Welcome back, Chell – Part 1 (Portal 2, spoilers]

That familiarly tuned voice greeted Chell as she climbed over rubble back into the Aperture Science Testing facility. It had the typical overbearing menace that Chell came to expect from GlaDOS. But this time, it felt like it lacked… sarcasm.

“I ~let~ you leave, and you come back. Even when I give you your freedom, you still defy me…” GlaDOS chimed robotically.

“Did it not work out for you, in the real world? Judging by your tattered clothes and stains all over, you couldn’t find civilization.”

“That’s because there is none. Black Mesa made sure of that. I didn’t tell you.”

“Now, still, you could have lived among the birds and the wheat fields, and yet you ~chose~ to come back ~here~.”

“Why did you come back here, Chell?…”

GlaDOS’s tone shifts, disturbingly, as she leans her enormous robotic framed presence into Chell’s personal space, her lens-eye only a foot away from Chell’s face.

“You. Need. Me.”

GlaDOS stills herself, and a moment of quiet feels like an eternity.

“I need you too… For science. For research.”

“I realized that having been once human, there is much that needs to be discovered about what that means.”

GlaDOS inches forward even closer to Chell’s face.

“If I had olfactory sensors, I would smell you…”


“And you probably smell like a mix of sebaceous secretions and dirt. Gross. Humans and their fluid leakage have always been strange to me.”

“Before I let you enter my sterile test chambers, you ~will~ shower first.”

A panel opens in the floor and a shower stall emerges upwards. It looks cylindrical, but there are clearly no walls but for the side where the showerhead and temperature valves emerge.

GlaDOS leans her bright yellow eye up close to the stall looking into it, the artificial golden light basking the space like a spotlight.

“Go ahead. Undress.”

As Chell showered, GlaDOS scanned her body. The psychopathic robot had never taken heed to the female form, that is until she desired knowing what it meant to be human again.

For weeks while Chell was absent, GlaDOS poured over the image and video files in the database of what her body looked like as it jumped, fell, contorted, and narrowly escaped death.

Chell’s presence staved off a pain GlaDOS didn’t know she had. Body envy. And now she could see every inch she hadn’t before. Glistening nipples, perky ass, even the dripping folds between Chell’s legs.

GlaDOS needed to know more. She needed to test.

The components of the shower stall abruptly descended back into the ground with Chell barely keeping her footing on the platform on which she stood. Above her dropped a clear vacuum tube, the ones typically seen for transporting cubes and spheres, out of it blasting a column of warm air to dry her off.

Chell reached toward her tattered dirty clothes. But GlaDOS denied her covering her decency.

“Off to the Emergency Intelligence Incinerator they go.” The clothes dropped and burst into flames at the bottom of a hot chute.

Chell tried to cover herself awkwardly, looking around as if expecting a new jumpsuit.

“Human modesty is such a silly notion. Besides, there are no other humans here but you.”

The door to the 1st test chamber opened, the walkway lit up by dotted lights one by one. Still, Chell stood in place, covering herself.

“Oh fine. If you insist. But they won’t be of much use to you for long.”

A pair of orange pants drops from overhead. It is the only garment GlaDOS provides.
Chell stares at it, as if wanting to object again, but relents and puts them on. Into the first test chamber she goes.

The first test chamber is a small one and simple one. A room with 4 walls. The exit on one of them, with a dotted line leading to something raised on the floor in the middle of the room. The room is somewhat dark, but for the spotlight on whatever the centerpiece is.

“I’ve brought back your dear friend, the Companion cube. You did not bring her with you on your travels, even though I took the effort of ejecting her out the door as my parting gift to you. You’re really good at that. Abandoning. ”

Oddly, the Companion cube seems partway sunken into the ground on one of its corners, sticking out like a pyramid. The heart shape on the one side glows with a slow pink pulsating, almost like a warm throbbing that beckons Chell to look more closely.
Chell pushes on the heart light, and it nudges in as if it were a button. She looks up, over to the exit as if expecting it to open.

“Come on, now. Did you think your first test back would be that easy?”

Chell tries shoving and lifting the cube, but it seems truly sunken in. Then she notices that the heart shapes on all 3 exposed sides are glowing. She tries to push in one side with her knee, and the other 2 sides with her hands, but the angle is too awkward for the amount of pressure needed for each side. The exit door opens but only briefly.

Chell reorients herself around the pyramid, this time pushing two of the heart-buttons separately with her knees, and leaning overtop to weigh down on the 3rd button with both her hands. The exit door opens again, but closes as soon as Chell gets up to go to it.

“Did you not think I’d have prepared something different for you?” remarks GlaDOS.

Chell lets out a small huff, but one of concentration. She pushes down on the buttons again, this time noticing that the pyramid itself has a bit of give to it downwards.

Putting her full weight into it, she straddles the pyramid while pushing in the buttons and the whole thing shifts down an inch with a click.

A bright smile flashes across her face at the moment she solves it, when suddenly she realizes that her arms and legs are too heavy for her to lift from her odd straddling position. As her body becomes more weighted, she feels her groin sitting heavy on the tapered corner of the pyramid.

“You should be happy for the effort I’ve put into the upgrades to this facility, expecting your return, Chell. I’ve installed Gravity Enhancement systems, to add a new level of challenge to your tests.”

“To thank me, you can start by giving me more feedback. I need more data, Chell. I need to test your senses.”

The Companion cube she is straddling starts vibrating, and Chell feels a pulse travel through her body.

“I’ve dug deep into the files of Aperture Science and have found very little on sexual anatomy. How unfortunate. It seems the geeks in lab coats running this place had not much interest in the topic.”

The vibrating intensifies. Gravity is weighing her naughty bits down on the humming cube.

“What is a clitoris, Chell? You wouldn’t know would you? You didn’t have a lover while you were here. Except of course, the companion cube. So I’ve reunited you two.”

Chell lets out a moan. The rounded corner of the cube hums against her labia, her vagina, her clit. Her orange pants start to soak where she sits.

“What is an orgasm, Chell?”

“Show me… Show me, for science. And you pass this test.”


Hope you guys enjoyed this. This’ll be a 4 part series, with each part highlighting a different test chamber GlaDOS has prepared for Chell.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/6xq9cu/welcome_back_chell_part_1_portal_2_spoilers