My [F]irst Threesome

Hi guys,

Story of my first threesome – Back Story –
I, 24 Brown hair/eyes 6 2″ English Manc – Was invited to a NYE party with with a few friends. You know the types of friends that have the heavy drug parties. (some may say light – i prefer a smoke so heavy for me) – These people thrive of partying and are different people when partying. So i thought fuck it why not?

Me and a mate (kinda chubby – call him Pete) and another mate – Athletic build fairly small frame but quite muscly – call him Connor) All turn up to Connors cousins party. As the introductions go – we instantly walked in, straight to the kitchen to fix ourselves drinks and glasses etc. We give it the typical “nod” to people we knew and a well mannered “hello” to all the others. The rooms was rammed – there was people in every room. This was no ordinary house party!

As the night progressed i noticed Connors (none blood related cousin – so through marriage only) going getting a drink and with me being me i was in the kitchen rolling a doob – to then smoke outside with my pals. She reached straight past and grabbed something on top of the microwave. (i’m skinning up in front of the microwave) She brushes her (FAT) boobs across my shoulder and whilst i wasn’t fully drunk – i was getting there. So jokingly said – OW! – I didn’t know it was cold outside. She gave me a really ugly look of disgust and said “What?” – I said “you nearly sliced my arms open with them potato peelers” – She didn’t click on at first but i just then stared at her tits and she got the message, laughed and then walked off.

As the night progressed we walked past each other a few times – But she was giving me a look as if to say. Your a fucking dick get out of my party. Which made me want to stay there even more as i was getting more and more drunk. She knew that me and my friends wasn’t going anywhere anytime fast so decided to approach her cousin and ask him a question. “Connor whats your mate called?” – I heard and instantly said – “i’m Simon!” she smirked – knowing my name isn’t Simon. So i continued on and said “and you know what happens when Simon arrives, you have to do what Simon says. (the seed was then planted so to speak). She did the typical (girl not getting anywhere) look smirked and went off to get another drink.

I was outside about half an hour prior to the NYE countdown. Smoking a dooby to myself as i update my facebook/send the relevant family texts out and made a few calls prior to the countdown. – That being said she was a smoker, so was also outside. The majority of the smokers went out the the front as there was a gazebo there that they could stand underneath. So i was a bit shocked that she was even out the back. (all my mates still in the kitchen drinking/beer pong the lot. And her family out the front)

I heard the door open and close and there she was this blond haired fairly chubby girl with massive tits. Very small in height too with an obvious fat arse too. (This was her own admission throughout the night referring to herself as big with a fat arse and massive tits – So no hate) She came out and asked if i had a light – i said “yes, Simon does have a light” – she laughed again and said “not really called Simon are you” to which i replied. “yeah! Simon” – Shes just laughing hysterically at this point as shes continuing “really” and i’m saying yeah. She was begging it and i knew it.

I told her how she nearly hurt “Simon” with her potato peelers and that just added to her hysterical laughter. Then in the midst of her laughing she said to me, “does Simon like giving orders” – I said “of course he does. Its kind of the only thing he does” – she then said “oh like what” – So whilst pissed and very high – I muttered out “Simon says he needs his dick sucked” – I only said it so low but enough for her to hear me. I saw her eyes light up and attention completely on me and said “what did you just say” and i said “Simon doesn’t repeat himself”

Pete came out the back and noticed how this girl had taken an interest in me (Pete doesn’t get much action more so because hes lazy) so he tries to join in the fun to which the conversation dies down. She leaves and we end up going back inside. We did the countdown in the kitchen as the living room was full – she decided to stand right near me and give me the typical NYE kiss you’d normally give your loved one. Leaned in and went for the kiss – now whilst i was a little turned on. I was with the boys so had to try and play it cool so turned my head and she kissed my cheek. But remained there whilst the singing commenced. With her lips on my cheek. I noticed everyone wasn’t looking at me and her – so i said to her “Simon says come back to Connors we will show you how to bring in NYE” she whispered back and said to me “well if Simon Says so” – We both smirked and the night continued.

