Coachella Last Year, Day 2 [FM] [Public]

People seemed to enjoy Tom and I’s story of the first night at Coachella last year and how much fun we had. So, this is what happened the next day. I have a few more updates about that weekend to post in the next couple days so hold tight!


So, we woke up with the sun because it was just so bright, Tom had setup a like over tarp for our tent so we didn’t get direct sunlight. As we were waking up we could hear the sorority girls next to us who had a pretty simple Target popup tent with no shade cover, and they were complaining about how hot it was in their tent as they were waking up. It was warm in ours, but I couldn’t imagine how hot it would be in direct sun.

I was really glad I drank a bunch of water the night before because I wasn’t feeling dried out and crappy, and we’d taken some 5-HTP and Magnesium so I actually wasn’t hurting from rolling so hard all day yesterday, which was pretty awesome. Tom was still passed out face down with his bare butt pointing at the top of the tent. I gave it a little spank, but he was out cold.

We had snuck in some edible Cheeba Chews as well as the molly, and a little bit of pot. So I took a nibble of the cheese chew having openly declared that I wanted to be fucked up the entire weekend. In real life, I’m a big runner and run like 3 to 5 miles every day, but this was time to check out.

Tom was out cold, so I decided to get cleaned up a bit and then wake him up and figure out the day. So, I pulled on my bikini bottoms and the t-shirt I’d slept in and ventured out to pee and wash up a bit more. I got to the shower area and realized I’d forgotten a towel that I’d brought just for this and didn’t really care at this point.

When I got to the showers, there were now Coachella employees there guiding people and after a short wait where I started realizing the edible was kicking in, I got into one of the stalls and spent a while just keeping my head under the hot water. After a few my curtain moved a bit and a woman standing there told me my time was up so I tossed on my clothes, soaking wet, and headed back to the tent.

As I walked back to the tent I noticed all the sorority girls were laying around our tent in the shade our little like carport overhang made and they were smoking weed and stretching out in the heat in bikinis. I’d noticed they all had the same greek letter tattoos on their belly right below their belly buttons. I thought the bright red letters looked a little tacky there, but they seemed to be into it.

“Y’all were rolling hard last night, huh?” the oldest of the blondes asked me, she was wearing an almost entirely see through one piece bathing suit and looked tired.

I awkwardly smiled, “ha, yeah we were.”

She smiled big and winked at me.

I opened the flap of the tent, and Tom was on his back now with a full on erection and still asleep. He had one hand grasping his dick, and the other was behind his head. It was kind of a silly sight, but I was also pretty high right then. I realized pretty much everyone around us could see in the tent, so I slipped inside and sealed it up.

As I was moving around and changing into my outfit for the day, I felt a warm hand touch my bare ass. Tom had a huge smile on his face.

“I feel kind of hungover,” he said while still cupping my asscheek.

“We went kind of hard,” I grabbed the baggy of Cheeba Chews which still kind of smelled like my pussy, and I bit a tiny piece off of the potent chew and spit it into my hand and put it into Tom’s mouth.

He rolled over and grabbed a bag and started digging through it, “We have enough molly we could just roll the whole weekend, we’d feel awful Monday,” he laughed a bit. But, he had the baggy of molly powder in his hands shaking it at me. I stuck a wet finger into the baggy twice and shoved the hairspray tasting residue under my tongue.

“Are you gonna shower?” I asked him.

He swiped a finger under his balls and made a big show of sniffing it.

I rolled my eyes and went back to digging out my outfit for the day. I had a see through mesh body suit and a pair of cut off shorts to wear over them as well as a set of smiley face stickers for my nipples. I would never wear something like this normally, and brought it not really even sure if I would, but I was feeling kind of confident and decided to go with it after seeing how everyone else dressed. Plus, I was feeling a bit sexy.

After his showboating Tom headed to the showers in a pair of boxers, and he too left his towel sitting on the floor right next to my unused towel.

When Tom left, I set my clothes for the day aside and stretched out on the floor after opening the air flaps on the top to let the breeze in, my hair was still wet and I didn’t have a brush, I used Tom’s beard brush. I could hear the sorority girls talking like inches from the edge of our tent, they were still making fair use of our shade port.

I was sitting there fairly stoned and had lost track of time when I felt myself getting wet. It was kind of a surprise because I’d almost forgotten I dosed while laying on my back in the warm tent. I was listening to the sorority girls talk about guys and felt that same familiar throb in my clit from last night. I’d realized Tom had been gone for a long time.

I started to get a bit worried when the flap pulled back and Tom was coming in wearing a pair of very oversized tights whiteys. I just cocked my head to the side, and he pulled them off, exposing his rock hard cock, “Someone stole my boxers.”

