[MF] The unexpected Sinner

I was lying down on the bed, smelling Ana’s hair, while she cuddled with me. My alarm beeped, giving us a signal that it was about time for Ana to get back home. It was the 13th Sunday since Ana had been sneaking out of her home and coming to mine, while her mother would be at the Church attending the Sunday mass.

A Hindu Rajput, I am one of the few non-Christians residing in the Christian dominated area of Orlem, in a northern suburb of Bombay. Ana and I weren’t officially allowed to date, nor could we be seen together, as people in our conservative neighborhood would create an outrage. I feared that if they ever came to know, they would shame Ana publicly. Ours was an old colony, and the oldies still clutched their age old beliefs of casteism tightly.

Every Sunday morning, while Ana’s mom would leave for Church, she would excuse herself under the pretext of visiting a friend who stayed next to my apartment, and would end up in mine. It was perfectly coordinated – I would leave my door slightly open, and at the appropriate moment, she would sneak in and close the door behind her.

The alarm gave us an indication that she needed to be back home, because we never knew when her mom would end up at the friend’s house on the way back home.

My relation with Ana was a complex one. We hadn’t really confessed our love for each other, but knew that we felt something for each other. We grew up playing with common friends, and once we hit puberty, Ana blossomed into a lovely young lady. As for myself, playing basketball made me really tall, and helped me maintain a nice physique. That was the time when even being in each other’s presence had always sent waves of tension down our bodies.

A few texts led to a secret date about 10 kilometers away from our place where we dined and laughed a lot. Having grown up together, we had a lot to talk about. On the way back home in the cab, we didn’t realize when our lips met. An incredible evening culminated into a passionate night as we shared a few kisses in the backseat of the cab.

The following week, we made up a plan to meet at my place and take the passion further. We chalked out a plan for Ana to sneak out when her mom would be out attending the Sunday mass. And since that Sunday, every Sunday morning has been a bliss. While the sex is great, what is better is cuddling with Ana and smelling her hair. I love the way her hair smells. Quite like her body, it is almost intoxicating.

While I was lost in her hair, we suddenly heard an uproar outside my apartment. My heart was in my mouth, as for a moment, I feared that someone must have seen Ana sneaking into my apartment. Scary and disturbing thoughts clouded my mind, while Ana clutched me tightly. Her small, pretty eyes looked at mine, asking for assurance that we weren’t in any sort of trouble. I held her hand, and told her to lock herself in my room, while I went outside to check what the problem was.

I put on my tee-shirt and a pair of shorts, and opened my door slightly. Shanky, my 18 year old neighbour was standing amidst the crowd. I pulled him and asked him what had happened.
‘Bro, Ana’s mom was found in bed with the 4th floor D’Souza uncle’
Unable to make sense of what I had just heard, I blurted out without thinking, ‘But Ana’s mom was supposed to be at the Church, right?’
‘Church?’, Shanky said almost in a tone of disbelief. ‘I go to Church every Sunday. I’ve never seen aunty at the Mass in the past 6 months!’

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5xsffp/mf_the_unexpected_sinner

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