[MM] Gym shower anxiety [size]

I had been at the university more than 2 years before I finally had the courage to check out the gym. The “bros” intimidated me, and I was just too shy and anxious to try something “new” like that – as a bit of a nerd, I knew I’d be the awkward one not knowing what to do or how to act. But the day before Thanksgiving break, most of the campus had cleared out, I was done with most of my homework, and I finally decided I’d found my balls enough to go check the rec center out (well – not to be too proud of myself: the place was pretty empty).

While I wasn’t very good at it, I could swim somewhat decently, so I put on my swimming trunks, pulled some sweatpants over them, and walked over. As I expected, the entire gym was nearly empty, and the pool wasn’t even attended by a lifeguard. Seeing the locker room empty made me feel better – I could never understand how anyone was comfortable showering in those long rows of open shower heads. I tossed my sweats into a locker, walked out to the pool, and quickly realized the limits of my cardiovascular endurance after only a few laps left me winded. Well, either the laps or the excitement that I’d managed to break out of my shell a little and come over here.

Walking back into the locker room, I decided to rinse off (with my swimsuit on, obviously). I picked a shower head in the middle of the long row, and after waiting for the water to run hot, started to relax a bit. Why had I waited this long to try this? I shouldn’t be so shy! How am I ever going to get anywhere in life if I keep being scared of things that everyone else finds normal?

The frustration got to my head – I wanted to be different, and in the empty locker room at that moment, I saw no reason I couldn’t be. “Fuck it”, I thought – if everyone else can shower in here (when there are other people around!), certainly I can shower here when I’m the only one in the place. The idea excited me so much – thinking back, it’s silly, I know – but I had never really been naked in “public” before, so when I reached down and pulled my swimsuit off, the excitement was pounding in my chest. Standing up and realizing I was there, naked, for anyone to walk in and see – I couldn’t believe I had this courage.

I definitely was no exhibitionist, at that point, but maybe I should have been. No one who could have seen me there would have guessed I had any sort of confidence problem – my nerdy lifestyle still left me with a nice, lean body, and while my cock looks pretty average when soft, it’s a grower, going to over 8” when all the way hard, and as thick around as my wrist. At the time, I had no idea that I was “huge”, and was as embarrassed by my nakedness as anyone could be.

My newfound bit of courage dissipated in a flash when I saw someone walk into the row of showers. Shit. I thought no one else was here. I quickly turned to face away, but saw out of the corner of my eye it was an Asian-looking kid in a bright red speedo. Had he been in the pool? I didn’t see him – where did he come from? I started almost shaking in fear – here I was standing naked with an (at last partially) clothed person next to me. I wanted to leave – to grab my towel and run back to the dorms – but that would require walking right past him. I decided to stay still for a minute.

As I calmed down a bit, I glanced over – he looked younger than me, although he must have been a college student. He had smooth light brown skin with no hair on his body, and as I glanced at him a few times, I saw his eyes were staring right down at my cock. The thought that he was looking at my penis – that another real, live human was seeing it – was too much. I’ve never thought of myself as gay, or attracted to men in any way, but the way he was looking at me so overtly was…stimulating? I tried to close my eyes and think of something else, but all I could think about was how he seemed to be intently studying me, down there. I tried to think of anything else – something to distract me – but my penis was not easily redirected. It got harder and harder while my face got redder and redder.

Should I just make a run for it? As my mind is frantically trying to find a way out of this situation, the asian kid turns his shower off. Good – he’s leaving! Or is it good? Does he think I’m some pervert and is going to go tell the gym staff about the weirdo with the hard-on in the showers? But he doesn’t leave – he comes to the shower head closest to mine, and turns it on, instead. And now instead of his somewhat discrete stares, he’s now actively craning his neck around me to get a look. Well, at least he isn’t going to turn me in for being a pervert.

His boldness in coming closer to me reset something about my thinking – it made me remember how bold I felt when I first took my swimsuit off a few minutes earlier. That was a good feeling – a freeing feeling – a feeling I wanted, again. So, I decided to do it – I turned to face him, totally stopping any attempt at keeping him from seeing my cock. I turned and let my big, hard cock point right at him. What’s the worst that could happen, at this point, anyways?

He stared at it for a few seconds, then reached down to pull his swimsuit off, as well. As he stood back up, I was a little disappointed, actually – he was about the same height as me, and must have been at least old enough to be in college, but his package was the smallest I think I’d ever seen. He had only a tiny bit of hair above a soft penis that was the size of a baby carrot stick, and his testicles were no bigger than marbles. Even on his lean frame, his genitals looked comically small.

