Dating the young Asian woman… [MF]

(Editors note: Hi Friends!! I started writing this story for a friend when I couldn’t find a role play partner I really enjoyed!! This is my first one, so I would love feedback (and maybe some edits) to help make it better..

I’ve been having this nice fantasy… maybe about an older man slowly corrupting me..

I’m a young… maybe 18 or 19 year old japanese college student.. innocent and perfect.. (for this I assumed I’m going to school in Philadelphia and home was Hawaii)

Every Saturday I go to the local coffee shop for tea and to study… and you.. a very handsome older white man (mid 30s, handsome, successful, and single) also goes there for tea and to read a paper.. after a few weeks.. we catch each other eyes… and smile at each other.. and maybe a few weeks after that.. you come over and introduce yourself..

We sat and chatted for a while.. maybe an hour.. conversation was super easy and you were really handsome and kind… After that.. our Saturday tea sessions became something we both looked forward too… hearing about each other’s week.. sharing stories..

When I think about it.. it feels strange to be so close with a man so much older than me.. but its so natural when I talk with you even though our situations are sooo different.. it doesn’t really bother me too much!! I don’t even think about it!!

Winter break comes around and I have to leave back for home.. we exchange numbers so we can still chat a little while I’m at home.. Maybe I missed talking to you during out tea sessions.. But I decided to return back to school early.. after Christmas but before New Years..

When I came home.. you insisted on picking me up from the airport.. it was cold in Philadelphia now.. and I told you all about how nice it was to be home in the warm Hawaii weather… how I missed taking baths every night like I did when I was home..

But you are a gentleman… (even if you do have alternative motives…) and you offered me to come by the next few nights while school isn’t in session.. you have a big apartment with a wonderful bathroom and a huge tub.. so starting that night… I would come over to your place and take a nice long hot bath.. you were of course a gentleman.. never coming in.. making sure I had warm fluffy towels.. and after we would chat for an hour before I would head back to my place…

Such a gentleman you are.. letting me take a bath in your amazing place each night… We fall into a very nice pattern.. I come over and we chat for about a half hour before I head to the bathroom to take my bath… I then dry off and put my clothes back on.. I make us both a cup of tea and we would chat for another hour while my hair is drying before I head home..

After a few nights like this.. you present me a beautiful kimono I can wear after my bath.. that night while I make you tea.. and you also offer/insist that I stay in your guest room rather than head back home to my dorm room so I don’t have to be alone… … you are such a gentleman… little did I know about your alternative motives… using it just as a way to get us to chat more… have me stay around longer!! Not that I mind.. I love chatting with you… I love spending time with you…

You have to wake up early for work.. and I wake up with you.. making you more tea and breakfast… before you go to work and I head back to my dorm…

With New Years coming up.. we talk about our plans together… sadly.. I’m underage.. and we both know that we can’t go out for a huge night on the town.. but we both agree that it would be wonderful to just spend the night together here at your place.. maybe even dress up a little.. you even offer to buy some wine for the two of us… Maybe play a few board games.. So surprised by your offer.. I might even kiss you on the cheek!!

On New Year’s Eve.. I again wake up in your guest bedroom and go about making you breakfast and tea.. a little later since you don’t have to work today!! We chat for a little and I head home to get ready for our “date”.. I come back over around 5pm.. I come in your apartment and give you the smallest peck on the cheek when I enter… I take another wonderful bath… and then spend an hour getting ready in your guest room.. doing my hair.. applying my makeup… dolling myself up for our “date”.. you take your time getting our dinner ready… and then also getting dressed!

Around 7pm, I finally step out of the guest room… I’m wearing a short strapless red cocktail dress and high heels.. I have a little sweater with me if I get cold.. for normally wearing jeans and t shirts… you are maybe a tad surprised on how good I look.. and you give me lots of praise on how beautiful I am… You are also very very handsome in some slacks and button down shirt! you pour me a glass of wine.. and we cheers to a lovely evening!!

The wine def makes both of us a little more flirtatious… I’m often touching your arm as we have dinner… play board games.. share conversation.. As it gets closer and closer to midnight.. you give me one of your jackets and we head outside to the balcony at your place.. midnight comes and there is a small firework show that we watch together… its surpringly romantic.. I’m leaning forward on the railing wearing your coat that is many many sizes too big for me.. you come behind me and put your hands on my shoulders… you lean forward and give me the smallest kiss on my neck… its like electricity to me..

I think it was that moment.. during that kiss on my neck.. that I realized how much I wanted you… I had denied it.. didn’t want to admit it… maybe it was cause of how much older you were than me.. how much more experienced you were than me.. but I was really really attracted to you… and I really really wanted to date you…

Feeling a little extra bold from the wine.. I turned and faced you… wrapping my arms around your waist.. realizing just how much smaller I am than you… snuggling my head into your chest.. and then turning it up.. finding your lips and sharing our first kiss together… its a small kiss.. then a longer one.. and then soon you pick me up and hold me up to kiss you.. we kiss and hold each other for a while.. before I start to shiver… too cold wearing not enough layers..

Such a gentleman you are.. you bring me inside.. sit me on the sofa and wrap me in a blanket.. you run to the kitchen and in a few minutes.. you have two cups of hot coco for us both to enjoy…