I laughed, and kind of just didn’t want to know where he got the other underwear from, so I didn’t ask.

He laid down next to me and asked how I was feeling, I guess looking at him with my huge pupils told him everything he needed to know.

“Hey, listen,” he said with a huge smile, he was just beaming. “I was able to like keep it up for a long time last night, but now, if you go down on me and I can cum, then I can go down on you and it will just last a lot longer.”

I could tell he had gone over this in his mind a hundred times and was really hoping I said yes, so I just went with it cause I really didn’t want to hurt his feelings or make him embarrassed for putting himself out there and saying something like that, I know I’d be embarrassed to ask something like that.

I smiled and grabbed his dick, “I think we can make that happen.”

Tom stretched out hard and his cock was so ready for anything it would attack people if it had it’s own feet. I lowered my mouth onto the head of his dick and licked hard up his shaft. He instantly was shuddering and he grabbed the back of my head.

“Fucking hell!” he gasped.

He was bucking his hips as I took his cock deep into my mouth, and I smacked his stomach, “Stop it.” I gave him a stern look.

He laughed a bit and said ok.

I went back to my goal.

Within a few minutes of gliding my tongue along the shaft of his cock and letting him buck his hips and bury it deep in my mouth, he was cussing and grasping the back of my head.

He yelled awkwardly that he was cumming and he grabbed the back of my head hard, and I felt his cum splash across my tongue and into my throat at the same time I heard a group of girls laughing.

Tom let out a long sigh and shuddered as he pumped the rest of his cum into my mouth and across my chin. “Oh my god babe.”

I could feel sweat forming on his tummy, and he was staring at the top of the tent and I could see his jaw working a bit.

“My turn champ,” I said as I shoved his side.

He hopped to his hands and knees and moved me around onto my back, I was happy with just going limp and let him work his magic, if he had any magic.

I wound up on my back with a pair of jeans shoved under my butt and he wasted no time diving in. I gasped hard and heard giggles in response as he drove his tongue deep inside of me and then slid it up across my clit and I almost stood up it was so intense. I reached down suddenly, and asked Tom if he was hard yet.

He pulled back, “I said it’s your turn,” and he shoved me hard down flat against the tent floor and pushed my legs apart and buried his tongue deep inside my soaking wet pussy. It was lightening across my entire body, my skin felt electric and I looked at my arm and saw the hairs standing up. I couldn’t control anything that I said and I was drooling again.

Tom has somehow spotted my drooling problem when I’m so turned on, and he was rubbing his thumb across my lower lip. I couldn’t even be embarrassed when he had his tongue sliding across my clit and two fingers buried in my pussy and another in my ass.

After a few minutes of his rhythmic pressure, I came hard and gushed a decent amount of fluid out of my pussy onto his face, and he seemed a bit surprised, which was kind of embarrassing.

I pulled him up for a deep kiss, and felt his rock hard cock digging into my thigh, he was ready again. I pulled at the head of his cock and let out an exasperated, “Fuck me!”

More giggles erupted from outside in our shaded lounge area, about 10 inches from the edge of the tent.

He didn’t hesitate to slide his cock inside of me, and it was so intense I cried out. I grabbed at his ass and pulled him close to me and I could feel every vein in his cock sliding in and out of me.

He pulled his face close to mine, and bit down on my neck as he buried his cock deep inside of me while holding me tight. It was a lot and super intense, and after the long night last night, my body was so tingly and over sensitive it was hard to deal with.

All of my senses were over the top and throwing alarm bells and I was just gushing and struggling to keep still as he pushed his cock inside of me. I was pushed to the edge and my body was begging to cum hard.

I began shaking as I came and pushed him off of me as he also came and I felt his cum pump inside of me and he went limp and collapsed next to me. I was covered in both of our sweat with him slowly pulling outside of me as he rolled off.

“Fuck,” I slapped at his chest. He laughed a bit but I could tell he was out of breath.

It was still like before 9am, and we had a lot of day in front of us.


I’ll try to write up the rest of the weekend tomorrow, it was pretty intense, Tom and didn’t slow down and went full speed. It was kind of amazing.



  1. Also following your story, hard as hell! Please write more, can’t wait to read it!

  2. Damn you two were on fire! Keep posting! I’m going to be walking funny all day because of you ! ???

  3. Holy crap these are so damn hot. I’ve always wondered what the sex would be like on Molly, gotta try it when I go to EDC Vegas this year. And thank you i’ve been looking for this kind of story for a long time. Keep up the good work!

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