How I Lost [M]y V-card in A [F]rat House Bathroom

Wow, I really didn’t expect the kind of response to my initial post. I just really wanted to share that experience. But since I know it wasn’t the most common type of post on here (a little more sentimental than most), I figured I’d share another story with you that I briefly mentioned before.

This is how I lost my virginity in a frat house bathroom.

Anna and I had just broken up maybe a month prior to this. It was a pretty rough breakup for me since I had been hearing rumors from my other friends that she had rebounded pretty quickly. I was genuinely pissed, and pretty cynical on the whole dating/love game at the moment. But I kind of fell into this funk of depression. I mean, we were together for nearly 2 years and she had already hooked up with another guy (like wtf?). In the weeks following the breakup, I mostly stayed to myself and buried my head in school work. My friends would all be out on the weekend partying and I would stay in my dorm room feeling sorry for myself.

Fortunately, I had really great friends in college. They gave me the space I needed at first to cry out all the pussy filled emotions, but they didn’t leave me there. After about a month, they started trying to get me to come out with them to parties. They kept saying that it would help if I got out of my room and stopped thinking of Anna. They were right, but I was stubborn. But eventually I came to the realization, ”you know what? Fuck Anna, and fuck feeling sorry for myself. This is my time to live. I’m in college for Christ’s sake.”

And I did attend a really awesome university. It’s always consistently ranked as one of the top party schools in the country (not why I attended, but definitely an advantage.) Any night on campus was a good night to drink my sorrows away and get laid. My best friend John just happened to be a bro at Sigma Chi and they were throwing a party to kick off Rush Week, which meant one thing: lots of easy, slutty sorority girl wannabes trying to get a bid. It was a golden week to get laid, but tonight was my night.

I told John I’d meet him at the party, so I walked there by myself and as I was walking, the campus was buzzing with activity. It was a cool evening late in the summer, but there was this excitement in the air and you just knew it was going to be a good night. As I arrived at the house, the party was already well underway and over capacity.

Now, if you’ve never been to a frat party, allow me to fill you in on what it’s like. My school was a larger school and had a more traditntal Greek scene than most smaller schools. But imagine 200 drunken underage students crammed into an often outdated house with an inch of vomit, sweat, and liquor on the floor taking shots of jungle juice (literally a concoction of the cheapest booze) while EDM destroys your eardrums. Many of them are either grinding or dancing with each other. There’s often weed and other substances there to make it a bit more interesting. And typically a pledge (new member) is at the door checking to see if the people who want to attend are attractive enough females. Any male has to be a friend of one of the brothers to get in.

Fortunately for me, John spotted me from an upstairs window and yells for me to meet him downstairs, so I was able to just walk on in. Immediately I’m greeted by hoards of young and eager girls in various sweaters, leggings, and tall boots. ANY of whom I’d be happy to fuck. Anna? Anna who?

I meet John near the makeshift bar and we do a few shots to get things started. Next thing I know, one of the other brothers pushes through with a tray of jello shots and insists we all do them. One, two, three more shots. I slam my shot glass on the counter top and turn to my right to find that John has disappeared. I turned around to look for him only to find some chick with a great rack handing me a shot of tequila and a lime. “Snake bite?” she offered. Don’t mind if I do. Ten minutes in and I’m already well on my way to forgetting this night ever happened.

The next hour and a half or so was a blur of intoxication with vague memories of dancing, making out with a few random girls, and I’m pretty sure there was a fight at some point. Things began to clear up when I met John upstairs which had a much more chill vibe. Apparently at this house the upstairs was more of a reserved area and less of a rage area. John and I started in on a game of beer pong with a couple of others. We won the first game, and the second, and were well on our way to winning our third. We had acquired a bit of an audience too with people waiting their turn to play and wanting to see who could upset our team. Half way through the game, John gets pulled out due to some “emergency” with one of the pledges.


I needed a new parter. Fortunately a voice came from behind me that said “I’ll fill in!” I turn to see a cute little blonde walking up. Damn. She was hot. You could say she was your typical looking sorority girl but you could tell she was a bit more down to earth. She was wearing a pair of tight black leggings, brown boots, and a light blue v-neck and her hair was pulled back with a white headband. Her eyes were a hazel green and she had a killer smile.

