[Question] What erotica would you consider a must read?

I’ve been doing a slew of research lately for my next few books and I’m looking for some nice, salacious works to fuel my imagination. I don’t care about the subject matter, I just want to read anything that really captivates and excites the reader. It can be in any form, novel, short story, blog posts, even comics. It just needs to be written. Thanks.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/5veb2l/question_what_erotica_would_you_consider_a_must


  1. Thans for all of the suggestions. I’ll give Anais Nin a try first and then Anne Rice.

  2. “Three Square Meals” by Tefler on literotica. It’s a long sci-fi series with amazing chemistry, awesome battles and impeccable character development. Definitely my all time favorite story series.

  3. personally, “strange bedfellows” on literotica is one i’ve repeatedly reread. very well written, absolutely filthy hot dirty talk and great sex.

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