That time I went skinny dipping with my ex’s roommate [mf]

Right off the bat I just want to say that like most people, the decisions I make while drunk tend to be not so good. But oh well, they always make for good stories. This one is from way back when I was in college (just kidding not that long ago, about a year).

So on this particular night in September, our group pregamed as usual at our other friend’s apartment, then we went out and hit the bars. A good time was had by everyone and we slowly dwindled home by the time all of the bars were closing around 2 am. Unfortunately, I am a nocturnal kind of guy, so after we got back, I was ready to keep going. Not raging, but to keep a buzz going, do some dumb things.. you know, usual college stuff. Unfortunately, the only thing everyone else could think of was sleep, including my girlfriend. I went to lie in bed with her for a grand total of 5 minutes before I decided I would just head home and play some video games until I passed out (luckily I lived just a block away, so it made things easy).

As I left her room, I saw her roommate Julia standing in the kitchen staring intently at a handle of vodka, debating whether or not she wanted to continue the night. I asked her what she was up to, and she asked if I wanted to keep going. Of course I obliged, expecting one final drink to end the night. Well, we started with one, and then started talking about many different things; you know, those 3 am introspective conversations about the meaning of life. We ended up taking the handle and two shot glasses to their balcony and taking way more than we should have at that time of night. Conversation steered towards cool stuff that we had recently done, and she mentioned that she climbed one of the buildings on our campus. I was intrigued, and our drunk brains decided that the middle of the night was the perfect time to go to campus and climb this building. This was in the fall, so it wasn’t too cold, but was still a bit chilly.

So we put on our shoes and jackets, drunkenly walked towards the building only to find that a fence was put up about 5 feet from the wall, to our dismay. We ended up shrugging it off and decided to just take a stroll through campus. After about 20 minutes of meandering around, we ended up near our dorm building that we both lived in freshman year.

As we talked about our memories in that building, she mentioned that during her second weekend there, a bunch of kids had jumped into this giant fountain that was around the corner, but she was too scared at the time. I joked that we should do it right now to make up for that. Apparently she took my joke a bit too seriously, and agreed with me. I laughed incredulously until I realized she actually wasn’t kidding. At that point my drunk brain needed little convincing.

So we ran over to this fountain and I hesitated a bit. I wasn’t about to jump in there in that chilly night weather with jeans and a jacket on. Julia however seemed like she knew exactly what she was doing. She took off her shoes and jacket and stripped out of her shirt and pants, leaving her in her underwear. Now, I had seen her in a bikini before, so it really shouldn’t have been new to me, but I couldn’t help but stare at her ass as she stood facing the fountain, waiting for me. I couldn’t help but be curious what was under there. I had always wondered, but never put too much thought to it because, you know, I was dating her roommate at the time.

By the time I had taken everything off except my underwear, Julia was already in the water. It wasn’t very deep, about 4 feet since I could see her chest and upwards as she stood in the water. As I stood on the edge, I decided to take a risk. I told her that I didn’t want to walk all the way home in wet underwear after this, it sounded like it would be very uncomfortable. She laughed and replied if that was so, that I should just take it off. Before my brain could think about it too much, my underwear was at my ankles and I jumped in. It was dark outside, but I knew that she had definitely gotten a good glimpse.

Of course, I had hoped that she would follow my lead, and told her that since I was naked, it would only be fair if she was too. She laughed again and said that she would take it off if I caught her. Somehow my inner Michael Phelps came out and I chased her around that fountain for at least 5 minutes. Once I had her cornered, we ended up in a bear hug of sorts in the water, her ass rubbing against my pelvis as I stubbornly held her midriff. We can chalk it up to drunkenness, but I’m sure we both knew exactly which of our body parts were touching.

After struggling for a bit, she surrendered and I let her go. She kept true to her word, but ended up taking her underwear off underwater. We ended up chasing each other around bit more, splashing around, ended up standing there admiring the stars for a while. Soon she said she was getting cold and wanted to steal some of my body heat. Who was I to say no? We hugged each other and as we both tried to stop shivering, as I felt her breasts against my chest while I’m sure she felt my drunken hardon poking her.

I want to say that right after that, we made out furiously, groping away at each other, leading to a long night of memorable sex. Unfortunately, the alcohol had begun to wear off, and my sense of morality was returning. In reality, we stood like that for a while longer until we decided it was too cold to stay out there without freezing our limbs off. We dressed up, still shivering, and hugged each other and walked as fast as we could back to where we lived. We mutually agreed on the way back not to make any mention of this to anyone else, both of us still a bit embarrassed. When we reached my apartment, which was closer on the way back, she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and told me she really enjoyed our night, which I absolutely agreed with. Once the alcohol had fully worn off, I really was tired, and I’m pretty sure I ended up getting out of bed around 2 PM the next day with a killer hangover.

Sorry if this story is a lot milder than everything normally found on this subreddit, it’s still one of those stories that I still think about. When I’m horny, I often find myself thinking “what if..” in this scenario. Although it’s not a very good showing of my drunk decisions, I’m glad that it happened since I appreciated Julia much more after our deep talks. It also happened to be prime spank bank material..

Thanks for reading! Oh, and I (finally) ended up hooking up Julia over the summer :) (after I had broken up with my girlfriend of course!).



  1. Refreshing to hear this wasn’t about cheating. Kudos for letting the brain decide the better course of action.

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