Can we talk about this later? [F]

Relax, deep breaths, ease it in slowly.

There’s an art to inserting a butt plug.

There it is, little push, now arch your back and roll your hips.

It’s cold and firm, and pressing all the right spots in all the best ways. My left thumb caresses the piercing on my right nipple and my lips curl into a smile. My right hand slides around my hip to the warm dampness of my waiting pussy. I massage the outer labia, teasing at my clit with my finger tips. I bite my lip and push a finger inside. I can feel the plug through my vaginal wall and everything starts to twitch. I’m writhing and moaning, burying my face in a pillow praying my room mate still has his head phones in on the other side of the house.

I’m squirming on the brink of orgasm. Shallow breaths lead to heaving breasts and everything is shaking. There’s a knock on the front door. Fuck it. I’m almost there. The knock persists and the dog starts barking. No. NO. NO. I quicken the pace of my strokes. “Are you gonna get the door?!” my room mate yells. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Use the hand sanitizer next to my bed, and answer the door.

My best friend is standing there with a bottle of wine. “Girl, I got some shit to tell you.” she says, letting herself in before I can protest. “It’s really not a good time.” She sets the wine on the counter and gets a cork screw from the drawer. “I had the BEST sex of my fucking life last night.” I feel myself twitch. The butt plug was still in. My cheeks went red.

She spends the next hour describing the sweaty throes of passion she participated in last night. I cover my lap with a blanket and quietly rub myself through my jeans while she drinks and talks.

If she wasn’t painfully straight I would have made a move, but i forced myself to be content with edging subtly. Finally she was finished. she looked at her phone and said “Gotta go grab the boyfriend! wish me luck tonight.” I smiled but didn’t get up “Good luck, hun.” She gave me a standing hug, pressing her breasts into my face. I gushed “See you later.” When I locked the door behind her my room mate came out of his room “That was a bitch move. She shoulda let you finish before she started knocking.”

I need to invest in a quality gag.



  1. When you read this stuff at work and you just wanna go home and take care of needs.

  2. Wow, this story is great! Definitely go me going. I look forward to reading more!

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