[MF, inc, fantasy] Incest Story from Mother’s Perspective

I wanted to try my hand at writing some erotica. It has a fantasy theme to it and I might continue it into a mini-series. I’ve written normal fiction before, but never erotica so let me know if you have any feedback. (Or suggestions on formatting.)

    The car had been careening down the road for less than an hour when it was suddenly engulfed in a beam of light.
    The four occupants of the car were startled by the light.
    The driver a woman in her 40s with short hair and small perky breasts instinctively applied the brakes.
    To her right a slightly older woman with red longer hair and large supple breasts let out a gasp.
    The backseat had two other occupants.
    On the right side was a girl in twenties, her mid-sized breasts trembled as she tried to suppress a leaking between her legs. She had needed to relieve herself for sometime and the sudden shock was too much…
    The final figure was a young man 20 years old. He had been drowsing when he was startled awake by the screaming in the car.
    Abruptly all four of the figures found themselves standing a pure white room. They looked around the room confused. The short haired woman twisted around grabbing her two children making sure they were alright.
    The boy felt his mother’s stiff nipples poke into his cheek as he awkwardly accepted her embrace. His older sister pushed away as she tried to escape her mother’s hold. Freeing herself she moved closer to her aunt while the two of them tried to understand the empty room.
    A flare of light appeared and small snap was heard and all four of them twisted their heads. A figure had suddenly appeared in the room. It was a woman with long curly blonde hair. Her large breasts were spilling out from her lacking attire.
    Her only clothing was silk ribbons that covered her nipples and the space between her legs.
    She looked over the faces of the people in front of her with a sad expression before suddenly bowing “I’m so sorry!”
    Her flustered tone cut them off guard as she rose again speaking “This all my fault! I’m terribly sorry, but you have all died due to a miscalculation…”
    They stood in silence for a moment before the aunt spoke “What do you mean dead? I don’t feel dead…”
    The blonde woman nodded “Yes, I’m not surprised you are all disoriented. I’m afraid your original bodies were blasted entirely into dust by the angelic beam…”
    The boy spoke suddenly “Angelic beam?”
    The woman nodded “Yes, you see I am an angel… The angelic beams are usually used to eradicate demons that enter the human world. The controls for them look very similar for the ones to generate rainbows so I made a very small mistake…”
    The aunt spoke again “An angel… And you blew us up trying to make a rainbow!?”
    The angel nodded “For that I am terribly sorry, luckily the beam only damages matter so your souls are perfectly fine!”
    The mother with tears in her eyes forced out a question “So you can just put us back right!?”
    The four of them had just been on a short trip to a nearby beach. Her children’s father was expecting them back shortly.
    The angel frowned as she shook her head “I’m afraid the rules aren’t so simple… Whether or not it was an accident you still perished so I can’t let you head back to your own world… It wasn’t your time to die though, so to make it up to you I will send you to a new world!”
    They stood in shocked silence for a moment before the angel continued. “This new world is different from your old one in a lot of ways. To help you with adjustment I will give one of you increased abilities to help you survive and succeed.”
    The older sister then asked “Which one of us are you going to give these powers to?”
    The angel nodded several times “Good question! There isn’t much of a choice though. I’m running low on human empowerment pills so I actually only have one left… This particular pill can only be taken by a man so there’s really only one option.”
    The single male froze as the angel pulled out a small blue pill. She pushed it towards him and under the expectant gazes of his family he hesitated for a moment before taking the pill and swallowing it.
    They all stared at him in expectation for a moment before his eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed.
    There were several started gasps as the women moved forward to his side and the angel started calming them quickly “This is perfectly normal. The enhancement is a bit of a shock to his systems initially.” She gave him one more look before saying “Well I’ll send you off now!”
    Before they could object all four of them disappeared in a burst of light.
    Beth was shocked again as she appeared inside a new room. It looked something like a rustic cabin. There was a single large bed in the center of the room on which her son Dan was laid on. Her daughter and her sister were standing to her sides.
    They looked at each other in confusion for a moment.
    Her sister Mary spoke first “I guess we should try to figure out where we are…”
    Beth feeling tears in her eyes looked to her sister. Mary always was one to take charge, she was much more formidable and headstrong than Beth was. This was probably the reason her sister hadn’t had any lasting relationships as well.
    Sniffling Beth spoke “We can’t just leave Dan here alone.”
    Mary nodded “I’ll take Laura and try to figure out where we are, you can stay here with Dan until he wakes up.”
    Beth nodded as her sister and Laura quickly exited out of the room. Laura, just a few years older than Dan seemed perfectly willing to leave as she looked excitedly at the door. That girl took more after her aunt than anyone.
