[MF] The biggest tits I have ever fucked

My second year of graduate school saw me with a new job as a tutor to undergraduate students. It was a painfully easy job that paid fairly decently for the amount of time that it took out of my day and I loved it. The tutor space was quiet and I was able to get a substantial amount of reading and research done in between my appointments so it was the perfect job for me during that time.

When I first started I made myself a sacred vow that I wouldn’t fuck any of the students I tutored. There weren’t necessarily any hard written rules about this but it was certainly frowned on and considered unprofessional (for good reason). I felt it would complicate a perfectly good job and I reasoned with myself that I had plenty of other opportunities to try and see women recreationally that didn’t involve me teaching out of a textbook beforehand.

I stayed pretty steadfast on this issue until a student walked into the tutoring office with easily the largest breasts I have ever personally seen. She was wearing a tank top that had them on full display, and I knew I was completely done for when she looked around at all the other tutors in the office and then bypassed them to come talk to me despite being furthest away from her.

I knew she was thoroughly country because her tank top was camouflage and advertising some kind of local hunting shop. Country is not generally my jam but she could have worn a t-shirt that specifically said “Von Scriptenstein Sucks Donkey Dick” and I still would have powered through that insult for one opportunity to motorboat those tits. There are some who might say that huge breasts is a pretty pathetic kryptonite for a person to have, but in my defense, I would later discover that Camo sported H cups.

That’s actually still not a great defense. I accept that I’m weak. Moving on.

Camo came in multiple times and although we had virtually nothing in common, it was very obvious that we were interested in each other sexually. She touched me as much as possible in every tutoring session we had, and laughed way too long at jokes that I knew were not very funny. She did her due dilligence in feeling around to see if I was attached in any way, and as soon as she saw I wasn’t, I found myself getting private messages from her on Myspace (this was around the time that Myspace and Facebook were still sort of vying for social media supremacy, before Zuckerberg made his full pact with Satan that launched him into the stratosphere and caused us all to wonder what ditch Tom was likely weeping inside of). I’d accepted Camo’s friend request after our very first tutoring session without thinking much of it. She was hardly the first student to friend me on a social media platform and I was happy to use whatever method a student wished to discuss work.

The private message, however, wasn’t about work. It started fairly innocuously, just her asking how I was doing, and over the course of an evening I started a small private conversation with her over myspace that quickly delved into sexual territory, with the two of us getting a sense of the other’s history. I discovered she had a big propensity for porn, and was particularly enamored with porn starlets who had big natural breasts. This was a point in my life where my own consumption of porn was pretty sporadic, so I was fairly grateful to her for pointing out a few individuals like Brandy Talore and Samantha Anderson that were right up my alley.

This continued for a time. She’d be flirty with me during our tutoring sessions, and then in the off hours she’d submit to my Myspace inbox whatever she didn’t feel comfortable saying in the polite company of the tutoring office. It was quickly becoming a mathematical certainty that Camo and I were going to fuck, but I didn’t necessarily want to be the one to initiate that next step, even though I was reasonably confident that if I simply sent her a private message that said, “Hey, feel like getting fucked?” her libido would have burned the ethernet cable right out of my laptop.

Fortunately, the scenario presented itself somewhat naturally around my birthday. I had plans to leave the next day to visit some friends in another city to celebrate, and was packing when I suddenly got a message from Camo congratulating me on surviving another year on the planet.

“Do you know what you want for your birthday?” she asked me.

I decided to be cheeky in my response and said, “Every year I just ask the birthday fairy for a blowjob but she’s a massive tease and I go home disappointed.”

“What a bitch,” she responded with a winky emoticon. Then opened the door for some NSFW shenanigans with her follow-up comment of, “I’d blow you for sure.”

I raised an eyebrow to this and debated *not* exploring that opening for a single hot nanosecond before I replied to her with, “You should absolutely take over her job, then, so I can send my blowjob requests directly to you.”

She responded within seconds with, “I should just make that my new career because I love sucking cock.”

The conversation progressed rather singularly ahead from this point until she decided to just point blank offer me a birthday blowjob.

I got her address and was showered and speeding to her apartment within minutes. I was afraid I’d have trouble finding which apartment was hers but the moment I saw a gigantic pickup truck with pink hunting bumper stickers all over it I knew I had the right place.

