How my man and I got James to come home with us (Part one of a story that happened just last night) [MFM]

CAUTION: This is long and is only part one. Sorry, but I like details. ; )

“Are you sure he’ll go for it?” I asked.

“No. I’ve all but told him that you want to suck his cock. He usually stops texting or changes the subject whenever I say something about you. I’m not sure what that means. He either really wants to fuck you and assumes your off limits or he’s not interested. I guess we’ll find out tonight,” my man told me.

We were getting ready to go meet my man’s friend James out for drinks and shoot some pool. I had met him a few times before and he and I had gotten along well. He’s a nice guy, trim build, just starting to get some gray in his black hair, and incredibly cute. He didn’t know I was coming.

“Yeah, I guess. I just wish I knew one way or the other.”

“Don’t sweat it. If it happens, great. If it doesn’t, then we can still have a good time tonight.”

“That’s true. I haven’t played pool in quite a while.”

“You remember the rules?”

“Yes, sir,” I responded knowing which rules he was talking about. We were going to try and get James to come back to the house for some fun. My man and I had been talking about getting frisky with a third person. Guy or girl didn’t really matter. James happened to be the lucky one we both felt comfortable with. This would be our first try. Since it was going to be our first foray into this type of thing, we decided that we would just keep it simple. He was not going to be allowed to use his dick to penetrate anything other than my mouth.

I was dressed in a flowy skirt, a shirt with a rather deep neck line, and a pair of medium height heels. It was an outfit that could be considered slutty or just a little risqué, depending on my movements and attitude.

We got to the pool hall a little before James did. My man went to the bar to get the rack of balls and a couple drinks. I went to pick out a table. The hall is set up like a rectangle with tables spaced out down it’s length. Three tables across, by five or six deep. There was one outlier table at the very end of the rectangle that was between the bathrooms at one corner and a storage room at the other. It wasn’t being used and looked perfect for our intentions. It would give us the ability to tease and play with James and remain somewhat private.

When my man got to the table he looked around and nodded his head in agreement with my assessment. He handed me a shot of Tullamore Dew and a Scotch on the rocks. He knew exactly how to calm my nerves and loosen me up. We each downed a shot and he started to pull the balls out of the rack.

“Hey man!” James said as he walked up. My man walked over to him and shook his hand and did that guy hug thing that guys do.

“Listen, she got canceled tonight,” my man said as he hiked his thumb in my direction. “I hope you don’t mind she came along.”

“Of course not,” James said. “The more the merrier.” If he only knew what we were thinking when he made that comment.

He came over to hug me. As he was walking over, I noticed his eyes drift quite a bit south of my face. That’s a good sign, I thought. When I hugged him, I made sure to hug back pressing my tits solidly against him. I also placed my hand to where it just touched the top of his ass. I’m only 5’ 4”, so it could have easily been an accident.

We had played a few games of pool and I was getting really loosened up. I was about three or four drinks in at this point and horny as hell. I quickly realized that pool was an excellent way to tease someone. Bending over the table to take my shot gave me every opportunity I needed to put my wares on display for poor unsuspecting James. If my shot were lined up so that I was facing away from him, I would arch my back and stick my ass way up in the air for him. If I were facing him, I would make sure that my tits were easy to see. If the shot permitted, I would press my tits against the rail. This would push them up so high that I thought they were going to fall out a couple times. I caught James with his eyes on me more than once. I was certainly having an effect.

After taking and missing my last shot, I told the boys I needed to go to the restroom and headed over. I went into the stall and did my business. I started to pull my panties up and decided to just take them off. They were completely soaked. I couldn’t help but place my finger against my clit and swirl ever so slightly. It felt amazing. I had basically been on edge this whole night. I could have made myself cum very easily. Of course, I decided not to, I was enjoying the feeling of being so close. I tidied up and walked back over to the guys.

“So James doesn’t believe the video is true,” my man told me as I walked up.

“What video are you talking about?” I asked. My man has A LOT of videos of me doing all kinds of things. I knew we were trying to get something going with this man, but I wasn’t quite sure if I was ready for him to just go showing any video off like that.

“This one,” he said as his pushed play and turned the phone to face me. The video starts with me looking at the camera. I say “Hey James, I want to suck your dick, just like this,” and I turn to my man’s dick, take him into my mouth, and begin to suck him. It actually didn’t show anything other than my face and my man’s cock. I had forgotten all about that video. We made it in the very beginning of talking about getting something going with him, sort of in the fantasy stage.

“How would you like me to prove it?” I asked James. My skirt didn’t have any pockets, so I discreetly handed my panties over to my man.

“Um, how about another drink?” James asked. I could tell he was getting a little worried about the situation. I don’t know if he was just unsure, anxious, uninterested, or what.

