First visit to a swingers club [FM]

I mentioned at the end of my last post that I was waiting for someone to come and pick me up, so here’s the story of what happened…

Alongside my brief Comic Con meet, I’d also made a number of matches on Tinder. While most of them went nowhere, one conversation took a surprising turn – after matching with a guy in his early 40s, we made the usual introductory small talk, before he moved on to asking me what I was doing that evening. I thought I knew where this was going as I replied that I had nothing planned, but his response shocked me: “I’m thinking of heading to a swingers club tonight. Want to join?”

I wasn’t sure what to say, and after gawping at the screen for a while I responded simply that I’d never been to one before and didn’t know anything about them. This wasn’t strictly to – I at least know vaguely what they’re all about – but was certainly curious to know more. So, we moved to a different messaging system and trading back and forth discussion – he’d been to the club in question a few times, and explained to me how everything worked, what went on there and so on. As well as being handsome, he was polite but to the point, and as we chatted while I sat on the train back to my friend’s place I was incredibly nervous and could feel my heart thumping in my chest at just the thought of visiting a club like that, but was also sold on the idea.

By the time I arrived back at my friend’s house the arrangements had been made – I was actually doing this! I still had a few hours to kill, so I took a shower, changed into the sweater and jeans that comprised my casual clothes, packed up my cosplay and sat and wrote about the day’s brief encounter to try and take my nervous mind off what the evening ahead held.

All of that done, I paced around, nervously waiting for the message which said that he’d arrived in my friend’s street. I grabbed my bag and coat, took a deep breath, locked up my friend’s house and posted her spare key through the door before heading down the road as I saw the man standing next to his Mercedes. He was well dressed, tall and distinguished looking, and he deliberately made some time to chat a little (perhaps sensing my nerves) before opening the passenger door and inviting me into the car.

It was around half an hour to drive to the club (which was closer to his house so he’d come out of his way to pick me up), so there was plenty of time to talk about all sorts – both mundane stuff like university, my future plans and the day’s Comic Con, and sexual stuff about my turn-ons and interests. He grinned as I talked about my love of cosplay and showing off “Oh, you’ll get to show off a lot tonight if you want to!” he quipped.

Eventually, we arrived, although you’d never have guessed it as the building itself was as unobtrusive and plain as you could imagine. We parked at a nearby car park and headed over, him leading the way inside and down a short corridor to the main entrance. As I’d never been before I had to sign up as a member – he paid the fees but I had to stand and fill out forms, which was the least sexy way to start things and only made me feel all the more nervous. That done, we were pointed in the direction of the changing rooms, with a female member of staff offering to show me there while engaging in some friendly chat to put me at ease as a first timer. Once there, I had the options of stripping to my underwear and entering the club like that or stripping completely and wearing a towel – as he’d mentioned there’s a jacuzzi in the club he recommended as a starting point, and as I hadn’t exactly worn my sexiest underwear that day I opted to strip entirely and pick up a provided towel, wrapping it tightly around me.

My heart was pounding again as I was shown to the entrance to the club itself – was I really going to do this, and walk around in a towel with so many strangers around. Smiling and thanking the staff member, I cleared my head of any hesitation and opened the door to find the guy waiting for me at the other side, with a shorter towel around his waist. I tried to take in the surprisingly spacious three floor space inside what seemed like a small building from the outside, but as the guy asked me what my first impression was I burst out laughing – it was EXACTLY how I’d imagine a swingers club looking in my head. The furnishings, lighting and decor were all gaudy and obnoxious, but I pushed this aside and told him that it looked just how I imagined. My laughter had lightened my mood a little, making me feel a little more confident as he pointed out where everything was in the club and explained a little more about how things worked.

With all of that out of the way, as he’d previously mentioned he suggested we head over to the jacuzzi. I nodded and let him lead the way into one of two areas featuring a jacuzzi. Once there, he sauntered over and dropped his towel without a second thought to reveal his reasonably muscular body in full for the first time, and I couldn’t help but just stand and look him up and down as he slipped into the water. “Come on in” he said encouragingly, and pushing down another pang of nerves I followed his lead, pulling my towel off to reveal my body as I moved over to the water, and folding it neatly before getting into bubbling water opposite him. I could see him soaking in my own body as I removed the towel, and he complimented me on how good I looked before he peppered me with questions about how I was feeling and finding the experience so far.

We were alone in the jacuzzi, but not for long – I suspect hearing a female voice echoing around soon brought others into the room, and within a few minutes there were two other men in the room. Both must have been in their 40s or even 50s – one wiry and thin who sat in the far end of the tub, while the other sported something of a beer belly and slipped into the water right next to me. He was the one who was the first to engage me in chatter – introducing himself, asking about my name, age, whether I was a student, how I’d ended up here and who with and so on.

