[Request] I’d like to write a story about you [f]or our fans.

I’ll even let you request specifics about the story, but I want to include pictures. If you wish, give me an everyday activity to start from and kinks you like included. Obviously nudes are preferred, but I think stories progress better with everyday candids to start.

Is there anyone who will consent with me using their pictures to do this? I’m not requesting original content, except that most r/gonewild albums don’t include r/gonemild or candid content. Please link to your User Verification if you can.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/6hg5k6/request_id_like_to_write_a_story_about_you_for

1 comment

  1. u/liz_103 ?

    u/Otown-girl ?

    u/PlsInsertGirder ?

    u/kkbecky ?

    u/browneyedgirlfriend ?

    u/keriberry_420 ?

    u/throwawayb0bb ?

    u/th3technician ?

    u/Mrs2foru ?

    u/timoris ?

    u/ireallylikepancakes ?

    u/krissybee4u2c ?

    u/harlequinharlot ?

    These are in no particular order, just what i found verification for.

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