    As the two of them left Beth cried some more looking at her son unconscious on the bed. A sudden sight caught her attention, she blushed as she saw a bulge on his pants.
    The large bulge was quite distracting. She knew perfectly well what it was as she had been married for many years. Her husband’s desires had gradually faded so she hadn’t seen it in recent years though.
    To see it form on her son was quite a shock, not even mentioning the size. She knew he was an adult, but she still saw him as her little boy so the evidence of his large manhood caught her off guard.
    She averted her eyes still blushing. She felt a dull ache from between her legs, she had been hoping that her husband would be up for it tonight, otherwise she wouldn’t have been driving home so quickly and they wouldn’t have been hit by that angelic beam!
    Her crying intensified, her perverted desires had gotten her family killed and now she wouldn’t ever see her husband again!
    “One other thing!”
    She let a small shriek at the sudden voice, twisting her head she saw the angel had reappeared. She quickly wiped away her tears.
    The angel looked around the room quickly before focusing on her “I forgot to warn you… Those human enhancement pills have one little side effect…”
    Beth felt an ice cold worry appear in her stomach. Trembling she asked “What side effect?”
    The angel blushed a little as she said “Well in males it tends to drastically increase their libido.”
    Beth blushed as well at the sudden news, she cast a sidelong glance and saw that something had certainly increased.
    The angel nodded towards the sight and Beth quickly looked away. Without a pause the Angel said “It’s a very powerful item, so I’m afraid the libido increase isn’t small… Additionally if the sexual energy isn’t released…”
    Beth’s worry intensified “What will happen?”
    The angel made an exploding motion with her hands.
    Beth stared at her in shock.
    The angel nodded “Yeah they’re pretty dangerous. To be honest I only had one left because they were banned…” She shrugged “Anyway if you want him to stay in one piece you’ll have to do something about that.”
    Beth’s blush intensified “Me?? I can’t help with…. that… I’m his mother!”
    The angel shrugged again “Well you or one of the other women, he can try releasing it himself, but without a woman involved it won’t relieve the pent up energy…”
    Beth shook her head “We’re all family!”
    The angel shrugged again “Well I don’t see any other women here… Besides myself of course. I can’t really being having sex with mortals though, I’m already in enough trouble without getting pregnant with a nephilim.”
    Beth’s mouth hung open as this supposed angel casually discussed sex.
    The angel spoke again “If you’re worried about incest and all don’t be. God really doesn’t care. Who do you think Adam and Eve’s kids procreated with?”
    The angel nodded to herself again as she said “Well I’m really quite busy. I’ll stop in again eventually. The sexual energy will keep building up in him so you or someone else will have to relieve it periodically, but overtime the frequency should gradually reduce.”
    With that the angel disappeared leaving Beth alone with her son.
    Beth was taking deep breaths. She had never expected to be put into this sort of circumstances…
    Dan let out a groan from the bed as he shifted. He was obviously in pain.
    Beth tensed her lips. She couldn’t just let him suffer. She could either do something about it herself or…
    She shook her head, she couldn’t put that type of thing onto her daughter it would taint their sibling relationship. For that matter she couldn’t put it on to Mary either. She knew for a fact that Mary was still a virgin despite her age. She had waited so long for the perfect man, Beth couldn’t force her to give up her virginity just to relieve her son’s sexual frustration.
    No this was her responsibility. Dan was her son so she had to protect him. She glanced to the door. She hadn’t heard any voices from outside for a while. Knowing Mary and Laura they would take their time taking in the new world before returning.
    Gulping Beth turned to the bed. She let a gasp, her son was wearing gym shorts and they were now fully stretched as his cock strained against the fabric.
    Taking a gulp she moved closer, she spared a glance to his sleeping face and hesitated for a moment before reaching forward and sliding the fabric to the side.
    Instantly his thick veiny cock slid into full view. As ashamed as it made her feel when she saw the large masculine rod she felt a twitch from deep between her legs. A small amount of moisture was accumulating down there.
    Shaking her head she had to focus, but it really had been too long, her own sexual frustration was making images appear in her mind. Sliding that epitome of male anatomy into her, thrusting it into herself repeatedly… She let a small gasp as her feminine fluids began responding to the fantasy.
    She couldn’t do that though! He was her son! The angel said God didn’t care about incest, but a lifetime of upbringing couldn’t be washed away by a few words from an obviously inept celestial being.
    Still she had to relieve his sexual energy, having sex wasn’t actually necessary. She could simply use or hands… or maybe even her mouth.
    She had always wanted to slurp down a giant cock like this, her husband though wasn’t well endowed and oral activities didn’t seem to appeal to him. The few sexual activities they had were very standard and plain.
