Summer Heat [MMF]

“Oh my god, it is so HOT,” Ashley groaned, leaning back in her chair, frantically fanning herself with a binder. Sweat rolled down her bronzed skin, soaking the white tank top she was wearing. Her dark brown hair, long enough to reach the middle of her back, was rolled into a tight bun to combat it frizzing and wiltering in the intense heat.

Ashley was a nineteen year-old college student, major currently undeclared. Against her parent’s wishes, she had decided to live off-campus this semester, sharing a house with two roommates. What her parents didn’t know, and what would have almost certainly made them forbid her from her current living situation, was that her roommates were both boys. Ashley preferred it that way, though. She had always been a tomboy growing up, and living with a group of girls made her uncomfortable – for some reason she never felt like she really fit in with other girls, always feeling more at place talking to boys. And besides, Mike and Jared were both boys that she had been close friends with growing up, it’s not like they were complete strangers.

The house they all shared was fairly nice, each of them had their own room, and it was comfortably isolated in the woods, which they all enjoyed. The problem was that the owner was a huge bum, and didn’t maintain the house, so it constantly leaked, or – as was the current situation – had electrical problems. During a major heat wave, when temperatures were over 110 degrees, and it was so humid that even inside it felt like it had just been raining. Not all the electricity was out in the house – but the air conditioning was, and the internet kept switching on and off. So there was no air conditioning to deal with the heat, and fans barely did anything. The only way to deal with the heat had been to use ice – which they had run out of – or to take a cool shower. Which made you feel better, until about thirty seconds after you left the shower.

Ashley was in her room, trying to do what homework she could without an internet connection, but the heat was just too much. She couldn’t concentrate. With a groan she got up, wincing as she peeled the back of her legs from the computer chair.

She walked out into the shared living room they all had, intent on asking Mike and Jared if they wanted to go get some ice cream, and then stopped and gasped as she closed her door.

Jared and Mike were sitting on the living room couch, playing video games. Jared was on the shotput team, thickly muscled if a little chubby, with short blonde hair and friendly blue eyes. He was currently just wearing his boxers. Mike was much taller, leaner, more graceful, a member of the swim team, tousled black hair and smoldering green eyes, and he was currently –

“Mike, why are you naked?!” Ashley cried, blushing furiously and looking away.

“It’s too hot for clothes,” Mike snapped, annoyed. Jared offered her an apologetic shrug.

Ashley tried not to stare at Mike, at the sweat dripping down his muscles, yanking her eyes away with effort as they trailed down his body towards his crotch. It was awfully hot. And she had always prided herself on being able to handle whatever boys may toss at her. If Jared was comfortable with it, then she was comfortable with it too. Right? After all, she was just one of the guys.

“You’re right,” she said with a shrug, and immediately peeled off her sweat-soaked tank top, and shimmied her hips out of the short gym shorts she was wearing, leaving her wearing just a simple black bra and panties. She could feel the boy’s eyes on her as she bent over to step out of the shorts. She had caught them admiring her before, but she had never really minded. After all, she eyed them sometimes – hell, hadn’t she just had to stop herself from staring at Mike’s dick? And this wasn’t anything they hadn’t seen before – they had been to the beach together, they had seen her in a bikini. But still, she felt her heartbeat quicken, and a tiny little burst of happiness and pride knowing that they were looking at her. After she tossed her tanktop and shorts into her room, she walked over to them, catching herself swaying her hips and willing herself to just walk normal, damn it.

She sat between the two of them, very aware of how close she was to their sweaty, muscled, mostly-naked, or fully-naked, bodies. She noticed her breathing growing heavier, and felt a sort of lightheaded tingle behind her eyes. No, no, no, she thought to herself, just act natural. Don’t get horny.

“You guys playing Soul Calibur?” she asked, to break the tension. “Can I play the winner?”

Soon enough, her previous consternation was forgotten, as she laughed and yelled at the television while passing the controller between herself, Jared and Mike. Even the fact of their nudity dropped from her mind as she concentrated on the game. She even felt comfortable enough to slip off her bra. It was awfully hot. She was aware of Mike and Jared’s eyes flicking to her nipples, and she blushed, but soon enough she got engrossed enough in the game that it was forgotten as well.

“AHA, YEAH!” she cried, punching Mike in the shoulder as she beat him again. “You’re my BITCH, Mike! You’re my BITCH! Say it! Say – holy SHIT, dude!”

Mike was frowning at the screen from his loss, but Ashley’s eyes were on his massive erection. She could tell he was embarrassed, he was steadfastly refusing to look her in the face, and was blushing and frowning, but she had already bought it up, so she might as well go for it.

“Holy shit, Mike, your dick is gigantic,” she blurted in amazement, eyes wide. She glanced over at Jared, only to notice that he was crossing his legs and trying to hide his own boner beneath his boxers.