It was a thrill having all eyes in the room on me as I sat in the water naked talking with complete strangers, but it was still a bit of a surprise when I felt a hand touch my leg under the water. I must have flinched slightly from the shock, as the hand withdrew with a “Sorry, was that not okay?” from the man sat next to me. “No, it’s fine, sorry” I replied quietly, and the hand soon returned, stroking my legs, then exploring more of my body all the way up to my chest to massage my breasts. The other man who had only talked a little here and there up to this point piped up now – “Do you mind if I come over there too?” I nodded my assent, and he was soon sat on the other side of me, as I had two hands exploring my breasts, my now erect nipples, my legs and thighs, and occasionally braving a brief touch between them. Whenever I made eye contact with the guy who brought my here, he smiled or winked at me, otherwise remaining completely quiet as he looked on.

“Why don’t you hop out and sit on the side here? Let’s get a better look at you” the heavier set of the two men suggested, and I duly did as they asked, getting out of the water to sit on the side of the tub. “Ohh, you’re so beautiful” exclaimed one of the guys, and they quickly shifted position themselves to redouble their efforts on my body. The thinner of the two men seemed most entranced with my boobs, massaging and fondling them before leaning down to suck on each of my nipples, while the other let his hands wander up my thighs to seek out my pussy. I opened my legs to encourage him, and he was soon rubbing his fingers up and down my slit before toying with my clit, leaving me sighing. The nerves of before had now shifted to pure arousal, and I was soon decidedly wet, enough so for him to easily slip first one and then two fingers in me. He strummed his thumb over my clit as he fingered my pussy expertly, clearly enjoying my moans as he whispered about whether I was enjoying this in my ear, while the other man now stood back to watch the spectacle.

“Do you want to go to a room, or can I fuck you right here?” was his never whispered question as he continued to rub my clit – opening my eyes and breaking my reverie for a moment, I looked across at the guy who brought me here. “Up to you” he said quietly. “Here is okay” I replied breathlessly, and smiling he told me to turn around and bend over for him. I stood up in the jacuzzi, before bending forward and leaning over the edge of the tub, while he reached for a condom that he’d brought along with him. Quickly tearing open the packet and rolling on the condom, he moved behind me through the water – getting into place, he slipped inside me with little effort, and much like the sex I’d had earlier this day this was a quick, fast and relatively hard fuck – the water sloshing around our lower legs as he thrust inside me, holding my hips and pulling me into him as he pushed deeper in me, telling me how good it felt as it went. “Sorry, your young pussy is going to make me cum” he warned after a few minutes of his heavy breathing and my soft moans, and he upped the pace before burying himself in me as he came in the condom.

“Sorry love, you’re just too hot” he joked as he pulled out “Maybe I’ll be prepared for round two later if I see you around”. He made some small talk as he dispensed with the condom in a bin in the room, then dried himself off before grabbing his towel and saying his goodbyes. Attention then turned to the other guy, who was sporting an erection but remained quietly watching throughout. I wasn’t too sure of what to say, but the guy who brought me here piped up and asked him if he wanted a turn with a smile. “Not sure I could do that with people watching” he said bashfully, which made me giggle as that seemed odd for a swingers club. “Do you want to go to a private room with him?” the guy who brought me suggested. I was feeling awkward myself at this point and I guess everything that had just happened was starting to overwhelm me mentally a little, so I shook my head and said I was okay, much to the disappointment of the quiet, wiry man.

Sensing my discomfort, the guy I was here with suggested we grab a drink, and so we both dried off, grabbed out towels, and he showed me to the bar. He apologised for not bringing any alcohol (as the club couldn’t serve alcoholic drinks itself but you could bring your own), so we instead settled for soft drinks and sat in the increasingly busy bar. There were a lot of people here, but I was by far the youngest – there were plenty of couples, all seemingly in their 40s and older, and no shortage of older guys either. We spent some time talking over our drink – whether I was okay, how I’d found the experience so far, whether I was interested in any of the women there (I’m not sure older women are my thing, as it happens) and so on.

With our drinks finished, he grinned again – “I think it’s about time I had some fun with you know to be honest”. I smiled back in agreement, to which he continued “The only question is whether we find a private or communal room”. I stayed quiet, so he persisted… “It depends if you want people to watch you being fucked by me or not”. That comment made me tingle in a way that made the answer obvious, and so I asked him to show me the communal rooms. The familiar grin was flashed across his face again, and downing the rest of his drink he rather loudly said “Come on then, let’s see how many people watch me fuck you” – deliberately loud enough to make the ears of many of the men in the bar prick up, I suspect.