    Beth moved up onto the bed and hesitated a moment before stretching forward her hand and lightly grabbing the rod. It was burning hot and as she felt his heartbeat pulsing through it and corresponding burning inside herself.
    She started slow as she stroked her hand up and down. She felt him shift as he let out a sigh, she froze as she slowly looked towards his face. She relaxed seeing him still asleep. If he awoke she had no idea how she would explain this! She was trying to save his life, but he wouldn’t understand that upon seeing his own mother grasping his cock!
    She had to do this quickly and finish before he woke up…
    She didn’t have any lube though and wasn’t confident of not damaging the delicate flesh without it. There was a way though… She felt saliva begin to gather in her mouth.
    From Dan’s cock a small amount of precum had formed already.
    In her aroused state after being without any male interaction for so long the precum looked insatiably delicious.
    She took a deep breath and then moved her face to next to it. She inhaled deeply smelling his male aroma. Preparing herself she first extended her tongue. It snaked forward and pressed against the hot head. Dragging it up she slid it along the top, the precum slid off as she went and stuck onto her tongue.
    She leaned back slightly as she relished in the salty flavor and swallowed. She knew it was wrong, but it was so satisfying. Something about his cock, the smell, the sight, and the flavour was making her increasingly aroused.
    She had to work quickly or she might become entirely entranced and end up going too far…
    With that thought she leaned forward and opened her mouth. She hesitated a moment longer inhaling the scent before lowering her head and her mouth engulfed his cock.
    The salty masculine flavour filled her mouth as she moved her neck down. The cock was too big to fit entirely! She had heard of women who could slide it in deeper, but she doubted her untrained and virgin throat could handle such a large rod.
    She settled on only working on the top half. She moved her head up and down repeatedly and at the same time she moved her tongue swirling it in circle around the top of his head.
    He responded to her efforts as his legs unconsciously thrusted upwards.
    She gulped fiercely as it slammed towards the back of her throat. She felt another gobble of precum spill out and begin sliding down her throat. Her eyes rolled back, it was too arousing. She could feel her heart beating heavily and with each pulse she felt her lower lips unfurling. They knew what they wanted, she still resisted though.
    Dan kept thrusting with his hips moving them up and down and she tried to handle his energy keeping her tongue and mouth in constant motion as she sucked on the burning flesh. More and more precum came out and she swallowed it eagerly.
    She knew it was wrong, but she was enjoying it too much to stop.
    Dan’s thrusts became more and more wild as he pushed deeper into her throat. Her throat seemed to almost open up in response as it naturally accepted the cock deeper inside itself. She knew he was close, with the erratic pumping motion and the unnatural sexual energy within his body. He couldn’t hold out for long.
    He gave a final upwards thrust and his cock pushed deep into her throat. She prepared herself as she felt the rod begin to twitch and pulse in her mouth. From the tip semen began bursting out.
    It was too much! The hot liquid spilled out into her throat and up into her mouth. She resisted the choking sensation. The semen was aromatic and delicious, she couldn’t risk spilling a single drop!
    As it continued to splurge out she began swallowing repeatedly. Her throat pulsed as her esophagus worked tirelessly to push the semen into her waiting stomach.
    Her son’s orgasm seemed to last unnaturally long. The semen and sperm had filled her throat and mouth and as she struggled to swallow it she could feel it beginning to fill her stomach as well.
    The hot liquid could be felt burning in her stomach like hot chocolate. It still wasn’t at an end either! Which was good because her body hadn’t had enough! She pushed her head down pushing the dick deeper into her throat as she tried to contain the liquid. She wasn’t willing to lose any of it! It would all end up in her stomach and she knew she would feel its warmth shifting inside for hours afterwards…
    Gradually the steady stream lessened and her throat relaxed its swallowing motion. Had there had been much more she would’ve been too full to hold it all inside…
    As cock finished its release she slid its softening length out of her throat. It was still covered in cum so she carefully began licking it clean. She pushed between his balls with her hand and stroked upwards as she pushed out the last vestiges of his orgasm.
    As it slid out she eagerly licked it all up the taste was addictive. As the last drop disappeared she still hungered for more. She licked the inside of her mouth clean.
    She still wanted more, but Dan gave a sigh of relief as he seemed to fall into a deeper sleep. She gave a sigh of her own as she pulled up his pants and hid away his shrinking manhood.
    As if on cue her family returned as the door swung open. She gave her lips a final lick as she hid the evidence of her first incestual experience, except of course for the warm feeling in her cum filled belly.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/5qec0j/mf_inc_fantasy_incest_story_from_mothers


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