[MF] Caught red handed

Back story How I ended up here: 4th year of college, previous 2 years I have lived with the same 2 roommates who were both a year older. The graduated and left and I was stuck without roommates. Housing company placed me with others in a similar situation, ended up in a 4 bedroom with 2 women and there gay friend. Been living here sense June, I was very reluctant at first but didn’t have much choice and after learning a few key do and do nots the living arrangement has been going great despite being the only testosterone around and we’ve become pretty good friends. Apartment is split, double kitchens double living room, 4 bathrooms but only the main bathroom on both sides has a shower so we have to share that. Other side with roommates 1 and 2. 1 being pretty blond girl that prior to living with would kill to get with (know way to much now) wild with guys in and out regally. 2 being there gay friend, who iv became good friend with as well and sometimes has good advice. My side with roommate 3 and me. 3 she’s a pretty brunette, nothing in the way of chest really but a killer booty and is sweet to the core, not remotely wild, conservative dresser and basically the girl you would like to take home to mom.

Story begins with my obsession of panties. Sense I was a kid I would sneak peaks at my friends moms/ sisters panties whether it be in laundry baskets or dresser drawers. Have done it with every girlfriend iv had as well many many times. Iv only been caught twice, first by a friends mom when I was about 15 which luckily brought no trouble past a terrifying look and lecture at the end of which she promised to keep it quiet if I stopped. Second I was caught by my girlfriend when I was 19. It was that time of the month so I wasn’t getting lucky so while she was showering I quickly grabbed one of my favorite pairs from her basket, pulled out my cock and wrapped them around my shaft and started to jerk. Not 30 seconds in she appears to get some clothes and apparently had not gotten in the shower yet. She was in no mood and smacked me hard right across the face with her panties and my cock still in my hand. She later apologized but for the short rest of the time we dated she appeared to always watch me closely at ever move as though she couldn’t trust me at all.

Now to my current situation in this apartment which with 3 sets of eyes it has been much harder to do. Started with always making sure I just had to wash my clothes after one of them so I could open the washing machine of which we share and pull there clothes out secretly checkin out what they have got as I put my clothes in. Open times when I learnt there class schedules and over holidays when they went home gave me time to sneak in both girls rooms and rummage through there panties, get back to my room and jerk odd with them and put them back even sometimes giving me time to look for any sex toys they may have or any hidden dirty secrets. Roommate wild girl number one had a good stash but never found anything but her panties in roommate number 3. This leads to this past Christmas break where it was just me and roommate number 3 here the majority of the break. One day me feeling frisky and her leaving to go to the store I found my opportunity. She had just left and I went into action quickly, I found my favorite pair of hers in her drawer (purple thong with little blue polka dots). While imagining these on her big tight booty I leaned back against her bed, dropped my gym shorts to my ankles, slid my hand down my compression shorts with her panties in my other hand about to pull out my cock as I notice her in the door way. Her look was hard to describe, I’m frozen with my shorts down hand in my boxers and she stares trying to understand what she’s seeing. She yells WHAT ARE YOU DOING! She hadn’t even noticed her panties in my hand at this point as she stood there eyes demanding an answer and I had no good one I couldn’t even make words knowing I just fucked up good. While I stand still unmoved in my boxers she then realizes what’s in my hand and bounds forward ripping them out of my hand as I lean backwards expecting a slap while she yells again. In the million things that went through my mind I decided to flat out tell the truth. I started by saying I will move out immediately and I’m sorry then told her how I think she is beautiful and sweet and how men and stupid and I just couldn’t help myself always being a door away from someone so sexy and that I have done it a few times before but I always wash the cum out before I put them back and that I just have a high pantie fetish especially with her with a million I’m sorry I’m sorry in between. When I stopped talking she stood there mouth half open in what I’m still not sure the look. She more calmly told me to pull up my shorts and get out so I did and she slammed the door now abandoning leaving me here alone with her stuff. Me now terrified and less horny then ever she comes out and calmly said I appreciate you telling the truth and that if I promise to stop she won’t tell the other roommates and that I wouldn’t have to move because until now I had been a good roommate. Of course I agreed thankfully.

The interesting now: we didn’t speak for days but after a week she did appear to let it go and things were back to normal except I believe she now is teasing me. First noticed how she would leave here door open with a drying rack full on her panties drying next to the door and she would watch me with a clever look to see if I would stare. The floor of the shower we share has almost daily been covered with her clothes and her panties of the day always onto knowing I would be going in (she never used to do). She now walks around the apartment in her sports bra and shorts occasionally with the rim of her panties showing always giving me a look I can only suppose means she’s hoping to get an arouse out of me. She leaves the door ever so slightly cracked while she showers and Is sure to make sure I see her in just a towel and before going out last weekend was sure to show off her rather short dress to me and while sitting on the couch across me sure to keep her lets just enough apart batting her eyes at me. It has been driving me wild and I’m having to disappear regularly to go quietly jerk off which in sure she has noticed and loves. I want to make a move but don’t want to be wrong and double screw things up. Any advice GW? I would love to finish this story with a very detailed happy ending!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5r2ivn/mf_caught_red_handed


  1. I get the impression, that she’s only playing with you as a revenge. Even if you enjoy jerking of to that, she’s holding the strings and is in control.

    Maybe there’s the possibility that she somewhen wants more, you’ll only find out if you try. But don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t work, as I’ve said: It sounds like shes just playing with you.

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