[MF] into the woods (kink, semi-rough, public)

Never let it be said that my friends don’t do nice things.

I have this friend who helped introduce me into the local kink scene where I live. Since then we have become fairly close, and I hang out with her and the other local folks on a semiregular basis.

One day a couple of weeks ago I got this text from my friend. “My friend Lily and I were talking and she wants someone to spank her the way she wants it, so I recommended she reach out to you. Is that okay?”

(Lily is of course not her real name.)

I told my friend that would be fine — after running it by my wife first, of course — and Lily messaged me on Fetlife. We started to talk, and it sounded like we would get along quite well. (It didn’t hurt that she was quite attractive in her photos as well — five-three, curvy, with dyed-red hair shaved on the sides — natural color medium brown — and cat-eye glasses.) We set up a time to meet — two or three weeks after we started talking — and that day was today.

We were supposed to meet at Waffle House at eleven — her suggestion — but when I got there it was pretty crowded. She arrived maybe ten minutes late and immediately hugged me when she got out of the car — which was a surprise, but she said “I’m a hugger.” Fine by me. We decided to go next door to Arby’s; she got a shake, I got a sandwich, and we sat down to talk.

It was a bit stilted at first; she was pretty shy, and so am I when meeting someone in person, but since she’s the submissive one I did my best to take the lead. We talked for an hour about all sorts of things — our pasts, our current situations (turns out she’s living with friends of mine while she goes through a divorce), and our predilections.

Lily is *exactly* what I want in terms of kink. Slightly bratty but knows when to quit, submissive, likes to do casual public play (more on that and a second), wants to be spanked longer and harder than she’s been able to take in the past, no body insecurity, completely honest… and, interestingly, 27. Almost I’ve played with or dated recently has been 27 when I met them. She also told me she weighed 170 (I didn’t ask; she volunteered while I was asking if she was okay with being carried/thrown around), but you wouldn’t know it from seeing her. She was wearing a cute long-sleeve white top with animal-print spots that was tight and low-cut, a black knee-length skirt, and stockings. She was wearing some makeup, but not a lot. Her manicure could use a little work but she works with her hands every day so I understand.

I did like that she got a little shaky with anticipation (I saw her hands tremble) when we talked about certain things. I also liked her little septum piercing, which I’m not super into but it was cute on her. She probably has tattoos but I didn’t see any.

It didn’t take long for us to decide that we were both very interested in the other. We tried to make plans to get together tonight, but her work schedule made that impossible so we decided on next weekend.

She went to the bathroom and when she came back I told her to give me her left hand. I took it in both of mine, and then lifted the hair-tie she had there and snapped it against the soft flesh of the inside of her wrist.

The response was electric. And perfect. So while we talked, I kept doing it — and, occasionally, letting it go but catching it with a finger so it didn’t hit her, but she still jumped. She smiled a lot during this, and her eyes looked gorgeous when she did — they were fine the rest of the time too, but I especially noticed it. She doesn’t much smile with her mouth — I don’t think she likes her teeth — but I could tell.

We had maybe 20 minutes before she had to head out to her 1:30 appointment, and we were both pretty unhappy that we hadn’t gotten to play. So she suggested that there was a nearby park with some woods.

I had to stamp down every single YES LETS GO RIGHT NOW response and ask her, several times, “are you absolutely sure you want to?” Every time, she said yes.

Walking her to her car, I put my hand on the back of her neck, slid it up, and twisted it in her hair. She arched and put her head back, and from the look on her face I knew she loved it. I alternated between that and squeezing the back of her neck until we got to the Waffle House parking lot, where we separated and headed to our cars.

I got stuck at a light that she didn’t, so she actually called me from the park to make sure I was able to find it (I knew exactly where it was). She had driven *fast*.

I keep a paddle in my car. [Kind of like this one, but not as wide across.](https://img0.etsystatic.com/106/0/7936510/il_340x270.891558730_lw6h.jpg) I didn’t know if I was going to use it or not, but as I got out of my car I slipped it into my back pocket, tucked it under my shirt, and over to her. She led me into the woods — she said she’d grown up near there and knew them fairly well — and after about a minute of walking we found a suitable tree. I asked her one more time — “are you absolutely sure about this?”

She said yes, and I knew she was telling the truth.

My hand went around her throat — not to cut off her air, just to control her — and I pushed her up against the tree, facing me. I told her to stay there as I let go to take her phone and her keys and put them in my pockets. Then I stepped up close to her and put both hands there, just holding her in place with my body, and started to talk to her. I wish I remembered what I said, but I was working over her neck, throat, jaws, and ears with my fingers. I dug my thumbs into the soft spots behind her earlobes and she squirmed. I could tell she was getting turned-on — we weren’t planning to have sex or anything, just play for a few minutes, but it was quite a wonderful moment when I realized it.

