[S/s][S/b][Fantasy, preg, incest] Sexual Energy 4

    They had a well outside of the house which they used to draw water. Beth had drank from it several times, so it was no surprise when she felt the urge to pee. The house also had an outhouse nearby so they weren’t entirely without amenities.
    She excused herself from her family as she went to go use it. If anything she wanted an excuse to get away from her sister. Mary was positively glowing as she always moved around the room to be next to Dan.
    Her hands couldn’t stay off herself as she kept feeling her slightly swollen belly.
    Beth felt her own as she sat down at the privy. The swelling had reduced overtime. She didn’t know the technical details, but it seemed her body was slowly absorbing the semen somehow or another.
    As she removed her pants the small pressure caused a slipping feeling, she knew it wasn’t being absorbed fast enough. The block that Dan had ejaculated into her didn’t seem to be that durable. Throughout the day she had felt it steadily weaken.
    At the moment it would only need a small amount of pressure to finish breaking and then the remaining fluids would come spilling out her. She had resisted the urge thus far as she had enjoyed the feeling of being full and her mind kept lustfully imagining the sperm surrounding her eggs as they oozed into her deepest parts.
    With her husband getting pregnant was just to have children that she could raise. It had been an entirely logical decision that they had made together. This was different. Her body rather than her mind had decided it wanted another child. While her mind was hesitating her body was proving to be quite persuasive.
    Sitting down on the privy she moved her hand down between her legs. She of course had to pee, but there was another reason she had wanted the privacy.
    Mary had drank the majority of the semen that morning so the aphrodisiac effect was stronger for her, but Beth had had consumed some as well, even if it was a smaller dosage. Her mind again felt a deep jealousy towards her sister.
    When they had returned and it was visible Mary had been pumped full of a massive load of cum, Beth had caught her breath. She wanted to scream and cry at the same time. Her body had already been aching for attention and seeing it given to someone else ignited an intense rivalry inside of her.
    Each time Dan would shift position in the room Mary would follow, and Beth was forced to trail behind as they sat closely on either side of him like lions eyeing their prey. The only thing that had stopped it from progressing into an outright conflict was the presence of Mia.
    The three of them had decided to keep her in the dark about the situation. Dan was younger than her, but it wasn’t preventable for him to not know as it centered around him. At the very least she wanted to keep her daughter innocent.
    Her hand on her pussy started to move. She felt some level of urgency as she started fingering herself. The longer she was gone the more Mary would sink her claws into her son. She hadn’t wanted to leave, but the arousal was too distracting. If she didn’t relieve it at least a little then she was going to lose control.
    She moaned a little as her movement intensified. She hadn’t been a dirty girl during her life. It was always her older sister that was pushing the boundaries and doing lewd things like buying sex toys. Beth had tried to be innocent and pure, but recent events had drastically changed her.
    Her body pulsed as she used both hands. One hand was sinking inside of her feeling the internals and the other was rubbing her clitoris. She hadn’t realized how sensitive it was until Dan had began fiercely rubbing it during the night.
    She wasn’t prone to touching herself and her husband had only simply inserted himself. As a result Dan had opened a whole new world of pleasure to her.
    She leaned back against the wall of the outhouse, her moaning intensifying as the slick flesh made a clicking sound in time with her movement. She moved faster and faster, the friction was heating up her body at the same rate as her growing arousal was. As a result her pussy felt burning hot.
    Her vagina gave a hard twitch as she started to orgasm, her fingers didn’t stop as fluid started to spray out. The rolling twitching caused her to convulse internally. Leaning back she gave a throaty moan as she gave into it.
    The inner movement caused a shift and she felt the seal Dan had implanted in her slip loose. Immediately the pressurized fluids in her started gushing out of the hole. She gasped as it intensified the orgasm.
    Her belly quickly returned to normal size as the cum sprayed out of her and into the toilet below. Her hands were covered with the sticky solution even as she shoved them deeper inside of herself.
    Slowly the orgasm faded and she was left feeling the remaining fluid steadily drip out of her. She relaxed sprawled on the toilet as she basked in the afterglow. Her relaxed body took the opportunity as her bladder also relaxed.
