Athletics or Academics at University [Mf][BD]

“There is really very little more you can do, Miss Jones,” Dr. Morgan said. “Unless you have a time machine, that is. I’m sorry but you really need to hand in projects on time when I ask you for them.”

Dr. Morgan was one of the university’s history professors. He had been my professor for the last semester, and he seemed pretty cool at first. He had a few streaks of gray in his brown hair, but overall looked younger than most of the other history professors, and he had a real passion for his craft. I could always see his passion, at least when I paid attention. His thick rimmed glasses and bright-colored neckties came across as a bit dorky, but he was an adorable dork, and I had probably spent as much time dreaming about him as I did listening to what he was saying… which admittedly I listened to very little of his lectures, but hey, I’m a busy woman. I’m on a full-ride volleyball scholarship at this university, and that means that I need to concentrate on that! Unfortunately, there were also academic requirements to stay on the team, and I couldn’t afford to let my GPA fall any further.

“Dr. Morgan,” I said, adjusting my white tank top to give him a little extra view of my tits which filled the top of them rather well. “If you give me below a C for this term, I won’t be able to play volleyball anymore! The team needs me!” I also still had my little black volleyball shorts on. I had not taken them off after practice, knowing that Dr. Morgan did like to watch girls volleyball from time to time, and well, I really needed that grade so I hoped he was either a fan of the game or a fan of the girls in tiny shorts. I didn’t have the luxury of worrying about that distinction. I may be a freshman, but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid!

Dr. Morgan sighed and said, “I’m aware of that, Miss Jones, but I announced the deadline every single class and put it in bold on your syllabus. You need to take responsibility and do your projects when I assign them. I have given out extra credit projects, but only for students who actually turned in the original projects! I don’t have any extra credit projects to make up for a whole half semester of undone work. What have you been doing with your time here at this institution?”

I resented that question. “You know what I’ve been doing! I’ve been busting my ass to be the best player I can be for this school!”

“Yes, I know your practice and game schedule. And yet, several of your teammates are passing my class and have had time to turn in projects.”

“Well I… I…” I didn’t know how to respond to that. Damn those perfect little preppies! If we were all failing maybe I could make a case, but not now. “Please, I’m begging you. I’ll do anything!”

Dr. Morgan simply shook his head and said, “I wish you had had this attitude a few weeks ago, but it’s too late now.”

Dammit. I hadn’t wanted it to come to this, but here we were. I slowly walked around Dr. Morgan’s desk. I looked around, and saw that everyone else had already gone home for the night, and Dr. Morgan had just agreed to stay a bit later to talk with me. That was a good sign. I walked over to him, turned around to give him a nice look at my ass eating those little volleyball shorts, and then sat on his lap. He looked shocked, but I smiled at him and said in a soft voice, “I mean that I’ll do *anything* to raise my grade.”

Dr. Morgan didn’t push me off his lap, and I thought I felt a little something on my hip pushed against him. He did, however, take his glasses off and ask me in a disdainful voice, “Miss Jones, do you intend on compromising my academic integrity by buying me off with sexual favors?”

“I’ll still do the projects! I’m just… asking for a bit more time to do them. And this is just to prove my dedication.” I’d prefer to just have him say I did the projects although I hadn’t, but I’d take what I could get.

“I can’t believe you’d impugn my integrity and the integrity of this institution in this way!” He sounded angry, but he still wasn’t making me move. I wiggled my butt a little bit. I was sacrificing everything feminism had fought for, but I was more concerned with what Kayla Jones had fought for. I couldn’t fail this class, and if I had to use my ass to pass, I’m still using my personal attributes just like everyone else. I’m just using a different attribute. And I can’t deny it, I was also a bit turned on by the idea of Dr. Morgan taking advantage of me.

“Look, I’m not trying to ‘impugn’ anyone’s honor. But this seems like a win for everyone. I get a passing grade, the school gets to keep its volleyball team, and you get… whatever you want.”

“You don’t know the first thing about the real world, missy! Those little shorts around your hips won’t get you very far in the real world! People with plans, hard-work, and dedication are the ones who make history. That’s what I want you to learn in these classes!”

I softened my voice and cuddled up closer to him as I said, “Then teach me, professor.” I knew what I was doing was so wrong, but I didn’t care. It’s taboo nature just made it feel all the hotter, and I really did believe that it would be best for everyone.

“Oh,” Dr. Morgan said smiling a bit now and changing to a slightly less harsh tone, “so NOW you want me to teach you a lesson? Fine, I’ll teach you a lesson. One you won’t soon forget! Bend over my lap!”