“Shut up,” Mike mumbled, looking away.

“Why did you get so hard?”

Mike whipped his head around and glared at her. The intensity of his gaze almost felt like a punch to the gut. The boy had some beautiful eyes on him. “Oh, come on. No one’s that oblivious. Maybe it had something to do with the half-naked girl sitting next to me.”

Ashley felt her breath growing heavier again, and a blush rose to her cheeks as she looked at Mike’s trembling erection. Me, she thought. I made him like this. She squeezed her thighs together and let out a short laugh, then looked back at Jared. “You too…?” she questioned.

Jared shrugged, smiling. Ashley noticed, for the first time, how beautiful his face was, how adorable his dimples were. “Well, I mean, those are the first titties I’ve ever seen. In real life, anyway, I’ve seen plenty of internet titties.”

“Yeah, me too,” said Mike.

Ashley was astounded. “You’ve…neither of you have been with a girl before? But you’re both so damn…gorgeous.” And they were. Ashley wanted nothing more right now than to reach out and touch their muscles, to lick the sweat from their chests, to kiss-

No! she thought. These are your friends. You’re just one of the guys. Come on.

Mike shrugged. “So? Have you been with a guy before?”


“Well, come on. You’re gorgeous too, you know. My dick doesn’t get this hard for just anyone,” he said, sarcastic irritation in his voice. Ashley felt a shiver go up her spine. *He thinks I’m gorgeous.* “Being gorgeous alone isn’t enough to get you laid in high school, I guess.”

Ashley looked to the boy on her left, and on her right, then buried her face in her hands and laughed. “I can’t believe I gave both you guys boners!”

Suddenly, Mike crashed into her, pinning her against the couch, catching both her wrists in one of his hands, holding her arms high above her head. She looked up at him, wide-eyed, breathing heavily, her mind fogging over, dimly aware she could feel his cock pressing into her stomach, dimly aware that she could hear Jared saying “Mike…” in a wary, cautious tone. This…this boy, this naked, gorgeous boy, filled her vision, above her. His bare skin inches from hers, his sweat dripping onto her. He leaned in, his face slowly growing closer to hers. *Kiss me,* thought Ashley wildly. *Kiss me, kiss me-*

But instead, he leaned down to whisper in her ear, his breath on her neck sending shivers down her spine. “So what if you gave us boners,” he hissed. “You think I can’t tell you’re horny too?” Ashley could feel his fingers rubbing between her thighs, and she opened her legs involuntarily. She felt her panties being pulled aside, and then her hips twitched and she couldn’t stop herself from letting out a moan as he ran a finger slowly up and down her pussy.

“Wait….stop,” she gasped.

Mike released her, and sat back, as Ashley hung her head and shivered, an electric feeling traveling up from between her legs all the way up her spine. She felt Jared’s hand on her back and flinched, just that simple touch sending more current flooding through her.

These are my friends, she thought. I can’t…I can’t want them. I can’t want them both, this badly. I can’t need them this badly. But it felt so right, when Mike had touched her, and her heart was filled with such an incredible excitement, such a complete, carefree lightness…

“Fuck…dude…I’m sorry,” she heard Mike begin. “I…I thought…”

And Ashley realized that she would never want him to be sorry for what she had done, so she surged forward and silenced him with a kiss, a desperate kiss, her sweaty body pressed into his, her hand wandering down his muscles to grip his cock, feeling the heat of it in her hand, feeling it throbbing, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. She broke the kiss with a gasp, breathing heavily. Mike was staring into her eyes, not with his typical scowl, but with a need, a desire, that made her feel like flying.

She looked back at Jared, who was pressed into the other end of the couch, looking away awkwardly. She felt a pang of sadness. He was so adorable, such a good person – she never wanted to make him feel uncomfortable or unwanted. “Jared!” she shouted, smiling when he looked at her, startled. She raised her ass in the air and wiggled it at him. “Help me get these panties off.”

Jared, shy as he may have been, didn’t need to be told twice. Ashley shivered as she felt him slide her panties off delicately. She was naked now. They were seeing everything of her, and she loved it. She moaned as she felt Jared’s thick fingers massaging her thighs, pulling her pussy apart, and finally sliding inside of her.

She turned her attention back to Mike as Jared began fingering her. She kissed him again, then moved down, nibbling his neck, kissing the hard muscles of his chest, tasting the salt of his sweat. She trailed down his stomach, and then finally, kissed the head of his cock. She felt it hard, hot, throbbing against her face as she slowly licked up it, and then took the head into her mouth.

She felt Mike’s hands in her hair as she sucked his dick, and something about that felt so good, so right, so satisfying. She smiled, despite the dick in her mouth, making a small noise of contentment and satisfaction. And then Jared began curling his fingers inside her. Her hips twitched, and she moaned around the cock in her mouth. Jared seemed to notice this, because he curled his fingers further, and picked up the pace of his fingering. Ashley moaned, hard, and then lifted herself up from Mike’s dick.

