said, now within earshot.

“Apparently our friend has, dare I say it…matured?” Mark said, accepting a beer from his wife.

“I’ve always had wise things to say!” Jason protested. “You just couldn’t hear them over the keg stands I was doing!”

The trio shared an easy laugh and clinked their beers together.

“Wanna break?” Kate asked.

“Ladies first,” Jason replied. “I’m feeling lucky tonight.”

Kate smirked. “So was Mark.”

As they re-racked Mark leaned against the wall, already feeling the alcohol take effect. He needed to slow down. He couldn’t drink like this anymore.

With a crack the billiard balls scattered, ricocheting across the felt in a zig-zagging explosion of color. The Eleven tipped over into a corner pocket and was gobbled up into the bowels of the old pool table. “Guess I’m stripes,” Kate said, lining up a second shot.
“Uh oh,” Jason called to Mark. “What sort of trouble have you gotten me into this time?”

“Please,” Mark returned, “you knew the risks. You brought this on yourself. And get outta here with that ‘this time’ crap, I was the one who followed *you* into trouble, remember? Somebody needed to clean up after you.”

Jason laughed again as Kate sunk another striped ball. “I suppose that’s true. You two probably wouldn’t have met if I hadn’t convinced you to come to that Rush party.”

“Can’t argue that,” Mark admitted. “Though ‘forced’ would be more accurate.”

“Wait,” Kate said, pausing on her third shot, “You didn’t want to go to that party either?”

“Don’t get me wrong, I was young and stupid; I definitely went to college to drink and get laid,” Mark clarified. “But those SigEp guys were douchebags. I had no desire to go to their house. Of course, or resident charmer here was friends with some of them. Said we’d get in without the cover, would get to drink the good stuff they had stashed away. Eventually, he wore me down.”

“Chelsea practically had to drag me to that party,” Kate remembered. “I’d heard the same rumors about that frat, but she just had to meet Jason and didn’t want to go alone.”

“It was a total shit-show,” Mark said. “But it was the smartest decision of my life.”

“Aww, look at you two!” Jason said, his voice saccharine. “Bring it in!” He spread his arms wide and, ignoring their protests, wrangled each of them together for a group hug, kissing them both on the forehead. The bikers at the other tables gave them sidelong glances and shook their heads.

“You’re too much,” Kate said, pushing out of Jason’s embrace. “But it’s not gonna make me forget about this game.”

Snapping his fingers, Jason said, “Aw, shucks. You saw right through me.”

“Always could,” Kate replied, returning to the game.

“That’s why I could’ve never dated you,” Jason chuckled. “You wouldn’t have put up with my bullshit. I don’t know how you do it, Mark.”

“What, stay with a single woman for more than a few months?” he asked.

Jason placed his hands over his heart, putting on his best wounded expression. “That stings, man. Unnecessary roughness. I don’t try to leave them, you know that. It’s that…I always have my eye to the horizon. I don’t want anything to ever become boring, so I hop to the next experience before that becomes an issue.” He paused in thought. “Hmm, saying that out loud kind of makes me sound like an asshole, huh? I just only want to leave good memories in my wake, so sometimes it’s prudent to leave while everything is still perfect.”

A third stripped ball narrowly missed the pocket. “Dress it up however you like; you’re just a run of the mill commitment-phobe,” Kate said, pressing the cue into Jason’s hands. “It’s possible to keep things from getting boring even if you’re with the same person.”

Jason accepted the stick with a smirk, looking back and forth between the couple. “Enlighten me.”

“I went down on her in the bathroom of a fancy french restaurant before coming here,” Mark blurted.

“Mark!” she cried, her eyes aflame. Jason dropped the cue into the crook of his elbow and clapped loudly, guffawing. Mark, looking like a dog who’d just got caught chewing the shoes, sheepishly buried his face in his beer, avoiding his wife’s glare like the plague.

“Well done, guys!” Jason said. “I’m proud of you! Took you long enough, though. Mark’s always been pretty vanilla.”