The size disparity between his and mine left me feeling even more aroused. A few minutes earlier, I felt like the “weak” one when I felt like he had me trapped and embarrassed. Now, I felt like the strong one as I saw how my cock absolutely dwarfed his.

This feeling left me with a confidence I’d never felt before. I reached down, stroked my cock a few times, and said, “You like it?” to him. “I…I didn’t know they could get so big”, he replied.

What got into me next, I don’t know. But I remembered seeing a handicapped single bathroom/shower near the entrance to the locker room, when I came in. I grabbed the asian kid’s arm and tugged him behind me as I walked us to this space. Once inside, I locked the door behind us and turned the shower on to muffle any noise.

Not that there was any (at first). I wanted to feel what his little one felt like, so I reached down and started stroking it. He jumped back. “You can touch mine, if you want”, I said. His hands tentatively reached out and wrapped around my engorged cock – his small hands didn’t even reach all the way around. No one else had ever touched me down there, before, and the electric shock through my body was incredible. I had to have more. But not just his hands.

I pushed him towards the shower stall. I had never pushed anyone in my life! Where was this aggression coming from? He seemed very hesitant to be here, anyways – did he even want this? But I decided I wanted this, and I was going to try to take it. I rubbed a few pumps of soap from the dispenser on the wall onto my cock, then turned him around to face away from me. I rubbed the head of my cock up his ass crack until I felt a tight warmth, and then I started pushing forwards. I think it took him a minute to understand what was happening, but by then the head of my cock had slipped inside him. He started squirming away, saying “No, no, don’t…”, but I had him trapped – the door was behind us, and his front was up against the wall of the shower stall. I had him trapped with my legs to each side of him, and I started slowly pushing my cock forward. Once it has gotten just a little beyond the head, he really started squirming as I felt him stretching open around me. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get it inside him – it was so ridiculously tight. But I kept just pushing forwards, inch by inch, and seeing a little more of it at a time disappear up his ass.
His squirming away wasn’t getting him anywhere, and was actually helping me get it further into him. I just kept slowly pushing forwards, feeling his impossibly tight hole fight to keep it out. He was gasping, panting, and crying a little as I worked on him, like this. “God, no…no…no…”, but I kept pushing. Finally, he was pinned tight between the wall of the shower stall and my chest, with my cock all the way inside him.

The feeling of being buried all the way inside him was indescribable. It was warm and wet and fantastic, yet at the same time felt like it was going to squeeze my cock off, it was so tight. I pulled most of the way out, then shoved it back in, with my big balls slapping against his little ones when I bottomed out.

As I started fucking him with some rhythm, he didn’t seem to be getting any more relaxed to the idea. I thought maybe if I stimulated him, a bit, he’d find some more enjoyment in it. But reaching around to stroke his cock, I found that he wasn’t hard, at all. Apparently he wasn’t getting the satisfaction from this that I was, but the feeling of this little 1″ soft nub of a penis hanging limp between his legs, while my 8″ monster was buried up his insanely tight virgin ass was incredible. Feeling his soft little cock put me over the edge, and I grabbed his hips, pushed as deep into him as I could, and blew my load deep in his ass.

As I slid out of him, he collapsed down onto the shower floor. He had turned as he fell, leaving him laying in the corner with his legs spread eagle. I reached down and fondled his little package one more time, feeling his little marble-sized testicles loose in their little sack, then feeling his cock. His was shaking and crying just slightly, but as I squeezed his cock between my fingers, I felt it getting firmer. I stroked it a few times, but was disappointed again when I saw it didn’t have nearly the “growth potential” that mine, did – it seemed like getting hard did nothing to increase its size, it just pointed “out”, instead of down.

Stroking it between my thumb and index finger, I felt it suddenly spasm, and a little drip of cum dripped out the tip. This seemed to embarrass him even more than anything, as his face turned even more red, and he crossed his legs to hide his nakedness from me.
I wasn’t sure what do to, and the reality of what we’d done started to sink in – I decided I needed to get out of here, so I unlocked the door, looked to see that the locker room was still empty (it was, thankfully), grabbed my stuff from my locker, and walked as quickly as I could back to the dorms.

I’ve had the courage to go back to the gym several times, since then, but have never seen the Asian boy, since.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/6rs7v7/mm_gym_shower_anxiety_size