“Oh fuck, Jared, right there,” she moaned, grinding her hips down on to his thrusting fingers. A jolt of pleasure made her crash forward, burying her face into Mike’s chest. She wrapped her arms around him, and felt his strong grip wrap around her, as Jared furiously fingered her from behind. “Oh…fuck, dude, yes, harder…faster, right there, don’t stop, oh god, it feels so good, oh god, oh goooAAAAAH-”

She shot forward as an orgasm ripped through her, Jared’s fingers popping out of her, feeling her thighs and pussy clench down, eyes rolling into the back of her head as her body crashed into Mike’s. He held her steady as her hips twitched, shot up, spasming as the best orgasm she had ever had shot through her.

When it ended, she was in Mike’s arms, her body draped limply on top of his. They were both completely soaked in sweat. She was giggling lightly, as he gently stroked her hair. “That felt so good, so good, so good,” she babbled, her hips still intermittently twitching. “I love you guys. You’re both so beautiful. You-”

“Whoa, calm down there, it was just some fingering,” said Mike.

Ashley swatted him. “Shut up! It was….it was the first time someone else made me come.”

“Well, if you liked that, you’re going to love this.”

Mike gripped her arms, and, with an almost frightening strength, lifted her up off him. She fell back until she was in Jared’s arms, the back of her head resting on his chest. Jared’s hands snaked around her from behind to gently pinch her nipples, and she bit her lip at the pleasure building up in her. She looked down the length of her body. Mike was between her legs. She gasped as the head of his dick bumped against the entrance of her pussy. Mike was smirking at her now – he knew how much she hungered for this. His cock bumped against her again, and Ashley felt her hips involuntarily, rise to meet his. She felt so empty, felt such a deep need inside her, wanted him so bad, but still –

“Wait!” She cried, as Mike was about to finally thrust into her. Mike stopped and raised an eyebrow at her.

Ashley swallowed, feeling the blush rise in her cheeks. Something about what she was about to say seemed so ridiculous, but…”Please be gentle, okay?” she said.

Mike looked at her, then laughed. Not in a mean way. “Never thought I’d hear you say something like that, Ash,” he said.

Then he thrust inside her, slowly, and Ashley threw her head back as she felt his dick slide in, inch by inch, filling her up, filling that deep need inside her, the last inch almost painful. She gasped, breathing heavily, looking down her body, to between her legs, where they were joined. He was inside her, completely inside her. She could feel herself squeezing down on him, on Mike, on the hot, throbbing thing that was filling her up. As she watched, he began slowly sliding out of her. She felt the head of his dick scrape her, deliciously, from the inside. “Oh god, that feels so good,” she breathed, and then all thought left her as he slid inside her again. She watched a small bump raise up in the skin of her lower stomach as he slid all the way home, and stopped thinking clearly.

Jared was still playing with her breasts, kneading them, pinching her nipples softly, but she could feel, against her back, his hard, hot, erection. All she knew was that she wanted, wanted, wanted. She adjusted herself, moaning, wanting, until she could take Jared’s dick in her mouth. He wasn’t as big as Mike, but that was probably better in this situation. She took him all the way into her mouth, running her tongue along the head, muffled moaning around his dick as Mike picked up the pace, sliding in and out of her faster and faster.

Sweat drenched her, and all she could think about, all she could feel, was the sweaty, slick muscles of the two boys pressing into her body, the cock sliding in and out of her, the cock in her mouth, and the building, slowly mounting, sweet, amazing pleasure-

Suddenly, Ashley felt Mike shudder, as he pushed into her as far as he could, and felt his come splashing inside her, and she was pushed over the edge herself, squeezing down on him, her mind blank, releasing Jared’s cock from her mouth to let out a long, wordless cry of pleasure. Jared himself came shortly after, spurting cum onto her stomach as she arched her back and ground her hips down upon Mike’s cock, her body taut, her orgasm surging through her.

After it was all done, she lay between the two of them, spreading herself as wide as she could, limp, exhausted, drenched in sweat, legs still shaking, hips still twitching, taking up most of the couch. Jared was sprawled haphazardly over one arm, and Mike was sprawled on the floor, fanning himself.

Ashley lifted an arm, and winced at the couch cushions, soaked in sweat and other fluids. “Man, we’re going to need a new couch,” she said wistfully.

“Should have put a tarp down,” Mike replied.

There was an awkward silence.

“So what now?” Jared asked.

Although she had felt so right, so natural while they were having sex, Ashley was afraid. She was afraid that they’d never see her as a friend again, afraid that she had destroyed some of her best friendships for temporary pleasure.

Mike looked at Ashley, and then Jared, scowling, frowning at them both. Then he shrugged.

“I dunno dude. Let’s go get some ice cream.”
