My wife and I joined a couples dating app [MF]

Let me start off by saying that, for many years, together, when it comes to the topic of sex/love, my wife and I have alway been very open. We enjoy sharing our experiences with others so that, when it comes to talking about the taboo(sarcastic) topic of sex, they might not feel so intimidated with others. Being this way has lead us down a road that many of you are also on. story here Most of us are here on gonewildstories like to share experiences, ask questions, and learn, what works (and doesn’t) for others. This coincides with the project that my wife and I have taken on. We have recently started a youtube channel that documents our experiences. Now we know that we are amateurs at this, but we enjoy sharing with others what happens in our private lives. (very much like what goes on in this sub.) This is not some kind of spam, we are not interested in profiting in any way, we are just starting conversations. And hopefully others will join the conversation. We’re inviting you to experience our experiences. Check out the link below and let us know what you think. We’d love to hear back from you with your insight, ideas, questions or comments. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Enjoy your Day. K&J



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