Breath Of The Wild X Rated Part 1 A Very Frustrated Princess

Disclaimer: I do not own The Legend of Zelda franchise and do not own the characters of the Legend of Zelda series, they are owned by Nintendo. This story is entirely non-profit. Please support the official release.
—————————————————————————-Note chapter this takes place after memory #5
The month has been awful. I have been continuing my studies of the shrines with next to no success. What would my father say if he found out I have made no progress with my training. And to top it all off THAT boy would not leave my side on orders from my father. Why did he have to be my escort? Every time I look at him I see my own failures…

I knew I shouldn’t have snapped at him for following me but I cant take it anymore. I need space from him and the 4 champions that are my companions. What they must think of me. Its because of my failures they are on this quest to study Sheikah technology. I look at my companions and see they are all asleep. and realize for the first time in a while I can be alone if I want to. I roll out off my sleeping bag and head into the woods and stop at a river we passed early today and sit down. My thoughts go again to link my handsome escort. Why does he never talk to me. I wish he would talk to me. I am always so lonely. But all he ever does is stare at me and never has even spoken a word to me. What I wouldn’t give for him to like me. I have observed him as Ive grown up as his family was in the royal guard. He was always hard at work and never showed any signs off fear no matter what happened. I feel a familiar ache start to grow between my legs as my thoughts continue to think of him. “Not Now,” I whisper to myself as I look around to make sure I’m alone.

“Its been to long and Ive been so miserable do I dare risk getting caught?”

The growing wetness in my panties made my mind up for me however and I gave into my urges. After looking around once more to be sure I alone I grabbed my shirt and slid it off me and then discarded my bra. My nipples quickly got hard in the cool night air and I moaned as I rubbed them gently. I felt more sensitive than usual after having gone more than a month without my alone time. I start to massage my pussy through my panties as I imagined what it would be like to have Link with me and letting him have his way with me. I feel bolts of pleasure go through me as I wonder what it would be like to be caught by him in this position.

I take my wet panties off and relish feeling the cool air on my damp lips that have been denied any relief for far to long. I lay in the soft grass and spread my legs as I gently stroke my clit and think again what everyone would think of me if they found me naked and masturbating. They would probably be angry and tell me its not the proper thing for a princess to do and would tell my father who would then punish me later…

As I started to finger myself gently I feel the sudden pain of being alone and with no one who understands me or accepts me and I feel myself start to release the tears Ive been trying to hold back for weeks now from failure after failure.

As I was trying to get my emotions in check my thoughts where interrupted when I heard a loud crack. I jumped in surprised and was mortified to see Link looking at me looking shocked. I hurried and closed my legs and used my arms to cover my breasts.

We both spoke at once,

“Link I was just, uh.” I stuttered uncontrollably as I felt my face go red. “I should have let you know I was leaving camp I’m sorry.” I said feeling utterly hopeless.

“Oh great, He must think I’m disgusting.” I thought despairingly.
Link stammered out, “I just saw you weren’t in camp and I was worried you got kidnapped or hurt.” My mind was going so fast that I hardly processed that Link actually talked.

I should have gone away sooner Princess I just was shocked and then you started crying and I got worried and wasn’t sure what to do” Link continued still red in the face as well as he tried not to look at me.

We just stayed there a moment in awkward silence before Link started to walk away then stopped. He asked me, “Are you okay?” He asked then paused and said, “Why were you crying?
“I wish he didn’t ask my that. Admitting everything would be even more embarrassing than him just finding me naked and masturbating.” I thought hopelessly.

He took his cloak off and still not looking at me tossed it to me to cover myself with. Then turned and sat by me looking concerned. “I wasn’t crying.” I lied pointlessly as he just looked at me even more worried than before.

“Ah…Zelda…you still have tears on your cheeks…” Link replied.
“If you don’t want to talk I wont make you.” He continued after an awkward moment then continued, “But I hate seeing you sad and holding it in will only make it worse.”

I couldn’t believe it. “Maybe he doesn’t hate me after all!” I think with a bit of hope. It took all my courage but I confessed about all the pressure Ive been under since I couldn’t fulfill my fathers wishes to save the kingdom and how lonely I always was from disappointing everyone.

“Zelda,” Link began, “No one thinks you are a failure. They love you and are so proud off how hard you work and how much you try to protect them. You see doubt in their eyes only because you put it there.”

I did feel a bit better hearing that from my crush who I thought despised me. I asked him “So what now?”

He turned a bit redder as he got up and said, “Ill just leave and let you ah…finish.”