After stopping at the bar to buy some condoms, he led the way, up the stairs to the first floor that was dotted with rooms. As we walked around he pointed out the private rooms – I could hear loud moaning behind one of the closed doors – the TV rooms where there also seemed to be some fondling couples while porn played in the background. Eventually, we came to an open area with a small sofa/bed of sorts, partially surrounded by bars. “How about we settle down here?” he suggested, again leading the way in dispensing with his towel before I did likewise.

He gestured to me to see on the sofa/bed in question, and before I’d even settled myself upon it I found him kneeling before me, holding my knees and pushing them apart to get his first full, close-up view of my pussy. He spent a moment admiring it before diving into it – running his tongue all around my pussy, exploring it, teasing it, then focusing on my clit and pressing and flicking his tongue over it. He devoured my pussy hungrily, as I went from sitting to laying back on the couch, eventually feeling him taking my legs and hoisting them onto my shoulders. His fingers soon joined his tongue, fingering and licking me simultaneously and skilfully. I was moaning in no time, and these moans only grew louder until my legs shook while my orgasm rose to a crescendo and I gripped fruitlessly at the PVC surface of the couch.

As I opened my eyes, I glanced over and saw a couple of men watching from a distance, but didn’t have much time to take this in as he soon crawled up onto the couch sporting a semi-erect penis, and saying simply “my turn”. I knew what he wanted, and reached out to stroke his shaft before taking it into my mouth, sitting up slightly as I began to bob my head up and down and swirl my tongue around the head of his penis. Feeling his cock growing to its full size, I sucked harder, but after a few minutes he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder, pulling away and telling me he wanted to fuck me now.

I laid back and we spent some time shuffling into a comfortable position before he reached for a condom and applied it while sat on his haunches between my legs. Protection in place, he quickly shifted into place, taking his cock in his hand and rubbing it teasingly against my entrance for a while before slowly entering me. I groaned and gasped as he filled me more than the other two cocks that had entered me that day (and a thought flashed through my head that he didn’t know he was the third person to have sex with me that day), but he was soon comfortable inside me and moving his hips to slide in and out of me. Rather than fast, his preference was to fuck me hard – thrusting slowly but deeply inside me.

Pressing closer to me, he whispered in my ear “are a lot of people watching you get fucked right now?” I glanced over his shoulder to see that my moans had brought a growing crowd of maybe half a dozen people now – one couple that I could make out and the rest of all men. “Uh-huh” was all I could respond back, which led to him whispering for me to hold my legs open higher and wider. As I did so he began to fuck me with faster more aggressive thrusts – his body slapping against mine and forcing louder moans out of me, as he began to murmur in my ear about the people who were watching his cock in my pussy, seeing how wet I was getting while he fucked me and so on. I almost wished I was in the crowd watching that for myself, but such thoughts were soon replaced with my own pleasure, as he found a faster and slightly less aggressive rhythm to his fucking. His body grinding against mine and his cock ploughing into me were, in conjunction with knowing I had a crowd of onlookers, getting me off quickly. He seemed determined not to stop until I’d cum, and I’m not sure how long we fucked liked this before but that’s eventually just what happened – me tightening around him and gripping him tightly as I moaned loudly into his shoulder.

After a brief pause with him still buried in me, he pulled out and helped to manhandle me onto all fours, pulling me over to the edge of the couch before standing behind me and pushing quickly back into me. His body was soon slapping against mine again as he fucked me from behind, bringing forth more moans alongside my pants and heavy breathing. “I bet you’d love to have someone else rubbing your clit right now” he said breathlessly as he fucked me. I didn’t answer, and eventually he took that non-answer as assent, slowing down to turn around and ask if anyone else wants to help me get off. He then resumed fucking me, but after about 30 seconds I felt someone sit down beside me, and instantly felt a hand run up my thigh to my clit. He was soon rubbing it as rapidly as he could, while I felt his other big, coarse hand reach up to roughly massing each of my swinging breasts in turn. His fingers coupled with the cock pistoning in me worked together to rapidly do their job, bringing me another, less intense orgasm until I had to reach to clumsily swipe the other guy’s hand away.