Narrowing her eyes at her husband, Kate said, “Maybe not as much as you’d think. He was with a guy once.”

Mark’s eyes bulged “That’s not fair—”

“*With* with?” Jason asked, his grin wide enough to eat up the drama like a sweet dessert. “Well la di da! Was it with someone in college? Before or after I left for the Caribbean? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Mark looked back and forth between the two, a suspect in an interrogation room. “Well, I mean, I dunno, it never came up, and, uh, I didn’t think you’d understand…”

Jason crossed his arms. “And why not? I’ve fucked plenty of dudes.”

“Wait, what?” Mark asked. Kate’s smug look said I told you so so she didn’t have to.

“How did you not know?” Jason asked, finally bending down to shoot. “It’s not like I ever tried to hide it. I’m an open book.”

He missed. Kate took the cue back from him, studying the table. “Well I guess we all learned a little something about each other today.”

“Not enough,” Jason said as his opponent took aim. “Don’t dodge my question buddy.”

“Ah,” Mark said, studying his shoes. “His name was Liam. It was in high school. You’ve never met him. It’s a long story. We…didn’t keep in touch.”

“Oh, that’s a shame,” Jason said. When Kate looked at him sidelong, he quickly added, “Just seems like it didn’t end great. Not that I’m saying you should have a man on the side or anything.”

Kate thought for a minute and returned her focus to the game, sending the cue ball smacking the Twelve into a side pocket. “Wouldn’t be an issue if I were there.”

“Really?” both men said simultaneously.

“Why not?” she replied. “We had a threesome before with a girl. I trust you enough not to get jealous.” Fourteen went next. “Just like I’d trust you not to get jealous if we had a threesome with a straight guy.”

“Or with a bisexual guy?” Jason interjected. Kate missed her next shot.

“Yeah…or with a bisexual guy,” she answered, passing the cue off.

Mark took a contemplative swig of his beer as Jason walked a lap around the table. Kate thought he suddenly looked like a tiger stalking its prey. He motioned towards the tiny glass balanced on the table’s edge. “Ready for your shot?”

“What the hell do you mean? Are you seeing a different table than I am?” she snapped back.

“No, it’s just that I’m ready to end the charade,” he said.

“Talk is cheap,” Kate replied, but there was no mistaking the confidence in his eyes.

The couple watched in amazement as Jason proceeded to run the table, sinking ball after ball with an effortless grace until only the eight remained. He casually tapped the end of his cue against a corner pocket and knocked it straight in. He scooped up the shot glass and handed it to Kate. “I believe this is for you.”

“You son of a bitch,” Kate said, exasperated. “You hustled me.”

Jason stuck his nose in the air with a sudden put-on haughtiness. “And you were so confident you were going to win. Remind me, what goeth before the fall?”

“Oh don’t you start quoting scripture to me,” Kate said, knocking the liquor back like it was water. “One more game, only this time don’t fuck around with me.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Jason said with a smile. “I’ll get the next round.”

Mark recalled, distantly, something about only staying for one or two drinks. But then he polished off his beer and nodded, handing the empty glass to his friend.


(Continued in comments)


1 comment

  1. “Goddamit,” Kate said after taking her second shot.

    Jason gave her a knowing look. “You didn’t want me to take it easy on you.”

    “Where’d you learna play like that?” she asked, clumsily shoving the cues back in their spot on the wall.

    “There’s a couple of pool halls near me,” he answered. “If I’m gonna do something, I’m gonna do it one hundred percent.”

    “Yeah, yeah,” she said, returning to her beer. “Hey, what time izzit?”

    Mark checked his phone. “Uh, little after nine.”

    “Shit!” Kate said, smacking her forehead. “We shoulda been home by now! We gotta go!”

    Jason looked back and forth between the two of them. “You’re calling an uber or something, right?”

    “Naaaah, I can drive,” Kate said, holding her hand out to her husband as he went to hand her the keys.

    Jason stepped between them. “Ah, no. You’re swaying.”