I noticed a bit happily that there was a bit off a tent in Links pants as he started to turn. I don’t know what made me say it. Maybe it was my rollercoaster of emotions but I burst out, “Looks like I’m not the only one who needs a release.” as I stare at his pants.

He seems confused and follows my gaze to his pants and jumps and starts apologizing right away. I’m secretly flattered that he must find me attractive and as my heart pounds I decide to take a risk.

“Why are you hard?” I ask confidently, though my mind kept telling me “He will reject you.” over and over again.

Link looks lost as he stammers about being sorry and I swallow again and ask, “Why are you hard?” again.

My heart skips a beat when I hear him tell me that I looked so beautiful in the moonlight and my moans were hot.

“Ive been lonely” I told him now hoping with all my heart he would stay with m for a while. “Do you want to stay while I finish?”

He looked at me and after a moment nodded shyly. He sat down and looked at me. “I cant believe I’m going to let my crush watch me masturbate” I thought to myself as I removed his cloak and spread my legs again so he had a full view of my completely naked body. Taking a shuddering breath I started to tease the outside of my vagina as I now had a spectator watching me.
As I continue to lightly tease myself for him. and I start to moan from the pleasure of both my touch and the erotic feeling of being under his loving gaze.I see Links pants grow even tighter as he shyly watches me. You’ve seen me naked. isn’t it only fair I get to see you?” It wouldn’t be fair for only me to have all the fun would it?” I ask him seductively.

He stands up and removes his shirt as I watch him with fascination and start to finger myself a bit faster. He removes his pants and I cant help but gasp lightly as I see my first ever view of a mans cock. I feel myself grow wetter and my pussy starts to throb with want. “You can touch yourself too. I don’t want to be the only one having fun here.” I tease him hoping to have a show to watch as I rub my ever increasing wetness between my legs.
I felt my pussy lips twitch slightly as I watch him stroke himself for me and I watch I amazement as he gets harder by the second. For the next 15 minutes we just gazed at each others bodies and into each others eyes as we played with ourselves and lightly moaned our enjoyment for the other to hear. I remember he just said my moans made him hard and hearing him moan was the sexiest thing I ever heard in my life.

As he continued to stroke I noticed a bit off precum at his tip and I had to force myself to slow down so I wouldn’t cum to soon. “I’m finally with link and I don’t want this to end to soon” I though happily as bolts of pleasure continued to go through me as I continued to enjoy my self.

As I play with my breasts and clit I feel my orgasm coming and stop touching myself and ask link to stop as I can tell he is close too.

“Whats wrong Zelda?” he asked lovingly as he was worried something made me uncomfortable.

“Nothing link” I replied grateful of his concern. “I’m just finally able to have some private time with you and want it to last long. can we just edge ourselves for a while and enjoy this longer?” I asked hopefully.

He smiled and nodded and we spent the next 30 minutes just enjoyed our selves till we couldn’t hold back anymore. My pussy was throbbing with need more than an other time in my life and I really needed to cum.

“Link” I gasp out as I try to control my self. “I cant wait anymore I really need to cum.”

Link is in the exact state as I am and gasps his agreement. “Lets cum at the same time.” He says to me as I continue to watch him with pleasure.

We both start to masturbate harder as we look into each others eyes as our orgasms hit at the same time and we moaned each others names as we cummed. I watched him stroke his cock hard and was amazed to hear him moan loudly in pleasure as Spurt after spurt of his hot white cum shoots out and lands on the ground us. At the same time I had by far the hardest orgasm of my life as I continued to rub my clit and as my pussy squeezed my fingers so hard it was hard to move them.

Once my climax had passed we both sat there panting for air trying to catch our breath from such extreme orgasms. “Looks like someone was hiding a lot of frustration.” I giggled as I see all the cum he shot on the ground.

“I’m not the only one.” He replies to me and points at the ground under me.

I look down and under my still quivering and very satisfied pussy and gasp as I see a large damp spot from my cum on the ground.
“Ive never cummed that much before.” I tell link in shock. And he laughs and sweetly tells me it is so hot.

“Link, Do you think we could do this again sometimes?” I ask him hopefully. I really enjoyed your company I added shyly.
“Of course my princess.” Link responded as we started getting dressed again. Once we were dressed and gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him I didn’t feel lonely anymore as we set back to camp to get some sleep.



  1. Sorry if my writing isn’t the best this is the first thing I ever wrote like this. Also since this is my first fanfic please let me know if I’m using disclaimers right. I don’t want to break any rules.

  2. Nice work. Try for more showing, and less telling. The dialogue is helpful. Good luck!

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