The Flash [Group] [exhibition] – Pt. 2

Part 1: [The Flash [MMFF] – Pt. 1](

The saga continues… Part 2.

Mark commented that Ann was now the only one with anything on. It was time to remove them. Linda said she still had her bra on. We hadn’t notice because she was bent over away from us with the last flash and had her arms crossed across her chest.

Ann was OK with this. But we had to all do a 100% full frontal. No tricks of excuses.

Mark was up next. Flash went off. And yes he was “up”.

I was next. Just to be different I lay down in my best Playboy pose. The flash went off I was hard as a rock by this time. Linda’s response was “Now there’s nothing left to the imagination.”

Ann made her way up next. The sound of knickers sliding down thighs was what we could hear. The flash went off, and there was Ann standing in a full frontal with hands on her hips with a very proud pose. Those areola again. They really catch your eyes. “Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I can do this.” was what Linda said before anyone asked. “Just hold your horses”.

I answered “It’s not my horse I’m holding.”.

“We didn’t need to hear that.” was Ann’s response.

Up Linda went. We heard the two clips on the back of her bra snap undone and it drop to the floor.

“Are you ready?” asked Mark.

“Not yet.”

“We are.” I said.

“Just hang on a minute…”


The flash light up the scene. There was Linda standing totally naked in front of us. One hand on her waste, the other reaching up high. She has a lovely dark blonde triangle of pubic hair, very pale skin and very light pink nipples.

Then back into complete darkness. There was a long silence. After Linda had returned to her couch she asked “…and what now?”

That was a good question. What were we to do now? We were all friends, but not “friends with benefits” kind of friends. There was a long silence…

Finally Ann said “I’m turning on the bloody lights.” and got up, went over to the light switch and turned it on.

What a surreal feeling that was. The lights came on and the room looked the same, but there were clothes lying around and the four of us were naked. Ann standing at the door where the light switch is, Linda sitting very upright on the double couch, Mark sitting in his seat with a hard cock, and me is a similar situation.

Linda was looking at Mark and me. She said “Look at you two standing to attention. What do you think is going to happen? Because it isn’t going to happen.”

Ann followed on from Linda confirming that nothing more was happening, and we should all get dressed. She sat back down on the couch with Linda. What a sight, the two of them sitting there side-by-side naked as the day they were born.

I know I was feeling very horny. There was no way my cock was going to just go down. I couldn’t help myself, I had to stroke my cock in my hand.

Ann and Linda just looked on, somewhat in disbelief I think. Linda asked if I was going to cum. My answer was “If you want me to.” They looked at each other and Linda said “Why not.” I lasted probably a minute after that and came all over my stomach and chest. Ann, not wanting to get cum on her couch, went off to the kitchen and brought back a roll of paper towel and passed it to me.

I still can’t believe I did that.

Mark was more restrained than me. He was able to control himself and didn’t go for masturbation and cum display for them. He was content with just sitting cross legged on his single couch with his hard cock sitting up.

Linda and Ann were looking at Mark’s cock standing to attention. Ann asked what he was going to do. He had a better answer. His was “Depends on what you do.” Ann asked what he meant by this.

He said “I’ll do a show, if you two do a show too.”

Ann being the practical person and wanting to look after her lounge suit nipped off again. This time to get two towels for her and Linda to sit on, and on return passed the roll of paper towel to Mark.

Mark was sitting cross legged on his couch, Ann and Linda were now sitting on towels on their double couch. Each of then were pleasuring themselves. This was fantastic. Seeing the two of them on the couch with their feet up on the cushions and their legs spread a bit slowly rubbing themselves while watching Mark was great to watch. So great that I got hard again. I joined in on this little masturbation party. We were all looking at each other and enjoying ourselves.

Mark finally came. He caught his load with some paper towelling as it ran down his stomach.

Linda and Ann were still working away on themselves while watching me stroke myself. Although I was hard as a rock, I didn’t feel like I was going to cum for quite a while. But I kept stroking so I could keep watching the two of them. It was fantastic watching them. Looking at them both with their spread legs. I could see that their clits were both swollen and hard. Linda’s definitely being the larger one of the two.

Mark asked “And how are you two ladies going?”

“Fine.” said Ann.

“Good.” said Linda.

“Are either of you going to cum?” he asked.

Ann said she was working on it.

Linda didn’t answer. She looked right into Mark’s eyes, spread her legs wide and worked her pussy with more intense circular strokes. She was on a mission.

Ann had changed her technique from cupping her pussy in her fingers and running her hand up and down, to sliding in her middle two fingers and gently squeezing her clit in her palm and rolling her wrist to create a circular motion.

Mark kept his cock hard. He was stroking again, far slower than before. His eyes were on the two women.

I didn’t want it to stop, but knew it had to. My cock was getting a little red and sore so I had to slow things down. I assume Mark was probably the same.

Then it happened. Linda’s body started to shudder. Her feet came of the cushions and her legs straightened out. Her heels hit the floor and her body shook and her whole body stiffened and straightened out. She stopped her hand movements and just held onto her pussy. She had a pained look on her face and quivered her tight body.

Then she relaxed. Lying limp half off the couch. One hand so gently stroking her pussy. Her eyes were closed and she started to smile. Her other hand was lightly stroking across her nipples. She looked vert content.

After a short while she opened her eyes and looked around. Mark and I were looking at her and you could see her become very self conscious. She said nothing and pulled herself back up onto the couch into a comfortable sitting position leaning back on the backrest while moving a little away from Ann.

Ann on the other hand was the still playing with herself. By now her eyes were closed and she was off in her own world. She was working slower than Linda had, but was obviously enjoying herself.

By now all eyes were on Ann. She was the centre of attention. This was fitting as in our other activities she was the main organiser. Her eyes opened and she looked around to see all eyes on her. She smiled and closed them again, continuing to work her fingers in and out of her pussy.

It wasn’t long before her slow hand work started to increase in speed. Her fingers were working in and out faster. We could hear her fingers as they worked her very wet pussy.

It was Ann’s turn. She pulled her knees up higher, closed her legs tightly around her hand and her back curled forward. She was curling into a ball. Her breathing was only in, nothing out. Then she released. Her shoulders lurched back and forth and she started to groan. Finally her breath was coming out again. Her hand wasn’t moving. She stayed curled in the ball while her shoulders heaved. Finally she started to pant and relax her body. She stayed curled up and tipped sideways on the couch. Continuing to pant she relaxed more. Her climax was winding down.

No one said anything for quite a while. We all relaxed and took it easy. There was no modesty. We sat or laid where they were everything open and in view.

Finally Linda got up and started to look for her clothes. Without a word we all followed her queue and found our own. In silence we got dressed in front of each other. I guess we were all thinking of what we were going to say to each other tomorrow when we met back at work.

We talked a little and decided that it was time for all of us to head home. It sure felt strange leaving Ann’s that night.


*** The End ***



  1. Waist*

    Now I’m imagining Linda holding something else.

    Great story though!

  2. Funny how a single word can drastically change the meaning of a sentence. And only in writing. If I’d been listening to the sentence spoken I would have assumed the correct word.

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