    Hot pee sprayed out of her as it gave her a small and steady stimulation. She trembled as her legs shook side to side. Eventually that too stopped and she was left feeling entirely spent. The first thing on her mind though was that as good as it had felt it felt far better with Dan.
    The door suddenly swung open and her heart jumped into her throat as she was sitting legs spread with pee and semen dripping from herself.
    In front of her entered her sister. Mary smiled as she said “I figured I’d find you like this.”
    Beth’s gaze darkened as the enemy appeared, closing her legs defensively she said “What the hell do you want? Aren’t you busy seducing my son?”
    Mary stepped into the small outhouse closing the door behind her. She was still smiling as she said “You always were so possessive and protective.”
    Beth snorted “You were the one who always stole my boyfriends! You didn’t even like them! You just seduced them and then dumped them until I had no one left!”
    Mary shrugged “They were all pigs anyway. I didn’t grab your husband, because I had thought he was too boring for even you to fall in love with.”
    Beth stared at her open mouthed.
    Mary laughed “Joking of course. He was adorable and I’m sure you were very happy together. Your union at least gave us some good things…”
    Beth’s pants were still down and she felt vulnerable. Trying to cover herself she questioned “What do you want?”
    Mary looked around the small room and started unbuckling her pants. Beth stared at her in shocked confusion and a second later Mary’s pants were entirely off and were followed by her shirt a second later. Her large breasts were in full view as she wasn’t wearing a bra prior.
    Shrinking away from her sister Beth questioned “What… what are you doing?”
    Mary pulled off her panties showing off her smooth pussy below her swollen belly. She smiled as she said “I just wanted to make it clear that we’re sisters first. I don’t want you to hate me for taking Dan’s attention. He’s plenty big enough for the two of us.” She took a short step forward “If you’re still unsatisfied I can help you out a little.”
    With that her leg moved to Beth’s side and Beth gasped as her sister suddenly straddled her. Their pussies were only a few inches apart now.
    Mary pushed her head down as she locked lips with her sister.
    Beth was shocked by the turn of events and helplessly overpowered by her sister.
    With their lips together Mary’s hands grasped the sides of Beth’s head as she pulled her deeper into the kiss.
    Beth panicked as her sister’s tongue slid into her mouth, but her resistance was feeble. Her body was aroused from her own masturbation, so although the situation made her uncomfortable it was also turning her on. In the back of her mind she thought, you’ve already fucked your son this hardly compares.
    With that thought her own arms wrapped around Mary. They dragged along her back and transitioned to the front. She brought them up and wrapped them around her sister’s breasts.
    Her own pussy twitched at the contact. She wouldn’t admit, but she had always been jealous of her sister’s rack. She hadn’t ever gotten a chance to feel it in depth though, now that the opportunity was upon her she wasn’t wasting a moment.
    Her hands roughly grasped them as they squoze the fatty tissue. They pinched the nipples and played around.
    Her sister and her were both gasping in between intermittent kisses. Their faces separated and conjoined as their lips roughly entwined. Both of their tongues stretched out and entangled each other. The slick flesh danced around.
    Mary’s hands shifted down and were doing their own inspection of her Beth’s tits.
    The two of them were gasping and with her tits being played with Beth desperately wanted to be touched at her more sensitive location.
    Hoping her sister would get the hint he stretched her right hand back and behind Mary’s ass and brought it between her legs. Her hand slid past Mary’s anus which trembled under the passage, it was only a little further when she felt the hot smooth slit and started sliding her hand along its length.
    Thankfully Mary didn’t let her down as her right hand slipped off Beth’s breast and slipped down lower. Mary demonstrated practiced ease as her ring and middle fingers slid into Beth’s slit. Her thumb slid up and started vibrating on her sister’s clitoris.
    Beth tried to keep up as she pushed against the fingers penetrating her. Her own right hand slid further and she hooked her thumb inside of Mary. Rather than trying to push it in deeper she kept it hooked as it pulled down the sensitive flesh from inside.
    The rest of her fingers stretched further and started petting her sister’s hard bump.
    The two of them were moaning. Their saliva was thoroughly mixed now and both their hearts were beating wildly.
