This part contains some uninhibited dick-ego.
So last I left off, I was in a FWB relationship with Crazy, who lived a few towns over. Crazy’s best friend was Whaletail, so called because her signature look was having her thong show above her waistband, much like Lita from the WWE in the late 1990s. She would often wear a g-string under her thong, as she considered the thong to be a fashion accessory and the g-string to be “real” underwear. Some people would call this a “trashy” look. Those people are stupid idiots. It was HOT.
Whaletail was 5’8″ blue eyed blonde with some wide hips, a big butt and D cups. She had a belly ring and liked to show off her midriff. She was much more subdued than Crazy (then again most everyone is), but she definitely fueled Crazy’s fire. She would egg her on and put bad ideas into Crazy’s head.
Personality wise, me and Whaletail had almost nothing in common. It was very difficult to hold a conversation with her when Crazy wasn’t around. Sexually though, we were extremely compatible. One day I was hanging out with Crazy during one of the “on” periods with her baby daddy (thus no fooling around on our part) and out of the blue she said
“You should hook up with my friend”.
“Why’s that?”
“You’d like her, she has a big butt. Plus I think you’re into the same kind of things”.
Thinking that my days hooking up with Crazy were over, I thought I should meet this girl. The next weekend, Crazy took Whaletail along with us. We had some drinks and got a bite to eat, having fun and getting to know each other. After midnight, we went to a park that Crazy liked to go to. Nice neighborhood but some parts of it were not well lit. We sat at a stone table/bench that was shrouded from most onlookers, not that there was anyone else there at this hour.
“You have a big dick, don’t you?” Whaletail asked outright.
“What would give you that idea?”
“Crazy said that you did and wanted to fuck me”, she replied, and I could see what depth Crazy’s match-making came down to.
“Well?”, she pressed.
“Bigger than your average bear, Boo-boo”
“Okay then show it to me”, she demanded. It occurred to me that these two were friends because they both didn’t mince words.
“Well I can’t just show it to you, it needs to be viewed at its maximum potential”, which to be frank, I was already at half mast due to this girl walking around with a bright blue thong hanging out of her pants all night.
“She’ll show you her boobs”, Crazy chimed in.
“I’ll show you my boobs”, Whaletail affirmed.
“Ladies first then”
Whaletail didn’t even hesitate to lift up her t-shirt and whip them out from her white bra, one after the other. They were large but firm and her nipples were hard, pointing straight out, bright pink. It was a warm night so she was obviously turned on rather than cold. She smiled and jiggled them around for a few seconds, and the blood was really rushing to my hammer. Then Crazy leaned in and bit her left tit.
“Bitch!”, Whaletail shouted in a playful tone.
That sent me from full mast to throbbing. My dick was now aching for sweet release.
“Whip it out, show her”, Crazy said to me.
I upheld my end of the bargain and took it out. I know I’m in the “big” category rather than “huge”, but I still love the look on a girls face when she first lays eyes on it.
“Oh shit, you weren’t kidding”, Whaletail said, her eyes widened, still with her boobs hanging out.
“Told you”, replied Crazy.
That’s when I realized Crazy had basically pimped me out to her friend. I knew girls talked to each other about everything, but I always imagined it stopped short of recommending a fuck to one another. Whaletail had taken a step forward and finally reached out to grasp it, her cool hand sending a shock through my steaming hot hardon.
“I don’t know if this is going to work”, she said, giving it a few strokes.
“Trust me, it will fit fine”, I said reassuringly.
“Nah, it’s cause she likes it in the butt”, Crazy interjected.
“Yup. All my ex’s were small”, Whaletail said, still focused intently on my cock.
“Let’s go to my car so you can get a better look”, I told her.
“Uh huh”, she replied, breaking focus to put herself back into her bra and shirt. I tucked myself away as best I could and we made our way to my car. Whaletail and myself went to the back seat, Crazy went shotgun. Once again I unzipped and took my raging erection out. Whaletail leaned over into the classic road head position, but just stroked it and looked at it for a while, as if still considering it.
“I can’t wrap my fingers around it, it’s going to hurt no matter which hole I take it in”, she said to no one in particular.
“You won’t know that until you try, so put it in your mouth already!”, Crazy demanded of her, eager to see some voyeuristic action.
Whaletail surprised me by engulfing the head all at once. She took her time and explored every inch with her tongue, darting under my glans and back over in a circle. She wore her long hair loose, so I had to gather as much as I could and hold it while she went to town.
Crazy remained uncharacteristicly silent during the action, but we made eye contact and smiled at each other. Whaletail continued her work, sucking at the head while stroking my shaft with her hand. I used my free hand to move down her pants and grab a hold of her big ass, which she was teasing me with all day. I massaged and kneed it while she bobbed up and down on me. It only took a few minutes for me to cum, and I let her know as much. She stopped bobbing her head and went double fast on stroking, until I got to the point of no return and tightened my grip on her hair, releasing shot after shot of cum into her eager mouth. After a night of teasing, I released more than I normally would expect, but she held on to every drop and swallowed without a thought.
“Oh that’s fucking hot”, Crazy finally chimed it. The windows were all fogged up, and I was still catching my breath.
“So are you coming over next weekend too?”, Whaletail asked, cleaning spit off her face.
Next time, getting to fuck Whaletail.
I’m sorry OP, you can’t convince me that wearing a thong and a G-string simultaneously isn’t a trashy thing to do.
Keep them coming.. Liking the series so far!