    “We’re already late!” Kate protested. “Thish bar is outside the city. It’ll take *foreveeeer* fer’an uber to get here!”

    “Then I’ll drive you, and we can pick up your car in the morning,” Jason said.

    She tried to step around him, but he was faster than her and much more sure on his feet. She relented, expelling her breath through her nose in frustration. “Th’ apocalypse mus’ be near if you’re th’ responsible one. Alright, alright, fine. Lemme call Jackie.”
    As she pulled out her phone, Jason pulled on his coat and brought their empty glasses up to the bar. It took her a few moments to find her babysitter’s number in her phone, and she was forced to admit that she the combination of wine, beer, and liquor was getting to her.

    Jackie answered almost immediately. “Mrs. Jensen, is everything alright?”

    “Yes, Jackie, everythin’s fine,” she replied. “But please, call me Kate.”

    “Where are you?” the girl asked. “I can barely hear you.”

    “Oh, shorry,” Kate slurred, briskly walking across the bar and out the door. Waving the cloud from the omnipresent group of smokers out of her face, she walked to the gravel lot where she could be properly heard. “Tha’ better?”

    “Yeah, a bit,” Jackie said.

    Kate realised she wasn’t sure what car Jason drove, though she was relatively certain it wasn’t a beat up Ford pickup. “Good, good. Lishen, how’s Amber?”

    “She’s fine. Been sleeping for like an hour. Are you coming home soon?” Jackie asked.

    “Um, yeah, sometime soon,” Kate answered, seeing Jason and Mark emerge from the bar. “I know we’re late. We…we losht tracka time. I’m so sorry.”

    There was a pause from the other end. “No, it’s fine, I understand. Take as long as you need.”

    Kate sighed in relief. “Jackie. Thank you sho much. We’ll pay you for it, don’t worry about that. You’re a sweet girl. A sweet, sweet angel.”

    There was nervous laughter. “Alright, Mrs…Kate. I’ll see you when you get here. Just, drink some water, ok?”

    “I will. Buhbye.” Kate ended the call as the two men walked up to her. “We’re good. Jackie’s very understanding.”

    “That’s great,” Mark said. “She’s a good kid.” He turned to Jason. “She sorta walked in on us earlier. Kate thought it was a turn on to have someone watch us.”

    “Oh boy, okay,” Kate said waving a hand in front of her as though it would distract Jason from what he’d just heard. “Where’s your car?”

    In response Jason pulled out a black key fob and clicked a button. The lights of a sleek red Porsche blinked as its doors unlocked. “Rental. Couldn’t resist.”

    Mark gave a low whistle. “Well…I don’t mind enjoyin’ your imp…impulsiveness.”

    Jason opened the back door and motioned to the pair. “You can both sit in the back, if you want. I’ll be your chauffeur.”

    “Whatta nice way t’ en’ th’ night,” Kate said as she crawled into the back seat. “Can’ wait t’ take my heels off.”

    Closing the door after Mark had shuffled in after her, Jason plopped himself into the driver’s seat. The car started with a growl. He punched in their address into the gps and rolled out unto the road, quickly leaving the Dusty Bottle behind them.

    “Help me with these,” Kate said, dropping her feet into Mark’s lap.

    Wiggling her pumps off, he chuckled. “Kate gave me, like, half a foot job under the table when you called.”

    “Man, you kids were really going at it tonight, huh?” Jason responded, looking at the pair in the rearview.

    Kate heaved an annoyed sigh. “You jus’ gonna tell him th’ entirety of our sex life?”

    “Sorry,” Mark said, pulling her second shoe off. He began to massage her foot. “Will this make it up?”

    “Oh,” Kate replied. His fingers felt wonderful kneading into her sore feet. “Yeah, I guess.” She leaned against the door, stretching across the back seat perpendicular to her husband, her eyes closed, her head bobbing along in a pleasant wave of boozey bliss.
    Mark switched feet, his thumbs moving up and down her sole. He’d gotten pretty good over the years, but more importantly he knew all of her favorite spots. The drive back to there house would take nearly forty minutes, so he knew he had the time to really dig in.