    Mary suddenly pulled away and Beth was left gasping as their hands pulled out of each other. Beth pleaded “Don’t stop!”
    Mary smiled licking up some saliva that had begun sliding down her cheek. She eyed the small outhouse before saying “Hold my legs for a minute.”
    Beth was confused, but Mary ignored her as she kneeled down and pointed her ass towards Beth. Beth looked at the swollen vulva as it slid closer to her. Mary lifted herself with her strong arms and Beth reflexively caught her legs as they pushed onto her.
    They shifted slowly and it ended up with Beth laying down on the long seat of the toilet and Mary laying on top of her. Mary’s dripping pussy hung above Beth’s face. Without any further comment Mary sunk her face into Beth’s pussy.
    Beth’s legs stretched forward as she felt the tongue enter inside her and start swirling around. She didn’t resist as a pussy lowered onto her own face and she started reflexively sucking on it.
    She had no idea what she was doing, but she emulated whatever Mary was doing to her as best she could. Her tongue slid in tasting the powerful fluids and she started slurping in as more was produced. Her tongue spiralled as she experimented.
    Her own body started contracting as she orgasmed under her sister’s efforts. She felt fluids pulsing out only to be licked up as they were produced.
    Mary under the effect of being eaten out and drinking orgasmic fluids likewise began to cum. Beth felt a wave of liquid hit her and she licked it down. Without thinking she reached her hands up and shoved them against Mary’s swollen stomach.
    Mary moaned loudly as the barricade broke within her. Dan’s stored cum began spilling out and Beth was in position to receive it as it began spraying into her mouth.
    She gulped repeatedly as it rolled down her face, the taste was a little different than Dan’s. It was of course mixed with Mary’s own vaginal fluids, the result was something akin to an aged wine.
    She couldn’t resist as her tongue slid in basking in the flow of sticky liquid. She was holding her breath and desperately needed to breath, but she couldn’t risk missing this chance. The hot liquid ran down her throat.
    Her arms gripped Mary’s body as her sister trembled in a prolonged orgasmic bliss. Slowly it calmed and the two women kept swirling their tongues inside of one another for a long time as their bodies gradually relaxed.
    Eventually Mary pulled away and Beth gave her vaginal lips a final playful lick. Mary laughed slightly as she ran a hand along her sister and licked the result. The two of them laughed as the barrier between them broke.
    Mary smiled “See if we can do this then there’s no reason we can’t share Dan. If we find a way to occupy Mia we might even be able to do something at the same time…”
    Beth blushed as she imagined a threesome with her son and sister.
    She shook her head though as she looked around at their disheveled state. Both of their bodies were wet and sticky with each other’s fluids. Their hair and clothes were likewise a mess.
    Speaking she said “We have to clean up, we’ve been out here for a while…”
    Mary nodded, but she took a step forward and her mouth began sliding over Beth’s body licking up her own spilled fluids. She sucked on one of Beth’s tits for a moment before Beth shoved her off laughing. “We really have to stop! One of them could come out here to use the outhouse any minute now.”
    Mary shrugged as they both pulled up their pants. At Mary’s insistence they both exited the outhouse topless. It was dark outside as the two ran to the well giggling. Pulling the bucket up they used the cool water to rinse themselves off for the most part before helping each other pull on the rest of their clothing.
    With a final check they headed back to the house. As they opened the door they found it empty inside.

    Mia watched her mother and aunt suspiciously. They had been acting strange for a while now. Of course they had been thrust into a new world after being killed in an angelic accident so how to act “normal” was relative, but there was still something weird about them.
    First sign was when Mary had denied her going exploring along with Dan and her. She had always been incredibly close with her aunt, in some ways she was more in tune with Mary than her own mother. Her brother on the other hand had always been intimidated by their aunt and had shied away from her.
    This had changed rapidly. The two of them were now joined at the hip as they moved around the room together and Mary seemed enraptured as she giggled at Dan’s jokes like an idiot.
    Her mom wasn’t any better. She had brooded while Dan was gone and shot hateful glares at her sister since she got back. To top it off she also was glued to Dan.
    Mia wasn’t obsessed with attention, but being entirely ignored was awful. She gradually started pouting as the night wore on.