My heart skipped a beat. Bend over his lap? That’s an order I hadn’t gotten in a few years. Still, I had promised him anything, and maybe this would make him not mad at me anymore. So, I obeyed. I pushed myself off of his lap, turned around, and bent myself over him, with just the toes of my sneakers and my finger tips touching the floor.

Dr. Morgan rested a hand on top of my bottom, and then he said, “Miss Jones, did you know that the ancient Assyrians would sometimes cut the head off of a disobedient vassal, put it on a pike, and make that head watch the Assyrian King fuck his wife?”

“What’s a ‘vassal’?”

“Oh, of course you don’t know what a ‘vassal’ is. I almost forgot why we’re here! Well, either way, I’m not going to cut your head off, but you will have to watch your own punishment.” I still don’t get why he was so upset over that question. He reached behind him, and took a small mirror off of his wall, and ordered me to prop it up against the wall where I could watch myself getting spanked.

Well, we’d come this far, so I did it. Getting ordered around and being forced to submit to a spanking like this… it was making me wet. The spankings that I had gotten as a kid had never been fun, but although I was starting to get nervous, I was very excited. Then, the spanking started. His hand came crashing down with a loud cracking sound against my right butt cheek, and then I felt the sting. These volleyball shorts provided very little protection. He didn’t give me much time to think about it though, and soon more spanks were falling, alternating between my right and left butt cheeks, first spanking the low parts of the butt, and then spanking the high parts too. He was really creating a burn in my butt. It genuinely hurt, and I was tempted to try and move around a bit, but I mostly stayed in position. Might as well let him get out all of his anger and frustration now, plus it was kind of hot to be under his power like this. Finally the spanking stopped, and I was a bit proud of myself for holding up so well, but he just said, “Raise your hips.”

“What?” I asked.

“I said; raise your hips, Miss Jones. I’m not finished punishing you.”

Damn, he really did take this seriously. Well, I did what he said, and pushed up with my fingers and toes, and managed to slightly raise my hips in the air. He grabbed onto the waistband of my shorts and undies, and with a swift motion pulled them down to my knees. I was a bit shocked, but I had been prepared for this possibility. I had kept myself nicely shaven just in case he’d want to do something a bit extra fun. This hadn’t been what I had in mind, but it was close enough.

Then, his spanking resumed. The shorts hadn’t provided much protection, but they had given me something, and the spanking hurt even more now! I looked up at the mirror, and saw my own eyes start to get misty, and could see the tops of my own butt cheeks getting redder. I was starting to really feel the pain, but the only thing wetter than my eyes was my pussy. I wanted him more than ever before. Still, he kept spanking like a machine.

Finally, he said, “Alright, ten more spanks. Count them out loud and thank me for each one.” He wasted no time in giving me a hard spank to the sit spot on my right cheek. I quickly responded, “One! Thank-you sir!” The next fell on the left cheek and I said, “Two! Thank-you sir!” and the next few spanks came in the same way, and I managed to respond in like for each. By the time we got to 8 my eyes were watering more, but I managed to choke out “Eight! Thank-you sir! Nine! Thank-you sir!” And finally the last one fell extra hard and I cried out in pain, but then said, “Ten, thank-you sir!” I looked at myself in the mirror, tears rolling down my face, and my red butt almost glowing over a very pleased Dr. Morgan’s lap. I was putty in his hand, I would have done anything for him.

“There,” he said sounding much more content. “Have you learned your lesson?”

“Yes sir, I’m sorry for not trying hard enough in your class.”

“Ah, there we go! A genuine sorry! I like to hear that. Maybe you do deserve a second chance.”

“Oh, thank-you sir! I won’t let you down!”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that, but there is one thing I need help putting down.” He then looked down at his pants, which were undoubtedly a little extra tight with a bulge.

“Oh, yes sir, I’d love to!” I said almost too enthusiastically.

I got up off of his lap, and he directed me to bend over his desk. I was a little worried that maybe it was for more spanking, but no, before long, I felt a cock which was thicker than I had expected begin to work its way into my soaking pussy. He grabbed my hips tightly with his fingers and pressed his groin against my red hot bottom. He then got a nice rhythm for fucking me, not too fast, not too slow, and with just the right amount of strength. I felt him go into me, around inside of me, and just hit exactly where it needed to. I was already so long that I came rather quickly, and then a few moments later I came again, but finally he started grunting and I felt his cock begin to pulse and fill me with his hot semen.

We both stayed there breathing heavily for a moment, and then he said, “Well, I’ve never seen this side of you before! Maybe I will give you a second chance. Under one more condition: You come to my house once a week for… extra tutoring. Off the records of course, no one can know.”

My heart jumped inside me, “Yes sir! I mean of course!”

He’s been helping me with my studies ever since. We get a little distracted from our studies sometimes with our extra-curricular activities, but he’s still the best tutor I’ve ever had!


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