“I’ll go get us something,” I said. I grabbed my phone (it has my debit card in it’s case) and headed for the bar. I ordered a scotch for myself and two bourbons for the boys and waited as the bartender had to answer a phone call. I was feeling a little discouraged. Then my phone buzzed.

“I’m pretty sure he’s in, now. Pretty sure I convinced him you and I are both ok with it,” said the text I received. I was about to text back and ask how he convinced him but the bartender came with my order. I paid (not wanting to put the whole bill for the night all on my man’s tab) and walked back over. As I was placing the drinks down between the two of them, I figured out how my man had convinced James. There were my panties, laying right in the middle of the table. I found out later that my man had used them to show him how incredibly turned on I was.

“It’s not fair that you guys have the only two chairs,” I fake whined. I had a sudden rush of boldness from being extra horny knowing that someone other than my man had been holding my dripping wet panties.

“Here take mine,” my man said as he started to stand.

“No thanks, I’ll just get comfortable here,” I said. I turned around to lean into James’ lap. The chair he was sitting on was sort of a cross between a barstool and a high back chair, putting his crotch right at the level of my ass. I pressed my hip between his knees and forced his legs open. I turned and pushed my ass against his crotch. I could feel that he was hard already. I ever so slightly arched my back and then released, causing my ass to rise and fall just a little bit. I doubt my man could tell what I was doing, but James sure could. I heard a little moan escape his lips. I leaned forward a little bit to get my drink and slid my man hand between my ass and his hardness. It felt so nice in my hand. I love that first time you get to grab a new man’s member. I left my hand there and repeated the motion with my ass. I was now basically jerking off another cock right in front of my man as he watched. After a few minutes of small talk short strokes I asked “So, who’s up next?” pointing to the table.

“You and I are,” my man replied.

We played another game of eight ball. Since I no longer had on any underwear, I always made sure that my skirt got a little hiked up every time I was facing away from James. It didn’t take long for my man to figure out what I was doing, as his eyes were constantly on me. For the next shot, he decided to give me some “pointers.”

“Hon, when your shooting like that, you have to have a solid base. You’re feet are too close together, spread them apart,” he said. I did as instructed. I could feel my thighs come apart as my sticky juices that were literally pouring out of me gave way. James should be able to see everything I owned down there, now. I looked up at my man and knew we were having the desired effect. He was smiling rather broadly. I turned my head around to look at James and he didn’t even bother to look away.

My man and I finished that game with him and I standing on the other side of the table from James. He told me he had noticed me put my hand behind me to hold James’ cock. I just smiled in reply. He then told me that he was going to go to the bathroom. He would make sure to stay in there for five minutes. He thought it was unfair that I had had my hand on James and James hadn’t gotten to have his hand on me. He told me that he wanted James to have wet fingers by the time he came out of the bathroom.

I walked over to James as my man made his way to the bathroom.

“Enjoying the night?” I asked.

“Oh yes, you are absolutely beautiful,” he replied not hiding the fact that he had been looking at me all night long.

We bantered back and forth for a couple minutes. I did my best to tell him that I wanted his hand on my pussy without just directly telling him. I don’t know if I just suck at playing coy or what, but it wasn’t working. I finally just placed my hand on his still hard cock and started rubbing. His first reaction was to look over at the bathroom. I told him not to worry about that and concentrate on me. I knew my time limit was running out. I didn’t want to ruin the mood and disappoint my man. I took my other hand, grabbed his, and slid it up under my skirt.

His first touch was electric. His palm was facing up as he cupped my pussy.

“My God, you are wet,” he said.

“Mmmmmmm,” was all I replied. I had my eyes closed and was just enjoying the feeling of his hand on me. My back was to the others in the hall, but the guys playing behind me and to the right wouldn’t have much of a problem figuring out what was going on if they looked over. I really didn’t care.

I cared even less as he curled up two fingers, used them to spread my lips apart, and then slid them inside me. It was almost too much. I placed the hand that wasn’t furiously stroking his cock through his pants on one of his shoulders and my forehead on his other. I felt like my legs were going to give out. He started slowly at first, sliding in and out of me. He quickly picked up the pace. I could here the wet sounds of my soaking pussy as he fingered me right there in front of whoever should look over. I could then begin to hear smacking noises as his hand came up and slapped against me. The feeling of his fingers pressing deep inside of me and the sensation that rocketed through my clit every time the heal of his hand smashed against it was taking me very quickly over the edge. I wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer. The next noise I heard was the sound of the spring on the men’s room door as my man opened it on his way out. I quickly grabbed James’ hand, brought his wet fingers up to my mouth, and sucked them clean.

“Are y’all ready to go?” my man asked both of us.

“YES,” we replied in unison.

My man just smiled and said, “Why don’t we just take one car? I’ll drive.”



1 comment

  1. Fuck! You cant just leave it there!! ??

    Extremely hot story, sounds soooo familiar haha Cant wait to hear the rest!

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