[Request][Group] To those who have played strip poker/sex jenga/other sex games with a group of friends – tell us about it!

My partner and I were talking about potentially playing strip poker, but we both had reservations as far as who would be involved (I’d be comfortable with people we were close to, she prefers strangers, how far we’d be willing to go, etc). We then thought of other sex games – I’m not sure how many of you have played/seen ‘sex jenga’, where you write sexual acts/teases on a jenga piece, and when you pull it you have to fulfill that action. We both thought that might be a bit too much for us unless there was nothing more than kissing/touching others on there.

I’d love to hear **any** of your experiences with sex games (especially at non-BDSM/swinger parties — for example, just with college buddies)! Some questions of interest:

* Did you/your partner find yourself getting jealous/flustered if others saw them nude/had some physical interaction with them??

* What game(s) have you played? What was the setting like?

* I’m assuming alcohol was involved – how did you convince the other couples/friends to play, or how did they convince you to play? We have a few friends that are more.. reserved, but we think we could convince them after a few drinks (for strip poker at least).

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5tcz9t/requestgroup_to_those_who_have_played_strip


  1. In college, with about 15 drunk people crammed into a dorm room, I orchestrated a game of strip “Simon says.”

    We were down to bras and unbuttoned/unzipped pants when campus security busted up the party.

    The look on the cops face was priceless when we opened the door.

    I don’t remember if we were all 21 or what but we weren’t too concerned with opening the door for the cop.

    I was pissed the party got busted up early because I really wanted to be mayor of titty city.

  2. We played strip poker with 2 other couples, we had all been out on a boat that day, so everyone was a little sunburned and happy to get clothes off anyway. We were all 19-20, in college, and we all had been drinking beer all day. One of my buddies made the suggestion and I was surprised the ladies went along with it, my GF was a little reluctant, but it only took a minute discussion for her to go along.

    The moment of truth is always when one of the ladies has to bare her tits. I remember Nancy, by far he best endowed, was first. She giggled, hesitated, “do I have to” but she took her bra off, covered with her hands for a minute before relaxing and let them out. I was not jealous at all when my GF took her top off, it turned me on to see the other 2 guys staring at her luscious tits.

    Eventually everyone was naked and we kinda got that “what happens now” question hanging in the air. Getting naked was one thing, was anything sexual going to happen. The poker game stopped, we were all sitting on cushions so couples started making out. Every one was pretty tired so it wasn’t long before everyone got dressed and went home.

    The next time we went out on the boat the girls tops came off as soon as we got away from land.

  3. Do not try to convince anybody you know after a few drinks.
    If they only agree because they are drunk, it will not be real fun and they will feel really bad afterwards. Maybe this even breaks your friendship if you’re not careful.
    Alcohol can be used to lower the tension, but no to make proper desicions.

    I only did it once at school, you can read about it here: https://redd.it/5qsevt
    We were young, open and simply wanted to enjoy something with a sexual kick, you need to find such people and overcome the barrier of asking them to play along.

  4. Me, and some friends (gf who is now wife, business partner, and another hot redhead) played strip jenga, where whoever knocked down the tower had to take something off, then rebuild it. Took hours to get everyone naked. Afterwards we just ran around the house naked for the rest of the day. Making dinner was fun

  5. I have done it before. We were playing a sort of mix of truth or dare and spin the bottle. I ended up naked first and being the only one naked really turned me on, so I agreed to do dares. Next thing I know I got dared to stick a few shapies up my butt. They didn’t believe I could do it, so I proved them wrong. ;) After that everyone else joined in. No orgy or anything but sex did happen.

  6. I played Euchre with some friends. It was guys vs girls. We were drinking and decided that it should become strip euchre. Eventually, after one round, both teams were pretty naked. Then, the game became dare euchre. The team who won the point could request an action from the losing team, but they had to be willing to do the same thing when the other team got a point.

    It started out pretty tame with stuff like the losing team has to go kiss the winning team (point 1). Then the losing team has to go down on the winning team (point 2). Then the guys decided they wanted to see some girl on girl action, so point 3 became the losing team sucks on each other’s nipples, and so on. It eventually ended up with both couples having sex right next to each other.

    Sadly, someone got sick before it could go any further, but it was still a really fun game.

    This was 2 of my coworkers and one of their girlfriends. We met my accident at a bar, and went back to one of their places after the bar. There was no awkwardness after, and we tried to plan another card game, but it never came to fruition.

  7. My gf and have done this with a few different couples. Pretty much any game where you can make new rules for dares, stripping, etc works well. One night we played a simple game of left right center (dice game) where we added stripping to the rules. After everyone was naked we decided to make it more interesting and add in oral, before long the girls were having bj contests and then we switched and it was the guys’ turn to get the girls off

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