I knocked on her door and she answered in a pair of tight workout pants and a sports bra.

*Oh. She’s good,* I remember thinking to myself. I’d already revealed to her that I had a significant fetish for large breasts in sports bras, and in general that I was more turned on by women in comfortable clothing than I am lingerie or nice dresses. For me there’s just something about a woman who has made herself comfortable that drives me nuts. My partners over the years have always had a greater shot of me keeping my hands to myself if they dress business professional than they do when they throw on the old sweat pants.

That sports bra she wore, though. Sweet creamy *Christ*, I don’t know how it managed to keep her tits at bay. The grey fabric was threatening to just explode. It was definitely not sized appropriately, but I imagine when you have breasts as large as Camo did, buying shit off the rack is probably a pretty big hassle.

I wasn’t complaining.

She quickly invited me in and led me back to her bedroom. No apartment tour. No chit chat. When I stepped into her room, she already had some porn on her TV and I saw a couple of different vibrators sitting on her bed. She’d been preparing for me.

I remember there was a distinctive awkward pause for a moment as she let go of my hand and quickly looked between me and her porn before finally taking a deep breath and just saying, “Okay, I’m just going to do this.”

I laughed, which was probably the wrong response, but I found her nervousness and uncertainty of how to proceed cute. I smiled at her and asked if she wanted to slow down, maybe just sit on the bed for a bit and talk. She shook her head and threw a pillow on the ground at my feet before sinking down to her knees.

The direct approach worked for me, so I helped her with my belt and my jeans. My cock was already hard as a rock so there was definitely no need for any prep work, which she discovered when she pulled my boxer briefs down and my dick flipped up to hit her in the chin.

She explored my length with her hands, licking her lips. She looked up at me and with the utmost sincerity in her voice she said, “You have a really fat cock.”

“Thanks,” I replied, because I really couldn’t think of any other way to respond to that particular compliment.

Fortunately I didn’t have to come up with any other small talk (which becomes increasingly difficult the longer a partner holds my dick) because she merely nodded at my response and leaned forward to begin engulfing me into her mouth. Camo did not deliver the best blowjob I’ve ever had, but she went above and beyond in her attempts to take me as deep as possible. In hindsight I think her concepts of what a blowjob should look like were very much informed by the porn she consumed, because she barely used her hands at all and did everything in her power to shove me into her throat repeatedly.

Now, to be fair, this did feel pretty amazing. However, it also meant that I heard her gag a hojillion times, which honestly winds up making me more concerned for my partner than anything else. Especially since a couple of times I legitimately thought she was going to throw up on me.

“It’s okay,” I said, probably leaking out more of my concern than I intended because Camo looked up at me with an expression that suggested she was afraid she’d fucked up. I smiled to reassure her and she grabbed my hands and put them on either side of her head.

“Fuck my face,” she said, and dropped her hands in her lap.

“Okay,” I said. “But only if you keep one hand on my cock.”

I wanted her to do this to prevent me from going too deep and choking her because I knew if she threw up on my dick I wasn’t going to be much in the mood to continue with anything else that evening. However, seeing how confused she was by this request I threw in, “And start fingering yourself with the other hand.”

This seemed to suit her better – I’d journeyed out of “concerned guy” territory and back into “kinky sex tutor” land where she wanted me, so she complied fairly quickly.

Gripping her head tightly with both of my hands, I began thrusting into her mouth. I love it when a woman lets me fuck her mouth because it’s a huge sign of trust and I take it seriously. It feels amazing for me because of the control I get to exhibit but I always have to toe a line to make sure I don’t hurt my partner in the process. By having her keep a hand on me, I was able to thrust in and out of her mouth a little harder than I normally would while still being satisfied that I wouldn’t go any deeper than she could handle.

It was at this point that I noticed she had a full length mirror across the room from where we were standing, so when I looked up from what we were doing, I was treated to an amazing view of the back of Camo’s head while I fucked her mouth. She’d planned this and the moment she saw me notice she moaned around my cock.

It was all too much for me and I found myself increasing my dirty talk as a result, telling her, “take that fat cock in your throat,” “love those slutty lips wrapped around me” and “before this evening is done you’re going to give me those huge fucking tits.”

