[MFF] My Crazy summer beach Story

Every year during the summer I would go down to St.Pete Beach close to Tampa Florida. It would mostly be for vacation with the family, but we also have very close family friends that live down there also. It was 2007 the year I graduated from High School. One week in to the summer I get a call from a very very good friend of mine. He wants me to come spend the summer down there and I could work with him, so I said fuck yeah lets do it. The very next weekend I headed down to St.Pete. Little did I know it would be a fucking summer to remember. We would work during the day and end work around 2 hours before sunset. Two hours before sunset we would hit the beaches looking for girls to party with and have a good time. One night was super eventful. It was July 4th we were hanging out with 2 girls that were leaving the next day, so they couldn’t be out that late. We hung out with them til about 10:30 then they called it a night. We decided to take one more walk down the beach before we headed in for the night. Towards the end of the beach (near the don Caesar) we ran into 3 girls undressing. We looked at each other in bewilderment. We walked up to them and asked “whats going on here”? They stated that we either get undressed or keep it moving. I was undressed quicker than a hype beast getting in line for a supreme bowtie release. We got in the water with them talked for a bit and come to find out that they were celebrating a 21st birthday. We chatted and swam for a while in the ocean. Then they invited us to go back up to Don Caesar and join then in the hot tub. Of course we accepted. We were walking up to the hot tub from the beach and two of girls decided they wanted to hold my hand walking up. Birthday girl and her best friend. While my buddy was behind us a couple feet back with the 3rd girl. When we got to the hot tub I enter the hot tub with my shorts on and my buddy and the 3rd girl decided they were going to run up to the room real quick to grab more drinks and they will be right back. The other two girls got undressed before entering the hot tub after they left. So I take a look around and every direction I look there is a fucking camera, but I say fuck it and take off my shorts and throw them to the side. They each take a seat on either side of me. After chatting for a minute both of there hands start to get frisky. They both start jacking my dick at the same time and kissing on my neck. The next thing I know theres a security guard who has to be 90 years old staring looking down at me. He asked “If any of us are staying of this location and the girls replied yes. He stated we can be naked in the hot tub. We all look at each other thinking the same thing. This man was watching us the whole time on the cameras. Lol. We tell the security guard that we will get out and get dressed as soon as he leaves. The security guard goes on his way and stand up first to get dressed and hand the girls a towel. before I can even get out of the hot tub one of the girls grabs my dick and sucking it like a new dyson vacuum cleaner. When she was done she exited the hot tub and didn’t let go of my dick until the other girl was ready to assume duties. She stated it was her turn. This went on for about about 15-20 minutes before we headed up the room. This is where we found the 3rd girl and my buddy chilling drink wine and having a conversation about some local politician. The girls gave me a towel and I laid down on the bed. The birthday girl and her best friend went to comb their hair and straighten up a little in the bathroom. We over heard one of them say that her breast were leaking. We asked what was going on in there? She told us she recently had a baby about 6 months ago and walked in the room a squeezed her titty and line of milk came shooting out about 5 feet long. My jaw dropped lol. They both hopped on bed naked and pulled my towel off then took off my wet shorts. They then proceed to ask which one us is fucking the birthday girl? I looked into my wallet and no condom. I told them I didn’t have a condom, so I looked at my buddy and he said he didn’t either. The Birthday girls best friend went to her purse and pulled out the golden ticket “magnum condom”. My buddy said that it would fit him, so the pleasure is all mine. This is when things started to get weird fast. I noticed the 3rd girl sitting in the corner with her digital camera. I also noticed that the camera light was on like it was recording or something. This made me hesitant. I told them I don’t know about this. I start to finger the girl and suck on her tits while the other girl sucks my dick and I see a camera flash. Im like of shit here we go. I get up for a minute and I pull my buddy to the side and tell him after we finish here we are taking that damn memory card or the fucking camera when we leave. We come back into the room and I see Birth girls best friend pick up a empty wine bottle and lay on the bed with birthday girl. She then proceeds to fuck birthday girl with the wine bottle while squirting it with breast milk to lubricating it. She ends up squirting all over the fucking bed from that. They grab me throw me down start sucking my dick again. She put the condom in her mouth and put the condom on me that way the both took turns riding me. When the girl that recently had a baby came her fucking nipples released milk. After everything done we could find the camera, so now somewhere out there in the world there are pictures and videos of this crazy event..

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5yijfd/mff_my_crazy_summer_beach_story

1 comment

  1. Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to type up your story. I hate to tell you, but it’s not very readable because it appears as one huge wall of text. It really needs to be broken up into paragraphs to make it easier to read. To insert a paragraph, just hit your enter key twice after ending your thought. It is possible to go back and edit your post, so when you have a few moments, it would probably help your post upvotes if you made your post more readable. Not that the upvotes are much of an incentive in and of themselves. But more importantly, upvotes mean that people took the time to press the upvote button, which, in turn, is positive feedback to you as the content submitter. Hopefully you’ll be energized and encouraged by the amount of positive feedback that you receive, you’ll be further motivated to write in the future! Who knows? Other Redditors have met each other through stories on this sub in the past. Perhaps the next lucky Reddit stud could be you?

    *Hopefully I’ve made my point.*

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