    Eventually her mom had gone out to use the outhouse. She didn’t return for a while and Mary finally released Dan to go “investigate”.
    Once Mia and Dan were alone together the weird atmosphere didn’t dissipate.
    Frustrated she forced open the front door to get some air and be alone. While away at college she had gotten used to her own space so being trapped in the single room with her family was driving her crazy.
    As she stepped outside Dan questioned from inside “Where are you going?”
    She ignored him as she finished exiting and slammed the door. Outside her mom and aunt weren’t visible. She didn’t care at the moment as she starting walking towards the woods.
    The door opened behind her as Dan stepped outside. “Mia! Where are you going?”
    She ignored him as she kept walking to the woods. They had ignored her all day so they could deal with her ignoring them for a while.
    Dan closed the door as he ran to catch up with her. He drew to her side and walked along with her as they moved away from the cabin. They walked in silence for a while before he asked “What’s wrong Mia?”
    She relaxed a little. This was more of the normal Dan. He had been seeming especially stressed and with the way the adults were acting he had hardly felt like her brother.
    She didn’t answer for a while before saying “I guess it’s a lot of things, this new world and all. It’s exciting of course, but it’s not like I’m glad to be here. We’ve all been ignoring it, but we died you know?” She looked at him for confirmation.
    In the darkness he nodded to her seriously.
    She went on “I want to explore the new world and all, but I still miss the things we left behind…” She hesitated another moment before she said “Even more than all that it’s you guys. You’re all acting strange and it’s suffocating. It’s like you’re all together and I’m stuck on the outside looking in. It’s probably just in my head, but it almost feels like you’re all keeping a giant secret from me.”
    Dan walked along with her in silence. Looking at his face she sensed something a little off. Stopping she asked “You’re not keeping something from me right?”
    Dan’s eyes averted hers in the moonlight. He was a terrible liar and no one knew him better than her. Angrily she questioned “What is it!? We’ve only been here like one day, how could the three of you already stumble onto something and decide to leave me out!?”
    Dan’s face twisted as he said “It’s not like that, it’s hard to explain. Trust me you’re better off not knowing…”
    She rolled her eyes. Her little brother had sure gotten an ego while she was at college. He thought she couldn’t handle whatever this secret of theirs was. Waving her arms she said “Fine! Have your secret, don’t expect me to hang out with you guys though.”
    With that she started walking quickly into the woods. She was pretty athletic and had done plenty of camping. In the temperate climate here and the hospitable forest she could survive easily without the cabin. Once they decided to let her into the secret then she’d consider coming back to them.
    Planning ahead she thought, knowing them they would laze around all day and when winter came they wouldn’t have any food supplies. As they started starving she would arrive decked out in provisions. She’d share of course, she wasn’t a monster, but she’d gloat about it for sure.
    As she was trying to walk away from Dan though he was following her through the dark woods. Yelling back at him she said “Leave me alone! Just go back to the cabin! I’ll be fine without you!”
    She started running as she darted between the trees, her night vision was good and she’d been on the track team. Even if Dan tried to catch her he’d never keep up, her brother had always been too busy with video games and books to improve his body.
    From behind her she heard him call “Mia come back, it’s not safe out here in the woods, we don’t know if there’s any wildlife.”
    She laughed as she rolled her eyes and accelerated again. Mary and him must’ve been pretty ineffective at their “exploration” she hadn’t find any signs of wildlife in the area. There were very few animals to begin with. Any predators here would end up starving to death long before they had arrived.
    She heard footfalls from behind as Dan chased after her.
    She pursed her lips, he was a bit faster than she’d expected. Maybe she had gotten slower in the month she took off while home with her family.
    Pushing her body to the max she sprinted forward trying to lose him in the forest. Still though he was right behind her! If anything he was gaining on her! Twisting back she yelled “How are you so fas—”
    Her words were cut off as he yelled “Watch out!”
    Confused she looked forward at the same time her feet failed to touch solid ground. Flying forward she felt herself falling. Her brain was in shock as she looked around. Where there had been a smooth path ahead there was now some sort of giant pit.
    She screamed as she plummeted down, it was much too deep!