“You better be good,” I said jokingly.
“Don’t worry, I’m a pro,” she responded with a wink.
And she wasn’t lying. You could tell she wasn’t new to this whole thing, which was probably why she was upstairs and not downstairs with the rest of the eager to please sorostitutes. Each time she made a shot she would jump and either high five me or give me a hug. She was actually a great beer pong player and I certainly didn’t mind the attention. Somewhere along the way she told me her name, “Victoria, but Tori for short.”

We won the third game easy.
“Well, well, mister. Three in a row. Either you’re really lucky or I’m really good,” she jested.
“Well, given that you didn’t start playing until the third game, I’d say I’m pretty lucky.”
“Oh, I’m definitely good,” she responded. “I guess the rest of the night will determine just how lucky you are.” She smirked and then said, “I gotta go check on my girls downstairs. Maybe we can retest your skills later.”
And with that she turned and walked away. It was the first time I actually got a good look at her body and she was hot. She stood around 5’6 or so and seemed to be a runner. Definitely in shape. Her leggings allowed a good preview of her ass which wasn’t huge but definitely perky. Very cute.

I started to look for John but he was no where in sight. I figured I didn’t need him at this point anyway and he was probably caught up in whatever business I had no part in. I watched a few games of beer pong and chatted it up with another cute girl. But right then all of the liquor hit me. I had to find a bathroom and fast. I ran down one of the halls and found an empty bathroom. I barely got my dick out in time before I pissed a geyser (sorry, tmi for sure). Just as I finish up, I hear the door begin to open. Shit. I forgot to lock the door in my desperate dash to pee. The door opened and there was Tori. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion but I couldn’t move fast enough- my dick was still hanging out of my pants and in my inebriated shock, I didn’t even try to cover it.

(I’m sure you’re all thinking, “wow, how convenient that she was the one that opened the door.” True. But she later told me that she saw me go in.)

Tori seemed surprised at first and then just let out a laugh as she continued into the bathroom. She closed the door and locked it behind her. “Nice dick,” she said with a sly smile. And with that she leaned into me and began kissing me. Her mouth tasted of whiskey but her lip gloss was sweet. I was hooked on the taste and passed the point of no return. I needed her.

Now mind you, I was still a virgin at this point, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me and I definitely wasn’t about to tell Tori. I had watched enough porn in my teenage years to figure this out.

Her hand reached around my dick and she began to stoke while her tongue explored my mouth. It didn’t take long before my dick was hard and ready to go. I dropped my pants down to my ankles as she pulled her leggings down to her knees. She turned around and leaned over the sink.
“Try to be quick,” she said.
I thought to myself, “uh don’t worry about that.”
She reached through her legs to align my dick to her pussy. She pushed the tip in but she wasn’t quite wet enough for me to start thrusting. I had to work it in slowly but after a few times of pulling out and back in, I was able to go all in. She moaned as her ass finally hit my pelvis. I looked down to see her ass pressed against me and noticed her back dimples. Goddamn I thought I was going to blow it all right then.
I maintained my composure by staring at a point on the door where the wood grain resembled an owl. That little hooter was the only thing that kept me from busting a nut early.
I had a steady pace going as I pumped into her. She was moaning softly, trying to keep it down so no one outside could hear. I remember at one point reaching around and cupping her breast under her bra and trying to guess what size she was. Definitely a C cup.
I kept shifting my focus from the owl on the door to her ass and back again. I loved the view of me pumping into her, but I knew I couldn’t last if I kept looking.
“Go faster, we need to hurry,” she finally said.
I quickened my pace and began slamming into her. The countdown was on at that point. I watched her ass jiggle with each thrust and it was enough to push me over the edge. I told her I was about to cum and she instructed me to not get any on her. Fortunately for me, there conveniently sat a toilet to my right where I aimed my dick and shot (most) of my cum.
She turned and dropped to her knees and took my dick in her mouth and gave one long suck to clean me off.

She stood up and we got ourselves pulled back together.
“That was fun!” She smiled and then leaned in for another kiss. “Now let’s get back out there before anyone notices.”

We exited the bathroom and casually walked back to the main room. We thought we were in the clear but when I looked over and made eye contact with John across the room, he had this cheesy grin on his face and stuck two thumbs up signaling his approval. I later learned that we weren’t as quiet or quick as we thought we were.

And that’s how I lost my virginity in a frat house bathroom to a girl I had just met playing beer pong.

Tori and I ended up dating for a few month after that. She was my introductory course on sex and the reason the rest of my college experiences were so great. She taught me a lot about what I needed to know. But we ultimately had different interests and goals and went our separate ways.



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