As we are all leaving i noticed Pete was a bit lethargic and ready to be sick – so like a good friend. I patted him on the back and suggested he come back to Connors with us – he was adamant he was staying out even if he was being sick. I told him he wouldn’t regret coming back – “this girl is on it” i said. He was like right i’m coming – but never left the house as we was waiting outside for half an hour for him before we left. (i sent a text to Pete to let him know we had left)

Me and Connor walking back to his hoping that this girl would be coming. We turn up – open the door and go in and i begin rolling another dooby – As i was staying over anyway and Connor went to the toilet. – I heard a knock at the door i assumed it to be Pete but it wasn’t and i opened the door instead of big Pete it was this girl on her own – and just powered through the door like a raging bull. Sat down on the couch and said right come here then. I was instantly hard by the time she sat on the couch – as i knew i had her in the palm of my hand. (yep controls my thing) So I stood up and walked over.

So i’m there stood up and shes sat on the couch – trying to unbutton my jeans – she pulls it out and begins sucking. Im in heaven – In a friends house literally getting sucked off by his cousin. She said “whats that noise” as the toilet flushed and you could hear the plumbing and i said “oh shit its connor” – She said to me, “oh right is he joining in too?” I was fucking gobsmacked. Absolutely destroyed my man hood.

There it is – She offered me a threesome with a good friend of mine. But the dodgy bit was (at this point i wasn’t aware of the non blood relationship) So i said “are you serious!”. Beginning to go limp as shes only got hold of it whilst we are talking and not moving. She immediately said to me “of course we aren’t really cousins” – I said “yep tell that to your aunties and uncles” – Jokingly.

She shouted upstairs! – “Connor come here i’ve got something to ask you” – He comes running down the stairs as he didn’t know who the voice was at first. He came down and said “whats up?” (bare in mind at this point I’ve put my guy away) she said. “are we really blood cousins” to which he replied – “no not at all, your mum and dad aren’t even married are they?” – She laughed and said “no, right Simon” ( in a devlish cutey kinda way) whats the plan. I was in shock – i didn’t actually believe she wanted to carry on so i said “well i’m going make a dooby but you know what Simon wants!” She laughed again and said “oh yeh, if thats what Simon wants, what does Connor want?”

I told her straight “the same” answering for him. So she said right come here then. And we both sat at the side of her and we both pulled out our cocks and she begins tossing them both off akimbo style. I’m in fucking awe right now – I didn’t know where to look so gave it the “ohhh” and looked to the cieling. And i could feel her maneuvering herself so i looked down and Connor is trying to unbutton her jeans. (Struggling you know) – But i didn’t care – as she continued to slurp on my dick whilst Connor was failing at unbuttoning her jeans.

I was nearing the end and asked her to swap over so she started sucking Connor, and I un buttoned her jeans with ease pulled down her pants to which i was so shocked to not see any knickers what so ever not even a thong that had gotten hidden somewhere. I asked her “wheres your knickers” – and she told me “you told me to get rid of them outside earlier on remember” – I was thinking to myself i never said that at all giggling but carrying on. (turns out thats what she thought she heard before from my mumbling) so i banged her for about 3 minutes before emptying my load inside her. Pulled out (felt instantly guilty about cumming in her) so decided best form of action was to go and finish my doob from before. Then as i went out the back to smoke it. (bare in mind connor is still getting head off his indirect cousin)

I was just smoking my J at the back door when we all heard a loud knock knock knock at the door. We instantly crapped ourselves and was worried who it might of been. The door eventually stopped knocking and i looked out of the upstairs window. Who was it??

Pete finally made it back to Connors – All be it too late.



1 comment

  1. I’m only halfway through your story because I’m being distracted by other things, but I’m already very turned on by the dynamic between you and the girl, who I really identify with already. So I’m going to keep reading, but I wanted to tell you this as soon as possible!

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