    As the air rushed past, her her body was covered in darkness. She couldn’t even see her own body. Suddenly something hard hit her from the side, she was confused, but before she could understand she felt another impact from below.
    Terrified she imagined her bones breaking under the impact, but after a moment she realized other than the shock there wasn’t any pain. She was gasping for breath as she queited. She felt a warm heat around her and a voice spoke “Are you ok Mia?”
    Confused she shifted her body and suddenly realized that she was being held, the voice that had spoke was also of course her brother Dan. It didn’t make any sense though, bewildered she questioned “Did you catch me??”
    She felt shifting as she was set down. He answered “Yeah I think I did. I saw you fall and my body just moved on its own…”
    She couldn’t see him in the darkness, but she looked towards his voice as she stood “How is that possible!? You were way behind me…”
    He responded quickly “I would guess the pill is to thank, I haven’t really tested the limits, but I think my body is a lot stronger and faster than before… If not that fall probably would have broken my legs.”
    She realized that was true as she felt worried “Are you okay?”
    He laughed slightly “Yeah I feel alright, we are trapped in a dark pit though…”
    She looked up, but couldn’t even see light above. It was night currently so it wasn’t overly bright above to begin with. Taking a pragmatic approach she said “Let’s feel our ways around, maybe we can climb back up the side?”
    His tone became warning as he said “I wouldn’t recommend it, there might be other holes around us, if we move around we might fall deeper. Climbing blind sounds really difficult too, we could just wait here until it’s morning and hopefully light reaches us down here.”
    She hesitated, but then agreed. She wasn’t an expert climber, but she had enough experience to know free climbing in total darkness was suicide. Sighing she moved towards his voice and leaned against him.
    His voice sounded a little panicked as he said “Wh… What are you doing?”
    She rolled her eyes in the darkness “We might as well go to sleep, morning won’t come faster us waiting around.”
    She felt his heartbeat quicken a little as she said “Yeah, but you don’t need to lean against me. You can go sleep over there.” She couldn’t see where he gestured in the darkness.
    Complaining she said “It’s cold already! It’s only going to get colder. Plus if there really are other pits I don’t want to roll into one as I sleep.”
    She snuggled up to him as she began to lay down, he inched away from her though “Yeah that’s true, but we don’t have to be right on top of each other…”
    “What’s your problem! Is it that big of a deal to be close to me!? If you didn’t want to be near me you didn’t have to chase me out here!”
    With that she pushed him away as she started moving away.
    He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Whispering he said “It’s not that… it’s… don’t worry about it. We can sleep near each other and then figure things out in the morning.”
    She wanted to push him away again, but she didn’t want to be cold so she laid next to him snuggling around his arm. His muscles seemed tense as she laid there. The ground was also hard. It was difficult to fall asleep given the circumstances.
    They laid there for a long time, she couldn’t tell if he was asleep or not.
    Suddenly she felt a touch on her arm close to him. She panicked slightly wondering if there were bugs or something crawling around in here, but she relaxed when she realized it was Dan’s other arm.
    It had moved over and rested on hers. She whispered “Dan?”
    His voice came to her after a moment’s hesitation “Yes?”
    “Your arm is on me.”
    “Oh sorry.” His arm retracted.
    “I don’t really care. Was just wondering if you were sleeping.”
    His voice was a little strained as she said “No I’m awake.”
    She glanced to him in the dark as she said “Are you okay?”
    He simply replied “I’m fine.”
    As they laid next to each other though she noticed his breaths getting a little more heavy as time went on. It was a few minutes later when his arm was back on hers. She didn’t say anything this time. It was cold after all and she didn’t really mind.
    She did start to mind though when his arm inched closer to her over time until it was on her stomach.
    “Your arm is on my stomach now.”
    “Oh, sorry.” Again his arm retracted.
    “Are you that cold?”
    He hesitated before saying “No, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.”
    His breathing was still being haggard though so she said “If you’re cold I can just move closer.” She proved her words by sliding closer to him and putting her side against his.”
    Upon touching though his body felt very hot.
    He inched away from her “I don’t know if that’s a good idea…”
    She looked at him in confusion. He was acting really strange. She moved against him again. “Dan don’t worry about it, I’m your older sister you don’t have to feel uncomfortable around me.”
