[META] What happened with u/sofiecake and u/kanakun18 [fm]

(I had to tag the title with [fm] because it would get auto removed.. and idk how else would I post a meta post.. so sorry mods if I fucked up)

Yes yes. I am late to the party, I know.

I was digging around trough this subreddit yesterday and I stumbled upon u/kanakun18 ‘s META post about helping u/sofiecake feel better with sending her positive messages. I decided to see what is going on there so i went back trough her profile and read all her posts in GWS. AND, OH MY GOD.

That was, honestly, the best porn story that I have ever read in my life. Written so beautifully, so much feelings. I wish I could write like that as well. And not just the sex part. The buildup and the normal part of the story too. Mark’s point of view was beautifully written as well. Here you go links to all of them:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

But the question is. What the fuck happened with those two? The last post on her profile was in the Suicide Watch subreddit (on 11 November 2015). The next thing crhonologically (20 November 2015) is the META post from Mark that says that Sofie tried to kill herself and she is in the hospital. He was asking the GWS subreddit to say nice things to Sofie so he can screenshot them and show them to her, to cheer her up. Many people did. But after that there was no update from either of them.

I tried PMing both accounts but I have no answer so far. I am just curious to see what happened and I am asking if any of you know anything. In my head there are a few possible outcomes. A) They are both okay and they decided to ditch those accounts so they can leave this in the past, and now are living happily and better. B) (I hope that is not the case because I love them too much) She died in the hospital, or she tried killing herself again later on, and Mark couldn’t handle that. or C) That both accounts are fake, ran by someone who made one of the most beautiful stores that I have read, and because of that I wouldn’t even be mad about it.

For some reason I need to know what happened because if those two are real people I feel very attached and invested in their story.

Anyways. TL;DR Do you know what happened with Sofie and Mark? If you have heard anything new or if you have any info please comment below.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5uteri/meta_what_happened_with_usofiecake_and_ukanakun18


  1. “For some reason I need to know what happened because if those two are real people I feel very attached and invested in their story.”

    They are internet strangers. You don’t know them. You don’t have any right to pry into their lives. I understand that you feel connected, but you really should not invest yourself in this.

  2. I picked up on their story during their last few posts, but they have gone dark. Whatever happened, they wish to distance themselves form this community. This is not the first meta post about them, and likely will not be the last, she was one of the better writers this sub has seen.

  3. Wow. You must have been digging around several pages back.

    Hopefully she’s ok but we’re never going to know or if it was even real. Kinda have to take what you read with a grain of salt. People come and go on here. A few story writers I really liked, disappeared after awhile. One I even considered a friend, deleted his account all of the sudden. *sigh*

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