[FM] Fucked my college professor.

*I figure posting about this will be a win/win for all of us. You get some hot student teacher sex stories, I get a place to anonymously vent about this, since I hate keeping secrets but I really can’t/shouldn’t open my mouth about this. I will try my best to keep his identity vague for the sake of his job security and professional career. Enjoy!*

I was a second semester freshman at my university when I took a class taught by Z. The class was a gen-ed course, completely unrelated to my major, but I thought it was an interesting subject and needed the credit. The very first day of class, Z showed up more than five minutes late. I took to him right away. He isn’t a tall man, somewhere between five foot eight and five foot ten, but he has a presence that makes him seem much taller. My university is not a southern school, but he is from some southeast state, giving him a bit of a drawl. He has a short, light brown scruffy beard and mustache and green eyes, with kind of a David Beckham style haircut. Pointed features, strong jaw- just my type. He would teach with such enthusiasm about his subject. It was endearing.

I actively fought my attraction to him. I’d catch myself staring at him and wondering if his hands were callused or not, or thinking about how his beard would feel between my legs. I overcompensated for my thoughts by making sure that I looked entirely uninterested in him and the class in general (i.e. constant bitchface, minimal participation). He really was a fantastic professor, though. He could tell that I was detached (though he had no idea why) and made an active effort to involve me- he would catch me after class to talk about the subject matter, he would call on me frequently to explain my homework during class, etc. I really, really just wanted to avoid any feelings for him, as I was seeing somebody and although I was a consenting adult, the age difference was something that scared me- I had been eighteen for only three months, and he was thirty four.

Part of our final assignment for the course was an evaluation list- make a list of 20 things that we enjoyed/would like changed about his teaching style and the course content. This was to be handed in after our final on the last day of class. I completed the assignment fully, but had a “fuck it” moment (I blame it on the Adderall) and decided to add in a 21st point on the list:

“21. I think you’re incredibly attractive and it was distracting.”

As I said, I can’t exactly state why I did this. I handed it in to him without making eye contact. I genuinely believed that this would be the last time I saw him (like I said, he was in a department unrelated to my major, and I would never need another course in that school), but I also think that part of me hoped something would come of it. I received an email from him about a month into summer break. I would copy paste it for you, but it would give away too many details about school/subject of teaching.

Essentially, the email stated that he found me attractive as well, and that he was surprised to find that I actually WAS interested in the subject matter. He told me that this was the only time he’s ever sent feedback to a student on the course evaluation. He asked if I were staying in state for the summer.

I did not respond. I wasn’t in state for the summer, I had gone back home. I was in a relationship. I didn’t want to get in trouble, or give my sorority a bad reputation with whisperings about me seeing a professor. I figured I made a stupid comment and he blew it out of proportion.

Fast forward to first semester of my sophomore year- I frequently thought about Z. He was my go-to thought when I was masturbating. It made me feel weird (I was still seeing somebody), but on a whim one night, I decided to respond to his email (about four months after he had sent it). I asked if he wanted to meet up at my apartment. He immediately responded that yes, he did.

That first time he came over, we didn’t have sex. He knocked on my door and I let him in and gave him the hush-signal. I had a roommate, but she was in her room. She knew I had a boyfriend, so I told her that I was having a ‘friend’ over. I blasted music as loud as I reasonably could in hopes that she wouldn’t hear that I had a man in the apartment, and I certainly didn’t want her to see him, as he taught in her school, and she had had him in a course before and would have him again. We slipped into my bedroom and I invited him to sit on my bed with me. He laughed at my tiny dorm-apartment, decorated in all blush pinks and metallic golds, and stated that he hadn’t been in a dorm like this in more than a decade. He makes comments like that frequently, and it turns me the fuck on. Something about the fact that he had lost his virginity before I was even conceived just feels taboo, and I love it.

I was wearing a pair of navy blue lounge shorts that were cut far too short to wear out in public and a sheer white t-shirt without a bra underneath. The entire time we were on the bed talking, I could see him actively struggle to maintain eye contact. I recognize that I am an attractive person- I have a slim, true hourglass figure, with a 23 inch waist, perfectly round and perky B-cup breasts with tiny dark pink nipples, and a bubble butt that I’ve spent countless hours in the gym maintaining, along with a trim four pack of abs. am mixed race- people frequently ask me at the nail salon, at the grocery store, you name it, what my ethnicity is. I’m Mexican, Swedish, Norwegian, Spanish, Lebanese, and Greek. This gives me very light green eyes with thick, black eyelashes and strong brows, an incredibly chiseled bone structure, full lips, light olive skin, and long, wavy ash brown hair. This is especially unusual for the part of the country I am in, so I am used to getting a lot of physical attention.

We talked about how his classes that he taught were going, we talked about my summer and we talked about my job (I am a semi-notable model, and he had somehow picked up on that, which flattered me). He asked me if I had a boyfriend. I told him yes. I learned that he had a girlfriend of 15 years that he wasn’t enthusiastic about anymore- he told me that he wasn’t attracted to her, that he had sort of just accepted that they would be together, that he had tried leaving her but she would always guilt him into staying. I, personally, thought it was bullshit (grow a backbone, Z), but his situation really wasn’t relevant to me. In that moment, all I really cared about was getting with him.

Things happened really naturally- we sort of just fell into each other. We were talking and mid sentence, he pushed me down into my fluffy pink sheets and pressed his body into mine- his lips started on my neck and moved down to my collar bone, his beard tickling me on the way down. He didn’t waste any time- it was clear that he was excited. His hand slipped under my shirt and he began to squeeze my chest, pushing my top up over my breasts. He moved his lips to my nipples and began to flick them with his tongue. I could feel my panties getting drenched, and to my embarrassment, a dark wet spot formed between my legs. He made note of this and smirked at me, sliding my tiny shorts off of me. With his mouth nibbling one one nipple and a hand still squeezing and flicking the other, he slipped two fingers into my tight pussy. I had only been with one guy to this point, my high school boyfriend, and I was his first as well. That being said, he had little experience. Z had clearly had much, much more experience than my 19 year old boyfriend. My nails dug into his back and moans slipped from my lips as he continued to finger me. His arms were huge- again, he wasn’t a big man, but he clearly spent his time in the gym. Minutes later, I felt my pussy tighten and I feel a blush spread across my face. My entire body shook and tensed up, and I looked down to see his soaking fingers pull out of me and a puddle of wetness soaking my sheets. He had the biggest smile on his face and he moved up to kiss me. I was completely not myself at that moment- I couldn’t think clearly. By the time I began to collect myself, he was standing up beside my bed with his jacket on. He had to go teach. He put his number into my phone and left. I was still laying in bed with my shirt raised above my tits and my panties pulled to the side. I attempted to pull myself together and texted Z.

That night, we made an agreement to keep seeing each other on the down low. We’ve been fucking on and off for about five months now. I’ve got lots of stories with this one.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5t954x/fm_fucked_my_college_professor


  1. I just happened to log on and read this story first. You did not disappoint. Great writing!

  2. Great story! I’d like to hear the others!
    Tell more detail about the convos you guys had about this and sex. I’m assuming you were his second ever, and he was yours?

  3. Good story! One piece of readability advice – use a fake name rather than an initial. It just helps it to flow better.

  4. I had a crush on a former high school teacher. He was fresh out of college when he taught my class. I haven’t seen him since I graduated High school. I’m 27 now. I wouldn’t hesitate to jump him if I saw him again

  5. Good story, but the title is a lie! They never get that far in the story. No publisher would take it! We deserve quality material! :P

  6. I think it’s official that everyone has a teacher fetish. This story like countless other teacher stories are amazing

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