    He groaned slightly at her touch as he said “I appreciate it sis, but I’m having a little trouble controlling myself right now…”
    “Controlling yourself?”
    He groaned again “Mom and Mary didn’t think it was best to tell you…”
    Her eyes darkened, the secret they were keeping from her? That was what started the whole mess to begin with. She sidled away from him as she said “Well if you’re little secret is that important you don’t have to tell me!”
    His voice sounded a little hurt as he said “I want to tell you… I just don’t want you to hate me.”
    She sighed, he always was so emotional. “Dan I can’t imagine what you could say to make me hate you. I would appreciate being in the know though.”
    He hesitated a little more before saying. “I’ll tell you, but I want you to take the news calmly…”
    She looked at him a little nervously, he wasn’t normally this serious. “Fine tell me.”
    He hesitated again a long while before saying “The pill that angel gave me.”
    She nodded “The one that made you stronger or whatever?”
    “Yes, that one. We didn’t know, but apparently it has a side effect…”
    She suddenly felt worried as she questioned “What is it?”
    He went quiet again.
    “Don’t just keep me in suspense Dan! What’s the side effect?”
    He coughed awkwardly as he said “From what I understand… It uh… increases my libido significantly.”
    Her mind went blank. She didn’t know what sort of horrible side effect she was expecting, but that definitely wasn’t it.
    Questioningly she said “So you don’t want me near you right now, because you’re incredibly horny?”
    He coughed as he said “Yes.”
    She started laughing. “That angel gave you viagra! Hahaha haaa… Oh poor Dan stuck in a cave with a hardon for his sister. Hahaha” She stifled her laughter “Well that’s pretty awkward and all, but we’re both adults. You can shake it out in the corner or something. I’ll not let mom know ok?”
    He was silent again.
    She tried to ease the tension “I’ll do my best not to listen, okay?”
    He coughed again as she said “I would, but uhh. The angel said that my libido is increased because my body has too much sexual energy, in it. I don’t really get the specifics, but apparently you can’t relieve it by masturbating.”
    She looked at him “That is a rather specific rule.”
    “I know right!? From what mom said those pills are illegal in heaven. I don’t know if she’s representative of most angels, but she really needs to get fired or whatever happens to bad angels.”
    She laughed at his joke, but the tension was still in the air so she asked “So you’ve just been dealing with it so far?”
    He coughed again and she felt the arm she was laying on tense, he mumbled to himself “Something uh like that.”
    He was a terrible liar though so she saw through it immediately. If he was lying about it though that meant he hadn’t just been suffering through it. As he couldn’t masturbate though…
    Her mind dawned on the only conclusion. “Wait a second you don’t mean Mom or Mary?”
    He took a intake of breath and she knew she had guessed right.
    “So that’s why the three of you have been acting so weird…” She felt uncomfortable all of a sudden. She had been upset that they had left her in the dark, but now she wished she still didn’t know. She tried to slow her racing mind as she asked “What exactly did you do?”
    He started spilling it immediately “I didn’t really have a choice. Mom, she uhh… found out about it first and took it upon herself and then Mary found out by accident and she uhh… felt obligated to help out…”
    Mia gasped slightly “Wait you’re doing it with both of them!?”
    Dan hesitated before simply saying “Yeah.”
    She lifted herself off his arm as she inched away from him. Speaking awkwardly she said “Well I’ll try to not make things difficult for you. When we get out of this hole one of them can…” She trailed off not knowing what to say.
    Her aunt was always a little wild so it wasn’t world breaking chain of events, but her mom had always been so innocent. At least on the surface. Questioning she said “Is it really that bad? Like no offense, but it has to be pretty bad for you to uhhh…. Like fuck mom and aunty right?”
    He was breathing heavy to her side. “I don’t know how bad it’ll get. After they got warned they were taking care of it as the symptoms appeared…”
    Speaking carefully she said “Well you’re just uncomfortable right? Like I’m sure it sucks, but you can just wait it out or whatever?”
    He sat in silence for a while before saying “I don’t know if it’s true, but the angel said that if I don’t relieve the energy I could explode.”
