Christmas Dinner Blowjob [MF]

Again, thanks for the awesome responses and feedback on the stories. I’ve really enjoyed sharing them and I hope you enjoyed reading them. I’ve been trying to type out another story for you all and I think I have one you might enjoy.

This is the story about the Christmas Dinner Blowjob. (Don’t worry, there’s no incest here.)

During my junior year of college, I went to my dad’s house in Florida. My parents had divorced when I was young and my mom moved to the Midwest while my dad stayed in Florida. I finished high school with my dad but decided to go to college in the Midwest and had spent the last two Christmases with my mom. So it was past time to spend a holiday with my dad in the sunshine.

I arrived about a week and half before Christmas and was sad to find out that most of my high school friends were still out of town (although, I didn’t have many friends in high school). So I spent most of my days sleeping in late and sitting out by the pool in the afternoons. My dad worked from home mostly so we were able to spend quite a bit of time together, but every once in a while he’d have to leave to go meet a client or something.

By the third day, I was tired of the pool and my dad had left for the afternoon, so I decided to change up the scenery and sit out on the front porch with a glass of whiskey and read (nothing passes the time like a good Mark Twain novel). At this point, I was beginning to think that this holiday was shaping up to be pretty uneventful. That was until I briefly looked up from my book to see a girl jogging past my house. She immediately caught my attention because she was wearing multicolored yoga pants and a bright pink sports bra. She had black hair that was pulled into a pony tail that swayed with each step. I didn’t see her face at the time since she had mostly passed by the time I looked up, but her ass certainly didn’t disappoint. It wasn’t uncommon to see a runner in the neighborhood but I had never seen her before (so I thought).

I sat out for another hour hoping she’d pass by again, but she didn’t. So the next day I spent most of my afternoon in the same spot to try and catch a repeat. Fortunately, my persistence paid off. At about the same time as the day before, here she came. This time wearing very short neon green running shorts that showed off very long, tan legs and a white tank top. The sweat on her legs glistened from the sun as she ran which really turned me on for some reason. As she got closer to the house, I had a better view of her face and then it struck me:

I knew her!

And it didn’t take me long to figure it out how because there was only one person I knew who fit her description. Her name was Danielle, and we had gone to high school together. She was a track athlete (hence the daily jogging). Half Cuban and half Caucasian, she was blessed with flawlessly tanned skin and dark hair; gorgeous by anyone’s standards. We were never really friends until my senior year of high school when we took an all year theater class together. We did a few scenes together and became good in-class friends but at that time I was dating Anna, so nothing more developed beyond that. Even though we were connected on Facebook, we hadn’t seen nor spoken to each other since high school. I was determined to stop her and talk but decided to wait another day.

The next day rolls around and this time I didn’t wait on the porch all day. I just waited until about the same time she came by as the days before. I made sure I had an excuse to go out so I decided to go check the mail. As I walking to the mailbox, I spotted her down the street heading my way. I paused for a moment at the mailbox pretending to read the mail to give her time to catch up before I started to walk back to the house. I timed it to where our paths would just about cross with each other. She barely looked up from the ground as she passed so I went bold and yelled her name. She stopped and seemed a little caught off guard. I’m sure she wasn’t expecting anyone to stop her today. Her face looked confused until she focused in on who I was and then it lit up.
“Oh my god! Hey! How are you?!”
She went in for a hug as we exchanged pleasantries. Again she was wearing nothing but a sports bra and running shorts, and it was abnormally warm that day, so she was a bit sweaty but I didn’t mind. Her body spray and sweat created an aroma that was intoxicating. I had a clear view of her this time and she showed off a flat, toned stomach.
We stood and talked for a few minutes. Turns out she’s here visiting her parents from college as well and was also complaining about the lack of excitement happening. So I suggested we hang out while we were in town. She agreed and we decided to meet later that night to see a movie and grab some dinner.

Nothing happened that night but we had a really fun time. I had forgotten how outgoing and bubbly she was. She appreciated my dry and sarcastic sense of humor (no one usually does) so I really liked being around her. I told her that I’d be home all day the next day so she should stop by after her run to cool off in the pool. She thought that was a great idea.
(Hell yeah!)

The next afternoon I send her a text telling her that I’d leave the gate unlocked and to just come around the side of the house to the pool, and she responds when she’s on her way. About a half hour later, she arrives and walks through the gate. She smiles, says hey, and immediately begins to strip off her running shorts and tank top. She was wearing her bathing suit underneath, and although I had already seen her in short running shorts and a sports bra, this was another level of hotness. She wore a black two piece, the bottoms of which had to be a size too small because her ass cheeks couldn’t stay in. Now she didn’t have an ounce of fat on her being a runner, so her ass wasn’t fat; purely toned and perfectly shaped muscle. What little fat she did have had to be in her chest because she had a nice pair of perky B cups that were hidden by the sports bras the days before. I was having a hard time not staring, to say the least.