My commentary about her breasts seemed to inspire her, as she finally pulled off of me, taking a moment to catch her breath before she groaned out, “Yeah, baby, fuck my fat tits and cum all over my stupid face.”

A little more degrading than I probably would have gone with, but I’m not in the business of denying people their kinks. I nodded my agreement and, before I could reach down to help her pull that sports bra off, she sat up higher on her knees, hoisted her breasts up as high as they would go, and maneuvered my cock between her tits *inside her sports bra*.

I’m not even going to pretend that I reacted to this in a cool fashion. I lost my shit. It was way more hot than I expected it to be in that moment, especially when she started moving her entire body up and down and I saw my cock appear and disappear into her cleavage.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that it wasn’t the most *comfortable* titfuck I’ve ever received, but the visual and the strange, fetishy quality of fucking a massive pair of tits inside a sports bra more than made up for that. All my language centers shut down and I was incapable of saying anything that wasn’t “Holy fucking shit,” or “fuck that feels so good, fuck fuck fuck don’t stop.”

My mind remembers this moment lasting forever, but in reality, I fucked her tits inside that bra for no more than two minutes before I popped, and that’s me being very generous. I’m sure it was more like a single minute. The whole experience was just too much, especially when I could look down at my cock being worked inside Camo’s bra one moment and look up and see the sides of her tits in that sports bra peeking out from around her back in the mirror. Way, way too much.

When I came, I came hard, but it happened to be on a downstroke so the entirety of my orgasm was hidden completely inside Camo’s cleavage, with both of my hands gripping her shoulders to keep from simply falling over due to light-headedness.

She waited until I was completely done before slipping me out of her bra and then she pulled her tits apart in the garment so I could see all my cum stuck down in there. Camo was a very dirty girl, and I fully admit I loved it.

“Jesus,” I said, completely spent. “You have to let me eat you out.”

But she shook her head and responded, “I already came like four times before you got here and I came again while you were fucking my face. You said you had to leave town tomorrow so just go home. Get in touch when you get back.”

She immediately threw me a “get out of jail free card” after one of the best titfucks I’ve ever had in my life, but it didn’t feel right so I again offered to eat her out, this time promising her that, “I’m very good at it. I can make you cum again.”

She again shook her head and at that point I figured out that she genuinely wanted me to leave. Not my first time getting kicked out of a woman’s apartment, though usually that happens *after* I’ve got downtown, so the order of events was a bit off. I shrugged my shoulders, told her I’d contact her when I got back, and left.

True to my word, I did, but she ghosted a bit after that. I tried to get in touch with her a few times but she ignored me, and stopped coming in to see me at the tutoring center. I figured she was done, but a few months later she again randomly got in touch with me and invited me over at some ungodly hour, where I essentially repeated that whole chain of events – a way-too-enthusiastic attempt to throat me followed by me fucking her face which was then followed by yet another amazing titfuck and a quick point to the exit. After the second hook-up she ghosted completely.

I couldn’t possibly ascertain why she behaved the way she did without basically playing armchair psychologist, which is really unfair. So instead I’ll just cling to the amazing memory and let the rest go. And it honestly is an amazing memory. There are still plenty of evenings where recalling that chain of events is more than enough to spawn an embarrassingly long masturbation session.

Remembering what I do of Camo, I feel confident if she knew how many times I’ve masturbated to her over the years she would probably re-emerge from the ether just to hook up with me one last time, like some sort of sexy beetlejuice.

**tl;dr I tutored a woman with massive breasts and over time I got to know her well enough to fuck those massive breasts.**

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5zvtgt/mf_the_biggest_tits_i_have_ever_fucked


  1. I’m going to name one of my fantasy football teams Sexy Beetlejuice. Lol

  2. “Country is not generally my jam but she could have worn a t-shirt that specifically said Von Scriptenstein Sucks Donkey Dick.” Had absolutely no idea why you chose a t-shirt that said “Von Scriptenstein” of all things until I noticed your username lmao.

  3. Can you find a visually similar reference?

    like my imagination is great and all, but if you could find a picture of someone who looked like her or had her tits, that would be great

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