    As she stared at him in shock it clicked. If it was only a case of being horny her mom and aunt wouldn’t have ever taken it that far. They weren’t perfect, but they weren’t the type of people to fuck their relatives the second an excuse appeared. They also weren’t the type to let their family die in front of them…
    Nervous she asked “How long until that happens?”
    His voice was strained as he said “I don’t know. This is as long as I’ve gone so far, the last time was…”
    He didn’t finish speaking, but she understood. It must’ve been when he went “exploring” with Mary. To think she’d been jealous… if she had known they were going into the woods to have sex…
    Gulping she said “I… I can help you. Like I don’t want to, but you’re my brother I’m not going to let you die. Us being in this hole is my fault anyway… like if it gets to be too much and you need to have uhh… sex.”
    He guffawed awkwardly as he said “We don’t uhh… actually have to have sex. Apparently blowjobs work too…”
    She sighed in relief. It was still a huge leap to their otherwise orthodox sibling relationship, but it seemed more approachable. Relieved she said “So you didn’t actually fuck mom and Mary? They just gave you like a blowjob.”
    He sat there in silence.
    Fumbling he said “We uhhh…”
    Shocked she said “Wait so you did fuck them? What the hell? If all you needed was a blowjob why’d you take it so far?”
    Defensively he replied “I didn’t want to. Just one thing led to another… With mom I was asleep and before I woke up I was already… going at it… As for Mary she uhh seemed to want it.”
    She sat there in shock. Evidently she didn’t know Mary as well as she thought. And if he had been asleep then… That meant they’d done it while she was in the same bed!


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/5ypjye/sssbfantasy_preg_incest_sexual_energy_4


  1.     Gulping she said “Well I’m not going to have sex with you!”
        Quickly he replied “Of course! I wouldn’t want to anyway.”
        She looked at him “What’s that supposed to mean?” She didn’t want to be screwed by her brother, but she still wanted to be at least desirable.
        Correcting himself he said “Well I mean, I wouldn’t want to with my sister. I think you uhh look pretty good.”
        She smiled at his awkwardness. They sat in silent for a while, but he was still breathing heavy. After a while she asked “Do you need me to do it?”
        He sat in silence seeming to struggle and then finally whispered “Yes.”
        She felt a surge of nervousness. She had agreed to do it, but now that it was actually happening she felt panicky.
        Ignoring her hesitation he moved closer to her standing in front of her kneeling position. He stood there still for a little while before he asked “Are you ready?”
        She lied “Yes”
        She heard his shorts being pulled down and felt heat in front of her. She didn’t know what to do next. His impatience showed though as she felt something hit her in the eye. “Ow!”
        He backed up “Sorry!”
        Rubbing her eye she realized this wasn’t going to work in the dark as they were unless she took a more direct hold of the situation. Holding her breath she reached forward and felt his leg.
        He trembled under her touch. She slowly moved her hand up and towards his crotch that was radiating heat. She felt squishy flesh and felt around a little as he groaned. She blushed as she realized she was gripping his testicles.
        She couldn’t resist feeling them up a little. The warm flesh was soft and there were hard balls inside of the sack. She gently ran her fingers around them saiting her curiosity.
        He was moving uncomfortably under her grasp though so she moved her hand up slightly and found the rock hard source of the radiating heat.
        She wrapped her hand around it gripping it tightly. The width was much more than she had been expecting. Her fingers wrapping around it couldn’t touch themselves on the other side. It was also throbbing at her touch.
        He groaned again as she got her bearings.
        She was always one to rush into things though, that way she had less time to freeze up.
        Steeling herself she pointed the cock towards her and opened her mouth bringing it in. The second it entered her wet mouth his cock thrusted forward pushing in deeper.
        Her jaw strained as her mouth was forced fully open to accept it.
        His cock was wet and sticky with what she guessed was precum. She overcame her disgust as the slime covered her tongue with a thick layer.

        She tensed in anticipation for its flavour. She knew from her friends that dick’s weren’t tasty. One of them said she’d thrown up the first time one entered her mouth.
        The flavour was slowly sinking in now as his hard rod made itself at home. At first it was just salty, but once it really sunk in there was something else…
        Her tongue rolled sliding along the shaft as it tried to get a better hold of the flavour. It was hard to describe, some sort of musky deep flavour that seemed like it was sinking into her brain.