She dove in the pool and swam a few laps before hopping out and joining me in a lawn chair. I asked if she wanted a drink, she said yes and also asked if I had any sunscreen. I showed off the bar tending skills I had picked up in college so far and made her a mojito (my dad is a big drinker so he always has a fully stocked bar) and brought out the sunscreen. She’s impressed with the drink and starts applying the sunscreen, at this point I’m glad I’m wearing sunglasses because, damn, she was mesmerizing. When she reached her back, she hands me the sun screen and says “do you mind?” (No. No I do not.) We sat out the rest of the afternoon and talked, but no action except for the perfect view of her ass I had while she was on her stomach.

This went on the next couple days. She’d stop by after each run to cool off in the pool before sitting out to tan. She would leave shortly before sundown to make it back to her house to be with her family. I didn’t mind her visits because we were actually hitting it off quite well and had great conversations, but I was beginning to think nothing was going to happen beyond that.

A few days before Christmas, I asked her what her family’s plans were for the holiday. She said that it would just be her, her parents, and her little sister but that they had no real big family plans this year. That night, I mentioned to my dad that we should invite Danielle’s family over for Christmas dinner since it was just going to be my dad and my stepmom and me, so he agreed (it helped that our dads already knew each other and got along).

Fast forward now to Christmas Day around 6:00. Danielle and her family arrive and we’re all semi-formal/casual in dress because it’s Christmas and that’s the thing to do. But of course my attention was just on what Danielle had on. She wore a deep red/burgundy dress that was tailored up until her waist and then flared out to about her mid thigh. The top had a narrow but deep v-cut that showed the classy amount of cleavage. Her hair was down and curled and she was killing it.

We sat next to each other during dinner and I noticed she was more touchy than normal. Anytime she laughed she would almost always put her hand on my arm or my leg. It was obvious she was into me at that point. Danielle’s little sister was 16 and was occupied by her phone the whole time. After dinner, she got up to disappear on the phone and do whatever 16 year olds do. Our parents were caught up in conversation, so Danielle and I decided to start washing the dishes (it was an excuse to be alone more than anything).

She was washing and I was rinsing the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. We were standing side by side with very little space between us. Our conversation flowed naturally as usual until she brought up the class we had together our senior year.

“You know, I was hoping you’d ask me to prom,” she admitted.
She laughed and shyly said, “Really.”
“If I recall, you didn’t have much of a problem getting a date,” I said.
“Doesn’t mean I didn’t have a preference,” she shot back. “Besides, I knew you were dating that one girl, so it would never happen. What was her name again?”
“Anna,” I said.
“Right. Anna.”

There was a minute or so of silence before she started to say something else, but I decided to take that moment before anything else was said and leaned in and kissed her. I caught her by surprise but she immediately reciprocated. We stood for a minute with our lips locked before pulling away.

“I think we’re done here.” And she grabbed my hand and said, “let’s go.”

We walked outside and to the other side of the pool area where we had a small “pool house”, but it was really just an area where we stored extra stuff. We went in and closed the door behind us. We didn’t bother turning on any lights so that we would draw attention. It was dark and I could barely see but the next thing I know, her lips were back on mine. We made out for a few minutes and our hands were all over each other. One of my hands rested on her back while the other found its way up her dress and grasped her ass. She was wearing a thong (perfect). I played with her ass for a minute before moving my hand around to her pussy. I began to rub her clit through her lace panties and she began to moan. I went to slip my hand under her panties and feel her hot, wet pussy before she stopped me and said, “wait.”
(Ah, shit.)
“Not yet.”
I thought that might be the end of our little session but she redeemed it by dropping to her knees and fumbling with my pants. As she gets them undone she pulls them down slightly and reaches for my cock. It’s already hard and she immediately puts it in her mouth and begins sucking.
I can settle for this.
Her mouth was warm and felt so good. She sucked hard while simultaneously flicking her tongue against my shaft. Fuck, she was good.
She paused for a moment and began stroking it with her hand before she said, “is this okay?”
“Hell yeah,” I managed to sputter.
She continued by cupping and gently massaging my balls while she kissed the sides of my shaft up to the tip. She firmly grasped my dick as she flicked her tongue repeatedly on the tip. Holy. Shit. It felt amazing, and she knew it because she giggled as I let out a quick “fuck”. She dove back in and engulfed my cock. Her hand working the base as her head bobbed up and down repeatedly. She worked it like she was getting paid to.
Finally I tell her that I’m about to cum and she pulls off just long enough to say, “go ahead.” Back down she goes. I try and hold it as long as possible but it was too much. I let go and shoot it all in her mouth. She stops and moans for a minute before giving me one last long suck.
She fucking swallowed. So hot.

She stands up as I put myself back together. She leans in and kisses me before saying, “I really like you.” I kiss her again and say we should get back inside.

Fortunately our parents didn’t even notice how long we had been gone. They were still wrapped up in conversation and her little sister was still awol. As we said our goodbye, we made plans to hang out later in the week. It wouldn’t be the last time Danielle and I hooked up that break, but that’s a story I’ll share later. This one is long enough.



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