Deerplain Donna 2

“Do you have any neckties here?” I asked him.

His nostrils flared with impotent rage. “Yes I do,” he answered. “But they all cost more than everything which you are wearing on your person right now.”

I took offense and steadied my aim with his gun at his torso. “My fee?”

Brent nodded in the direction of the bathroom. I held the weapon steadily as I backed into the water closet. There on the counter of the vanity I saw an envelope. I put it in my pocket without counting the contents. Within the confines of this hotel that is the etiquette to this day.

With money in my pocket, I had a new swagger. I asked him cockily, “So, your girl is up for grabs but you can’t wrinkle a silk tie?”

I looked at Melanie. She kicked her legs from beneath her buttocks. Her toes touched the floor as would a ballerina’s. The lady restrained a mischievous smile at my observation.

With an annoyed tone I asked, “Brent, what restraints do you have?”

“I, uhh, we… I have hand cuffs and duct tape,” he answered.

I informed him, “Duct tape is useless. I don’t want to leave any evidence behind. It will rip her flesh when this is over.”

Brent said, “I have what is required. We have hand cuffs and duct tape,” he repeated himself.

“Get it,” I commanded.

Brent unlocked a metallic brief case and removed several rolls of pleasure tape and two pairs of hand cuffs.

Melanie was livid, “Why did you tell him that we have that? What the fuck is your problem!?”

Her husband responded, “Honey, he has my gun. Do you want us both to die?”

I was confused. Is this real or are they really into this?