    Jason, for his part, remained silent, though he would occasionally toss a glance in the mirror. As they entered the outskirts of the city, the intermittent street lights bathed the car in a strobing yellow, illuminating his friends like a series of still images: one foot rubbed, then another, Mark massaging her calf, his hands moving up to her thigh, her back arched, her breasts pushing against the tight black fabric of her dress, her lips parted slightly.

    As usual Jason had never second guessed his decision to one year switch majors mid-semester and go to a different school entirely, but he had missed Mark and Kate most of all. Despite not seeing them too often, he’d been honored to be the best man at Mark’s wedding, and was thrilled to see the two of them so happy together. Naturally he had a lot of friends—he was outgoing and rarely burned bridges—but he’d always felt a special bond with the two of them. And though he would never say it out loud, whenever he saw them he couldn’t help but ask himself what if…

    There was a small, distant voice inside of Mark, a calm, reasonable voice, that told him that he’d had a bit too much to drink, and that he wouldn’t be behaving like this if he weren’t tipsy. That it was one thing to fool around with your wife when it was the two of you, alone, but it was another to do it in the back of your friend’s car, with your friend driving. Mark ignored that voice.

    There was a hunger that had been building within him, a hunger voracious enough to eat up his reasoning, a hunger that was only fed by the alcohol. His let his hands operate by instinct, enjoying the feeling of her smooth skin.

    He saw her inviting body stretching out before him, her head tilted back, her throat bare. Before he realized what he was doing, one hand had traveled along the curves of her body to close softly around her neck. Her eyes opened slightly as he rushed towards her and pulled her in for a kiss.

    She was dimly aware that Jason, one of the most attractive men she knew, could be watching her and her husband, and the thought only turned her on. More than the alcohol, her inhibitions were erased by the gnawing desire that had so far been teased but left unsated. So when Mark’s hand closed around her throat, when he pulled her in for a kiss, there were no more protests, no more appeals to modesty, no more embarrassed sighs. She responded in kind. Enthusiastically.

    Her arms wrapped around Mark’s back as their lips met. She sank from the back door and Mark shifted on top of her, his other hand trailing up her thigh. Her moan escaped their kiss. They devoured each other in passion.

    Jason shifted lanes.

    Mark’s tongue twirled, curling around his wife’s. Their kiss was frantic; they had to force their lips apart to pull in a breath of air. His thumb rubbed across the smooth skin of her neck while his other hand found purchase between her legs. For the second time tonight he felt her panties, already damp. She released her grip on her husband just long enough to yank her dress up so she could spread her legs, allowing him greater access.

    His fingers teased her sweet release and he felt his member stiffen. He ground the hard bulge of his penis against her wet lingerie, forcing another low moan to prowl up from within her. He could feel it vibrate her throat through his fingers.

    Rhythmically, his hips rubbed his hard-on into her as they kissed. Every brush of his rock hard dick sent a teasing jolt through her loins. Pinned underneath him, with his hand on her throat, she relished the loss of control. She wanted him to take her, right there in the car, awkward positioning be damned.

    Wedging her hands between them, she fumbled with his belt while they made out, trying to grasp the buckle in between Mark’s methodical grinding. He paused long enough for her to succeed, unlatching the buckle and yanking it through his belt loops and tossing it on the floor of the porsche.

    “I want you inside me,” she breathed as their lips parted.

    Mark’s head was lost in a fog of lust and booze. “Right here?”

    “Right fucking now,” Kate replied, her voice heavy with desire.

    “If I could make a suggestion,” Jason said, eyeing the couple in the mirror, “My hotel is on the way. We could stop there and not risk making a mess of the rental.

    “Whatever, yes, go,” Kate said, then she grabbed Mark’s head to pull him in for another passionate kiss.

    After adjusting his own erection, Jason flicked the turn signal and changed course. Tonight had taken a turn for the interesting, and he was eager to see where it would lead.


    To be continued

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