        It definitely wasn’t bad though, she needed to get a bit more sampling before she could make up her mind on it.
        Tensing her lips she sucked in on the cock pulling in the strands of precum. Her tongue danced around covering itself. As it accumulated in her mouth she unconsciously swallowed a little.
        As it trailed down the back of her tongue and entered her throat she felt a flash of ecstasy. Her pussy twitched and she felt a powerful compulsion to take in more.
        Immediately she swallowed the rest of the accumulated precum and saliva. It washed down her throat in an orgasmic instant. She felt herself getting a little wet.
        Her tongue searched around, but there wasn’t anymore available. She had to go straight to the source in that case…
        She started sucking his cock in earnest then. Her mouth slid forward and back as the hard cock entered and exited.
        Dan couldn’t control himself either as he started thrusting as well.
        At the start she worried that she would gag or choke on the giant rod, but as he thrusted deeper and deeper she was shocked how easily it slid in. The back of her throat spread wide and accepted it as it pushed down into her throat.
        Her esophagus likewise stretched to fit the large piece of meat.
        It would snap back to its usual size in an instant as he withdrew it though. This hardly mattered though as it came smacking right back a second later.
        She was embarrassed to hear the steady gulping sound propagating from her mouth as it swallowed precum and tried to hold its food source in place. Her head was getting hot and fuzzy though so she hardly noticed.
        Dan was also losing control as he loudly grunted from above her, unable to control herself she started moaning with each impact as he shoved deeper inside of her.
        Her crotch was dripping and at some point her hand had snuck inside and was fingering herself.
        She felt herself start to twitch and shoved her fingers deeper. A second later her whole body tensed as she started to orgasm. Her eyes rolled back as she pushed herself forward swallowing his dick to the base.
        It reacted as well as the whole thing tensed. Dan from above let out a loud prolonged grunt and his cock started twitching.
        With each twitch cum started exploding out and painting the inside of her throat. She swallowed it excitedly. Just the taste wafting up from her throat proved it to be well above his precum in quality.
        There was lots of it as well. Her swallowing couldn’t keep up as it filled her throat and slid up into her mouth. With a rush she felt it also rise up into her sinuses and start to trickle out of her nose.
        Everywhere it went her flesh burned excitedly. Her mind was entirely blank with orgasmic pleasure as the cum sunk into the wrinkles of her brain and suffocated any reasoning abilities.
        As she started choking Dan pulled out and sprayed the rest over her face. It blanketed her as the thick cum stuck on clinging to her hot skin.
        He finished pulling away and was letting out gasping noises.
        She fell back still fingering herself. First she swallowed the cum in her mouth and then used her free hand to start wiping up the cum on her face and likewise depositing that in her mouth.
        The cum in her nose was slowly trickling back out into her throat in as a slow and steady source of orgasmic pleasure. Coughing on the cum she struggled to speak “Dan…”
        He inched closer and sounded nervous as he said “Are you ok Mia?”
        Unable to control the thorough arousal coursing through her she moaned out “Dan, fuck me.”
        As she swallowed the cum it made her more and more horny, but it wasn’t satisfying enough. She needed it at her source. She needed Dan’s hard cock pumping it directly into her.
        From above he sounded worried as he said “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think the energy is reduced for now, we should just wait for morning…”
        “Fuck me Dan!”
        She crawled towards him as she pulled off her pants.
        He tried to back away, but his back was to a wall.
        Speaking she said “You’re the one with the monster libido! You can’t be done with just that right?”
        He didn’t say anything, but she grasped his cock and found it hardening again.
        She yanked off her panties as well casting them into the darkness. Then her shirt and bra followed as she finished cleaning her face of the addictive substance.
        Pushing against Dan she felt his hard cock against her lips and belly. She leaned in close “Fuck me”
        Her words broke his resolve as his cock twitched against her. With a groan he grabbed it and pushed her back slightly as he brought it down level and pointed at her.
        She stood on her tiptoes as it slid between her legs and angled upwards. He froze like that with his head slightly spreading her entrance. Through obvious effort he paused and questioned “Are you sure?”


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