I distinctly remember saying, in a low, quiet voice: “but we didn’t come out here for this, did we?”

“No.” She was breathy; her heart must have been pounding like a drum in her chest.

I turned her around and pushed her up against the tree — a wide one with rough bark — but put my hand along her cheek so it was protected. This also allowed me to pull her hair and put my arm across her chest, which was enjoyed on both our counts.

“What kind of girl must you be,” I asked her, “to bring a strange man out into the woods like this? You must be a very bad girl.”

She nodded, quick and jittery.

“I think I know what happens to bad girls.”

And then, body close to hers, keeping her in place, I spanked her. Just a couple of times, fairly firm, over her skirt and stockings and whatever else she had on under there. She jumped and yelped (my “normal” is most people’s “that’s kind of hard”, and my “hard” is off most people’s meter, when it comes to my hand).

I knew instinctively that she was getting turned on.

I checked in, made sure she was okay, handled her a little bit more, and then spanked her again, just as hard, maybe a dozen more times.

Lily is loud. Not when we talk, but apparently — and she warned me of this — she gets loud when she plays. I solved this by putting my hand over her mouth, which I *know* she liked. I’m pretty sure she had an orgasm from that part of the spanking alone.

I let her calm down a bit, stroked her hair (and pulled it), ran my fingertips over her cheek and lips, and made sure she was okay.

Then I told her I had a paddle and I was going to use it. She got a touch of fear in her eyes, but we had discussed safewords and she had every opportunity to say no. I took the paddle out of my pocket and cracked it across the fullest part of her bottom.

She yelped again, loud. And on each of the next two swats, even louder. On the fourth she tried to howl through my hand but I was covering her mouth.

She was breathing hard, holding tight to the tree, when I moved even closer to her and checked in. She was fine, but no more paddle. I’m totally okay with that; it was just our first time. I held onto her, kept her on the edge, and asked her if she wanted to be spanked some more. She did, and asked for my hand. I told her she was being a very good girl, and then ran my hand over her bottom and told her “this is coming up.”

The skirt wasn’t very tight; it lifted easily, revealing that the stockings were actually sheer black hose that went up to her waist. I think she had a thong on underneath — I only saw a little lace at the top, under the hose. Her bottom was a little pink, and it was gorgeously shaped. I cupped her and said “this time we stop when *I* say so,” and then my hand went over her mouth.

That time I spanked her a little harder, and a little faster. She squirmed, but she wasn’t going anywhere, and I wasn’t stopping because I could tell from the sounds she was making that there was definitely an orgasm happening. It was maybe 30 seconds total, but it was an amazing 30 seconds.

After, I pulled her into my arms and held her while she caught her breath. I kissed her forehead (I think I was reading in her face that she wanted me to kiss her for real, but I didn’t want to assume) and held her up, until I realized she was pretty weak on her knees and helped her to sit down on the ground. There was the requisite “ouch” as she leaned back against the tree, knees apart. I knelt beside her, one hand on her shoulder, one on her knee, and we talked — still in scene-roles, not as “normal people”. I told her she was a good girl, that she did good, and asked her if she wanted to keep being a good girl, or if she preferred being a bad girl.

She said good. Which is fine by me; I have a play partner I meet with who gets disciplined, so that fulfills that for me.

Now, when we were talking, she told me she was into impact play pretty much everywhere safe, so I took a chance, slid my hand down under her skirt, and slapped (gently) her inner thigh as I told her how she could be a good girl. She also confirmed for me that she had come from the spanking, and I could tell from her eyes that if I had gone lower she wouldn’t have offered any resistance whatsoever.

But we didn’t have time for that. She had to get where she was going. So I helped her up, and then got up myself, and walked Lily back to her car. We hugged again, and I looked down into her eyes, and again got that feeling that if I had kissed her she would have kissed me right back. Instead I held her door as she got in, and then reached through the open window to take her throat again and told her to be a good girl.

She left to go to her thing, and I left to go home. I texted my friend and thanked her for introducing me to Lily, and my friend said “she had a great time”.

I realize this isn’t the sexiest of stories in terms of action, but it was an experience I wanted to share, and now I have. I look forward to sharing more stories of Lily as we spend more time together. And maybe some photos if she agrees.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/69ni95/mf_into_the_woods_kink_semirough_public

1 comment

  1. 8th paragraph 3rd line “Almost I’ve played with” is missing an “everybody”/”everyone”.

    Apart from that, good story.

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