[MF] Sister’s Oral Appetite (Part 2)

This is a recollection of events that happened in the past. These events involve my sister and me.

I would highly recommend reading the story in order from the beginning. Here are links to the previous parts:

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/6cv5rn/mf_sisters_oral_appetite_part_1/)


Emily turned her head to face me. “Hm? What did you just say? Sorry, I dazed off for a second.” She said, giggling a little. My heart sunk. I had just mustered the guts to tell my sister I would be okay with receiving oral sex from her, and she didn’t even hear what I said. “Uhhh… it was nothing.” I said, partially heartbroken.

*Lack of proper communication can be a powerful thing, even if it is unintentionally. It can delay or change decisions and even cause problems in relationships. I have had a lot of experience first hand with the consequences of failing to communicate. My past romantic relationships were lost, family relationships were damaged, and friendships became stagnant, all because I failed to communicate effectively. I wonder if the reason I write is because I want to feel effective at communication. It’s almost as if I am trying to make up for what I have lost.*

Needless to say, my heart was torn after that moment. Do I dare repeat the same phrase again? Perhaps fate had intervened to save me from a disastrous choice. I let out a quick sigh and turned my attention back to the videos on my computer. Emily and I watched a good thirty minutes of porn together. Eventually Emily decided she was done watching for now, and proceeded to leave. I almost stopped her to repeat what I said earlier. Almost.

The rest of the day was pretty normal. We ate a few meals together and did our daily entertainment rituals, such as watching TV and browsing reddit. It was tough for me to go to sleep that night. A lot was going through my mind. My sister had the ability to do something that I had fantasized about a thousand times. I had to decide whether or not to pursue my sister… in a sexual way. That was no easy choice.

The next morning, I was greeted by my sister almost immediately after I woke up. “Hey. Ummm, I need to talk about something. Can we talk?” Emily said. We decided to sit in her room to talk. “So about yesterday. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have forced you to show me that stuff. You are my brother… what’s wrong with me?” Emily started to get teary eyed. “I’m so messed up. I’m sorry.”

I wrapped my arm around her back from the side to comfort her. “It’s okay Emily… I don’t judge you.” I said. I felt really bad as well. I was so focused on getting sexual gratification, that I didn’t even think about her.

“Can I tell you something really personal?” Emily asked. “It depends. How secret is it?” I questioned. Emily sighed and looked at me in the eyes. “Very secret. You can’t tell mom and dad. Ever.” I thought for a few seconds before nodding my head.

“Okay, so. Yesterday was really rough for me. You know Julia right? My BFF? She made fun of me in front of a bunch of guys I liked.. and it really hurt me. She acted like such a bitch.” I nodded along to show her I was listening. “So anyway. I was hurting a lot yesterday when we were watching porn. I guess a thought came into my mind that had been there for a long time. Because I was hurting, I couldn’t dismiss it this time. When I watched those videos with you… I imagined me being the girl in them, and you being the guy.”

My jaw dropped. I didn’t know what to say. Emily continued to apologize. “I know! Please don’t judge me! I’m so sorry. That’s really weird. I have had that thought before when I watched porn alone. I guess the fact that you like watching the same thing I like just made it harder to dismiss. I… I–”

I put my other hand on Emily’s shoulder. “Emily… I need to tell you something too. I never saw that side of you before. It honestly really turned me on that you were enjoying watching what I liked. I ev–I even asked you something, but you didn’t hear me. So I overstepped my bounds as well.”

Emily wiped the tears from her eyes. “Wait… what did you ask me?” Her face contorted a little, showing the attempt to remember what I said yesterday. I froze up. “Uhhh… I basically. Uh. I just said that if you wanted to do what they did in those videos with me, you could. I don’t think you heard me though.” My heart was pounding. I knew she heard me this time. My hands were even shaking a little from nervousness.

Emily looked me straight in the eyes. “Oh… my god. You want to do that with me? I kind of want to do that with you too.” Emily seemed very nervous as well. “We probably shouldn’t do like–regular sex.” I nodded at her statement. “I didn’t get off very well yesterday. Are you ready to try this now? I am.” Emily placed her hand on my crotch with no hesitation.

My heart rate shot through the roof. I just got my sister to agree to giving me a deep throat blowjob. Was I dreaming?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/6ddfdp/mf_sisters_oral_appetite_part_2


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