My pussy gripping his cock again clearly also brought him close to breaking point – after a spell of almost manically fucking me, he almost shouted at me to turn over, leaving me scrambling onto my back after he pulled out to tear of his condom and shoot several streams of cum over my stomach and boobs while he stroked his cock. Breathing hard, I could hear him trying to regain his breath, while I took my first look at the man who had been rubbing my clit – probably in his mid-50s and somewhat overweight, and with an obvious tent in the towel he was still wearing.

“Do I get a reward for helping you out?” he asked cheekily in a heavily accented voice, at which point the recovering guy who brought me chipped in that he’d love to see me ride a guy before we go. Still in a sexual haze I found myself nodding and saying okay, and before I knew it the older, tubbier guy was laying back on the couch while the other man handed me a condom to roll onto his short, stubby but hard cock.

I swung a leg over to straddle him, reaching behind me to find his cock and position it against my entrance. I sunk easily onto him and quickly started to bounce on his cock, focusing solely on getting him off as I felt that my orgasms were spent for now. That didn’t take too long either – it can’t have been much more than five minutes of my young body riding him before I felt him tense up and saw his face screw up as he groaned and came into the condom. I hopped off and half-collapsed onto the couch, joining the laughter as I heard a couple of people applauding the scene they’d seen play out.

“Do you want to take a shower and clean up?” I heard the guy who brought me ask, handing me my towel and leading the way to the shower rooms. We showered next to one another as he asked me once again how I’d found the experience, talking about how hot it had been to watch me with the other guys there while also getting to fuck me himself. Cleaned up and dried off, he took me on a tour of the rest of the club – my interest was piqued by a set of gloryholes hidden away in one corner, as well as plenty of other public and private rooms, with moans again coming from some of them.

As much as I wanted to make the most of my time there I was feeling tired and a little sore by this point, and quickly realising that I was flagging he asked if I wanted to go. Agreeing to call it a night, we made our way back to the changing rooms, I got my clothes back, quickly dressed and met him outside in the seemingly arctic cold compared to the heat of the club. I was the quickest to change this time, so waited for a few minutes while the woman who had shown me in asked if I was okay and how it went – a silly question I suspect having seen my brightly flushed face in a mirror on the way out.

Eventually he emerged and we walked back to his car – as we’d be lucky for me to get the last train, he offered to either drop me back at my friends or to spend the night at his place. As explaining to my friend would be difficult – “Oh, I just went to a swingers club and fucked a few guys” – I opted for his place, and so we drove back while talking and chatting some more.

Arriving at his house, he made some much-needed coffee after the cold drive back before he showed me around his reasonably sized house. Having freshened up again and changed into the t-shirt and knickers which made up my nightwear, a busy day was over… well, almost. Some further chat before bed lead to him admitting that he was still horny, and eventually I ended up with both of our underwear on his bedroom floor, engaging in a 69 on his bed with me on top of him in just a t-shirt as I sucked his cock and he gently licked and sucked my pussy. My efforts eventually led to his groaning into my pussy as he came in my mouth, and after I’d swallowed it all down I moved onto my back for him to complete his own work and lick me to another orgasm between my spread legs.

He wanted to fuck me again at this point but I was too tired and still a little sore, but I did at least promise that I’d show him the outfit in my bag that I’d been wearing at Comic Con before he took me back to the station…



  1. A nice development on your usual encounters. Your obvious eagerness to be watched whilst being fucked, and then your enjoyment of the experience, were particularly hot.

    My personal peccadillo for all things underwear was obviously a little disappointed by your entry into the club wearing nothing but a towel, but that’s inevitable if you’re not dressed for the occasion. That said, *”…ended up with both of our underwear on his bedroom floor, engaging in a 69 on his bed…”* was a sweetly erotic conclusion. As ever, I’m sure we’re all very grateful for your sharing of your experiences.

  2. You really do recount the most awesome stories to us. Delighted to hear you’re still having a lot of fun! :)

  3. Wow even hotter than your usual stories. Think you’ll be going back or go to more swingers clubs elsewhere?

  4. Very hot!!!!

    I love swinging, but clubs are a little intense for me. The one time I went to one, it was nothing but older men and they swooped down on 25-year-old me like vultures.

  5. Am I safe to assume you’re English?

    Couldn’t help but reading it in a Cockney/southern accent.

  6. Always look forward to readying your stories. Very hot.

    How did it feel in the club? Did you half expect to have sex with men other than the one you went with, or were you just caught up in the moment?

  7. Wow, what a hot story. You are something. Did a guy really touch you in the hot tub without asking first? That seems a breech of protocol for a Swinger’s Club.

  8. I’m always pleased to see your byline, I enjoy both the style and content of your stories. Have you seen the 3 episode series on Netflix “Real Life Wife Swap” about swinging in England?

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