TailOfGirls[MF]: #2 fingered her in a pub

Disclaimer: I am a 26 years old guy living in Europe and I keep a list of every girl I had every had sexual interaction with and I’ will share with you all of them in the next couple of weeks (~20). I call everything sexual interaction when either a cock or a pussy is touched – so dancing on the floor and kissing is no, but fingering in the woods is yes. This means that the stories will be different, from fucking each others brain out to just starting rubbing my dick under the blanket. Everything I wrote is 100% true. If you like the stories I’ll try to share the rest of them too – let me know if you guys liked them.

#1 link: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/6sftig/tailofgirlsmf_1_how_i_lost_my_virginity_to_a/

So, #2 is a little bit more special, because I actually had feelings towards her. Let’s call her D.

I was 19 and finally accepted to the college I applied – I was crazy excited because it would require for me to move to an another city, get to know hundreds of new people and I believed (and I still do) that the fact that I got accepted there had the greatest impact on my life. I was waiting for the freshman camp like hell and then on the facebook page I saw that one of the other freshmen is actually organizing two pre-freshmencamp meeting – of course, I didn’t want to miss anything so I traveled to the city for them.

I met D on the first meeting; after a while everyone went to a disco where they could dance and whatsoever; I was more into drinking and talking then dancing around so when I heard that a small group is leaving the disco for a pub I gladly joined them. It was only 6 or 7 people who had a different major then me, but I didn’t really care I was glad that I have new people to meet. Needless to say, there was D too and we set next to eachother and we immediately connected. She was crazy hot (way hotter then the girls I chased before), it turned out that we were from the same town and neither of us has a place to sleep until the first trains arrive at ~7 – I also learned that she had a boyfriend for 4 years that time.

After a while everyone went home and we talked a lot until the train came. We were heavily drunk and talked trough the night but still, managed to talk for the 3 hour train trip and when we arrived home got one more beer, she sat in a park, I laid next to her, put my head to her stomach, she played with my hair – it was pretty romantic, but of course, since she had a boyfriend nothing happend. Well, nothing, expect that I fall in love her..

In the next two weeks we wrote long messages to eachother, me being crazy when she didn’t answer for too long and so on – but after two weeks finally the second freshman meeting arrived. We went to a pub like the last time and like the last time, everyone went home at ~3am and we were the only ones left in the pub from our group – she shared with me that she feels a little lonely since her boyfriend cheated on her and left her eventually. We were drunk enough by that time and it is not that easy to remember back, but I think I started to play with her skirt and touched her leg and she seemed to like it: every time I touched her she vibrated and moved a little closer to me. This gave me enough bravery to put my hands under her skirt and moving my hands slowly towards her pussy – which finally gave her enough push to look me into my eyes, smile at me and kiss me. Her lips were soft and sweet and I felt how she vibrated when I reached her panties, swipped my fingers under them and finally swapped one of my fingers inside her. She was crazy wet and started to moan immediately silently- remember, we were still in a bar with full of people – and we continued kissing.

I don’t know how much time we spent doing this, after a while she started to kiss me a little bit more… aggressive? Not sure that this is the right word but I was sure that what she wants to express is that she is close to cum and needs for to increase the speed. I changed my position a little and now two of my fingers were inside her and I started to play with her clit with my thumb. I felt her pussy pulsing around me and she bit my lips so hard that it actually hurt and even started to move her hips just to gain a little bit more tempo. She started to moan a little louder and laid her forehead to my shoulders and her pussy pulsed like hell and I knew she will come in seconds – but for the first time for ~15 mins I had the chance to look around and realised that two bartenders and a bodyguard are actually looking at us and talking about something. I could not hear everything they said only words but I believe that they were arguing if they should throw us out but one of the bartenders convinced them that instead of that they should just enjoy the show…

I whispered to her ears that ‘hey, they are watching us’ but at that point she didn’t really care, so I told her again a little bit more worried. I didn’t really care but I know this type of things is different for girls. This time she responded ‘do I look like someone who cares?’ and with her left hand grabbed my penis through my pants. Needless to say it was rock hard for a while now and even I knew that we have no chance to finish me here but made me even more hornier.. I started to push my fingers inside her a slower, but increased the power and after four gigantic push moaned a final one, her whole body skattered, her pussy tightened up and then she collapsed on me.

We left the bar like 5 mins later, since the bodyguard basically threw us out. She started to talk back that how dare they and nothing happened – but the guy was unpersuadable. They told us that we should go home and finish what we started there…

if you want to know how we continued that night let me know and I’ll write that story too! :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/6xrozm/tailofgirlsmf_2_fingered_her_in_a_pub